A) 2 xfx R9 295X2 = ~$900 = ~1000W = 1120 SOLs ZEC; ~___W = 120MHs ETH
B) 6 RX 470s = ~$1100 = ~880W = 1120 SOLs ZEC; ~920W = 164MHs ETH
C) 5 R9 390 = ~$1200 = ~800W = 1250 SOLs ZEC; ~___W =____MHs ETH
I think all of details / presumptions are correct. This would lead me to believe, as it stands, that C would be the most efficient option...correct?
a) would push those to the limits with default cooler & settings ~1100W. 2 x 295x2 = 4 x 290x = 4 x 44cu
b) 100 pages about this but how many at the wall posts?
c) you can do it with 800W but if power saving is your primary target then go with 470s. 5 x 390 = 5 x 40cu.
Can run some quick numbers with c) if you are interested, I have one 3x390 with power meter.
This is a rig with measurements at the wall for both ZEC and ETH using 6 x RX480's (this includes motherboard,ram,hd into the WPC)
Card Volt/Rom Miner GPU MEM ZEC (h/s) WATT HPW WPC ETH (h/s) WATT HPW WPC
RX480 -100mv Claymore v8 1150 2100 1075 720 1.493 120 175 880 0.198 147