I'm sure it's the supply not strong enough.
Okay, working on a 12volt motor supply. Now here's a problem - when I input my information, it won't change from "asicminer_test:password,update=Update/Restart" to the new user:pass and the neither of two stratum proxys accept it as such.
Ah, that's pretty, the accepted shares flying by on the mining proxy screen.
Two and a half hours later I find the supplied connector in the shipping envelop. These are quite a bear to power! The motor supply (non-switching) is heating. Put the switching supply that had failed to accept the start-up inrush current in parallel. Doesn't seem to be a big help. Tried turning down the motor supply and letting the 300watt supply (which claims good for 15 amps on 12 volt line) take over but it won't; it instead shuts down. Looks like I'll have to invest.