Hello Claymore / forum,
I really need a hand with this one, not sure how to fix:
I'm mining single mode eth and encountering some hangups of the miner. Annoying thing is, despite using the "r" function the miner doesn't reboot when it hangs. I have to notice it being dead, then I have to hit a key (any), the miner then wakes up, realizes it's crashed and reboots itself. This caused me to lose several minutes / hours of mining time on few occasions.
Strange thins is, it's not crashing on OpenCL call, or anything GPU related (at least I think). It seems like it hangs when it tries to connect to the Developer Fee pool.
Here is a full log with debug enabled:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ah8nqzo4yni2vsl/1493767776_log.txt?dl=0and below is a cut from the log, the crash part:
15:29:27:006 1860 ETH - Total Speed: 167.456 Mh/s, Total Shares: 1636, Rejected: 0, Time: 13:59
15:29:27:006 1860 ETH: GPU0 25.107 Mh/s, GPU1 25.122 Mh/s, GPU2 29.488 Mh/s, GPU3 29.484 Mh/s, GPU4 28.749 Mh/s, GPU5 29.506 Mh/s
15:29:35:288 1860 ETH: checking pool connection...
15:29:35:288 1860 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
15:29:35:366 1860 got 243 bytes
15:29:35:366 1860 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0x6a2fcc2dac5a7fb341f7fa771030884dc694953b5a3677aacdcab7071315f491","0x064ef82d7269405eb06162f7d33f2b6aa2a23741c9a0d06a648460e17b48ab4c","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
15:29:35:366 1860 parse packet: 242
15:29:35:366 1860 ETH: job is the same
15:29:35:366 1860 new buf size: 0
15:29:43:570 18bc GPU0 t=67C fan=91%, GPU1 t=58C fan=78%, GPU2 t=54C fan=80%, GPU3 t=50C fan=78%, GPU4 t=59C fan=83%, GPU5 t=60C fan=84%
15:29:43:570 18bc em hbt: 0, fm hbt: 94,
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 0, hb time 188
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 1, hb time 375
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 2, hb time 94
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 3, hb time 281
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 4, hb time 31
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 5, hb time 188
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 6, hb time 172
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 7, hb time 16
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 8, hb time 125
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 9, hb time 281
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 10, hb time 125
15:29:43:570 18bc watchdog - thread 11, hb time 297
15:29:43:601 1860 send: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x9fbf161", "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e7f71ff7"]}
15:29:45:305 1860 ETH: checking pool connection...
15:29:45:305 1860 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
15:29:45:383 1860 got 243 bytes
15:29:45:383 1860 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0x6a2fcc2dac5a7fb341f7fa771030884dc694953b5a3677aacdcab7071315f491","0x064ef82d7269405eb06162f7d33f2b6aa2a23741c9a0d06a648460e17b48ab4c","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
15:29:45:383 1860 parse packet: 242
15:29:45:383 1860 ETH: job is the same
15:29:45:383 1860 new buf size: 0
15:29:55:318 1860 ETH: checking pool connection...
15:29:55:319 1860 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
15:29:55:393 1860 got 243 bytes
15:29:55:394 1860 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0x6a2fcc2dac5a7fb341f7fa771030884dc694953b5a3677aacdcab7071315f491","0x064ef82d7269405eb06162f7d33f2b6aa2a23741c9a0d06a648460e17b48ab4c","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
15:29:55:395 1860 parse packet: 242
15:29:55:396 1860 ETH: job is the same
15:29:55:398 1860 new buf size: 0
15:30:03:615 1860 send: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x9f8cc49", "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e7f71ff7"]}
15:30:05:332 1860 ETH: checking pool connection...
15:30:05:333 1860 send: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
15:30:05:760 1860 got 243 bytes
15:30:05:761 1860 buf: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"result":["0x6a2fcc2dac5a7fb341f7fa771030884dc694953b5a3677aacdcab7071315f491","0x064ef82d7269405eb06162f7d33f2b6aa2a23741c9a0d06a648460e17b48ab4c","0x00000000dbe6fecebdedd5beb573440e5a884d1b2fbf06fcce912adcb8d8422e"]}
15:30:05:763 1860 parse packet: 242
15:30:05:763 1860 ETH: job is the same
15:30:05:765 1860 new buf size: 0
15:30:15:081 1950 ETH: put share nonce 519bff80293b399a
15:30:15:083 1950 ETH round found 1 shares
15:55:40:216 1860 ETH: 05/03/17-15:30:15 - SHARE FOUND - (GPU 2)
15:55:40:220 1860 send: {"id":4,"method":"eth_submitWork","params":["0x519bff80293b399a","0x6a2fcc2dac5a7fb341f7fa771030884dc694953b5a3677aacdcab7071315f491","0xc475a1bca57fab5b20b8e7decf080360ebc074464b3e3677ecf9e7b3d2e321e1"]}
15:30:35:348 18c4 ETH: put share nonce c9d017803adfaecf
15:55:40:222 18c4 ETH round found 1 shares
15:32:15:445 1c38 ETH: put share nonce aa2ffde091330b49
15:55:40:224 1c38 ETH round found 1 shares
15:33:18:362 19ac ETH: put share nonce 16413580c30e50f9
15:33:25:701 1538 ETH: put share nonce c62a64a0cf2ab6e9
15:33:45:627 1998 ETH: put share nonce aea2bf40bdd5013a
15:33:59:073 11fc ETH: put share nonce d5d4dfc8d177f314
15:55:40:245 11fc ETH round found 1 shares
15:37:13:318 1c24 ETH: put share nonce 51176b024f44ff13
15:55:40:249 1c24 ETH round found 1 shares
15:55:40:252 1230 DevFee: ETH: Stratum - connecting to 'eth-eu1.nanopool.org' <> port 9999
15:55:40:253 18bc GPU0 t=67C fan=91%, GPU1 t=57C fan=77%, GPU2 t=54C fan=80%, GPU3 t=51C fan=78%, GPU4 t=59C fan=83%, GPU5 t=60C fan=85%
15:55:40:254 18bc watchdog - eminer thread hangs
15:55:40:255 18bc watchdog - fminer thread hangs
15:55:40:255 18bc em hbt: 1525171, fm hbt: 638000,
15:55:40:256 18bc Miner thread hangs, need to restart miner!
15:32:48:533 1964 ETH: put share nonce 50c1a748c9d2fd31
15:55:40:258 1964 ETH round found 1 shares
15:55:40:243 1538 ETH round found 1 shares
15:55:40:244 1998 ETH round found 1 shares
15:36:37:187 1950 ETH: put share nonce 519bff82a594e8dc
15:55:40:262 1950 ETH round found 1 shares
15:46:26:548 190c ETH: put share nonce 485779c45debdbd4
15:55:40:221 1860 buf overflow: 0 23814
15:55:40:265 1860 ETH: Connection lost, retry in 20 sec...
15:55:40:236 19ac ETH round found 1 shares
15:41:45:231 1c1c ETH: put share nonce 9eb1f8027d2fe356
15:55:40:267 1c1c ETH round found 1 shares
15:55:40:264 190c ETH round found 1 shares
15:31:29:573 19a8 ETH: put share nonce 379f505059c527aa
15:55:40:271 19a8 ETH round found 1 shares
15:55:40:272 1cb0
15:55:40:272 1cb0 GPU #0: Ellesmere, 4096 MB available, 36 compute units
15:55:40:273 1cb0 GPU #1: Ellesmere, 4096 MB available, 36 compute units
15:55:40:274 1cb0 GPU #2: Ellesmere, 4096 MB available, 36 compute units
15:55:40:274 1cb0 GPU #3: Ellesmere, 4096 MB available, 36 compute units
15:55:40:275 1cb0 GPU #4: Ellesmere, 4096 MB available, 36 compute units
15:55:40:276 1cb0 GPU #5: Ellesmere, 4096 MB available, 36 compute units
15:55:40:277 1cb0 ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 1637, Rejected: 0, Time: 14:25
15:55:40:278 1cb0 ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
15:55:40:278 1cb0 Incorrect ETH shares: GPU2 1, GPU3 3
15:55:40:279 1cb0 Pool switches: ETH - 1, DCR - 0
15:55:40:281 1cb0 Current ETH share target: 0x00000000dbe6fece (diff: 5000MH), epoch #121
15:55:40:311 1230 send: {"worker": "eth1.0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": ["0x34FAAa028162C4d4E92DB6abfA236A8E90fF2FC3", "x"], "id": 2, "method": "eth_submitLogin"}
15:55:40:311 1230 DevFee: ETH: Stratum - Connected (eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999)
15:55:40:393 1cb0 GPU0 t=35C fan=91%, GPU1 t=34C fan=78%, GPU2 t=29C fan=81%, GPU3 t=28C fan=78%, GPU4 t=28C fan=83%, GPU5 t=34C fan=85%
15:55:40:395 1cb0
15:55:41:439 18bc Restarting OK, exit...
Notice the 20 minute delay between logs messages. Thats when I noticed it's not doing anything and pressed a key, then it promptly rebooted the miner.