hey guys, claymore,
i have a problem with win 10 task scheduler & rx580 nitro+ LE
it launches ethdcrminer64.exe without fan control an without custom gpu power config.
its kinda weird.. its seems it only loads parts of the config.txt file.
it is mining but only 26mh/s, the fan control is offline, gpu gets 75c and the fans are chill at 30% ^^
while ethman doesnt show gpu temp and fan speed.
after i launched saphirre trixx i saw the custom power config didnt apply too.
i did set win10 task scheluder with highest priority and 1min delay after windows boot without login and saved pw.
after i kill the task and launch ethdcrminer from bat file is is working normal..
31.5mh/s full fan control, ethman showing all data and custom gpu power
the logfile shows
all arguments get loaded. but claymore isnt able to apply them..
even after a manual launch from task scheduler ...
ADL no AMD Adapters found
for security reasons i would rather not launch from autostart after login
a workaround maybe could be done with trixx but i dont think it should be nessesary
my old rigs dont use custom gpu power and do stable fan at 80% so the problem never came up
but now that i am talking about that, ethman wont show gpu temp and fan speed on the old rigs too..
they all launch from task scheduler.... so it might be the same problem...
14:53:06:195 fbc ETH - Total Speed: 30.474 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
14:53:06:195 fbc ETH: GPU0 30.474 Mh/s
14:53:06:210 fbc SC - Total Speed: 548.524 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
14:53:06:210 fbc SC: GPU0 548.524 Mh/s
14:53:07:101 708 ADL: Cannot find any AMD adapters
14:53:10:393 708 ADL: Cannot find any AMD adapters
14:53:11:478 fbc ETH: checking pool connection...
14:53:11:478 fbc send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
14:53:11:540 fbc got 248 bytes
14:53:11:540 fbc buf: {"id":3,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0xc32659eda951e0cab286baf5115765c0858c3ec3dfaf73faf33482b1c8772f91","0x647f661938636e3134265b2cca03fa33cc878d00d108c449244f0437bf1f863a","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x3a3212"]}
14:53:11:556 fbc parse packet: 247
14:53:11:571 fbc ETH: job is the same
14:53:11:587 fbc new buf size: 0
14:53:13:672 708 ADL: Cannot find any AMD adapters
14:53:15:360 fbc got 248 bytes
14:53:15:360 fbc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x739c255ae7097090ce52544a107607c5f5b600886ef095266f59a4c6e3f56718","0x647f661938636e3134265b2cca03fa33cc878d00d108c449244f0437bf1f863a","0x0112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x3a3213"]}
14:53:15:360 fbc parse packet: 247
14:53:15:375 fbc ETH: job changed
14:53:15:375 fbc new buf size: 0
14:53:15:375 fbc ETH: 06/03/17-14:53:15 - New job from eu2.ethermine.org:4444
14:53:15:469 fbc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch #127
14:53:15:469 fbc ETH - Total Speed: 23.861 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
14:53:15:485 fbc ETH: GPU0 23.861 Mh/s
14:53:15:485 fbc SC - Total Speed: 429.498 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0
14:53:15:500 fbc SC: GPU0 429.498 Mh/s