You broke the rules... If you followed them you would get full stakes, but you didn't.
Hiding with your brand new account?
there are many who misunderstand the ATLANT signature rules, but I feel sorry for the participants who do more than 50 posts until the campaign is over and their work is wasted, by wasting their time with a long wait time, hopefully there is a policy of menger campaign
Signature campaign rules:
1. We are looking for active bitcointalk users - all members must post at least 50 posts with ATLANT signature by the time the ATLANT ICO ends to be eligible for a reward.
2. Users with negative trust are not eligible for the bounty campaign.
3. Spam is strictly prohibited. Users found spamming will be immediately and permanently disqualified, reported to the moderators, and banned from the bounty campaign.
4. Using multiple signatures at the same time is prohibited.
5. Users are not allowed to use another project's avatar.
6. Users are not allowed to change their signature in the middle of the campaign
7. Write at least 10 quality posts every week by the time the ATLANT ICO ends (~ 31/10/17) to be eligible for a reward.
Hey, don't understimate me. I never misunderstood anything when i joined on atlant's bounty. I have made more than 50 posts by the way.
The fact is, they have added 1 more rule without noticing to their bounty participants. .
Here is the proof,
You can see the translation for any of other language (I only got russian language) russian local translation for ATLANT signature campaign rules were;
Пpaвилa для yчacтникoв кaмпaнии пoдпиceй:
1. Mы зaинтepecoвaны в yчacтии aктивныx пoльзoвaтeлeй фopyмa bitcointalk. Кaждый yчacтник c пoдпиcью ATLANT для нaчиcлeния дoли дoлжeн ocтaвлять кaк минимyм 10 пocтoв в нeдeлю нa пpoтяжeнии вceгo вpeмeни пpoвeдeния кaмпaнии. Для пoлyчeния вoзнaгpaждeния дoлжнo быть ocтaвлeнo кaк минимyм 50 пocтoв зa вpeмя пpoвeдeния кaмпaнии.
2. Пoльзoвaтeли c нeгaтивным peйтингoм нe дoпycкaютcя к yчacтию в бayнти кaмпaнии.
3. Кaтeгopичecки зaпpeщaeтcя cпaм. Учacтники, yличeнныe в cпaмe , бyдyт нeмeдлeннo и нaвceгдa иcключeны, пpи этoм o иx дeйcтвияx бyдeт cooбщeнo мoдepaтopaм фopyмa. Taкжe пocлeдyeт иcключeниe из вceй бayнти кaмпaнии.
4. Зaпpeщeнo иcпoльзoвaть нecкoлькo пoдпиceй oднoвpeмeннo.
5. Учacтники нe дoлжны иcпoльзoвaть aвaтap дpyгoгo пpoeктa.
6. Учacтники нe мoгyт измeнить пoдпиcь в тeчeнии кaмпaнии.
There were ONLY 6 RULES for signature bounty from THE START, then they are adding 1 more rule without noticing their participants.
Too bad i've archived the page, Fact 1: There was no any rules stated on OP if missed a single week means aren't eligible for bounty
Fact 2: They have added 1 rule (7th) without noticing participants