AM is shipping the missing uart adapters express today, so hopefully I'll have them by the end of the week. Thankfully, I had enough spare BE controllers to get everyone from batch 1-5 up and running as quickly as possible. I appreciate those of you that temporarily gave up your reserved BE controller for other participants that need them.
With that said, I'll be sending reserved RPis tomorrow as well. Here's a short list of how to get them up and running.
1) You need a 5v 1a power supply and a usb cord with a micro usb connector
2) The RPi image is set up with DHCP. I gave it a hostname of "priminerapi". If you are unable to ping the RPi with that hostname, try running an app like "angryip" to find the ip address on your network
3) Minera is pre-installed with custom builds for ASICMiner and Rockminer enabled in the GUI. By default, I have the ASICMiner build selected with a startup parameter of "--bet-clk 23"
4) To access the minera interface, navigate to "
http://priminerapi/minera" in your web browser. If the hostname is not being resolved by your router, replace priminerapi with the ip address assigned by dhcp.
5) Web login\password is minera\minera
6) Secure Shell superuser is pi\raspberry. Shell user minera\minera is also enabled and you should use this id for most of your actions in the shell.
7) Build scripts for all versions of bfgminer, cgminer, and AM/RM specific versions reside in /var/www/minera
8) Run the build script "" as user "minera" to prevent any permissions issues.