you have gone ahead an CANNED other peoples products that they are "NOT SECURE" on no basis of fact
In all likelihood, with security measures, the later you are, the more opportunity you have to put in additional security measures.
I suspect that there are techniques in development today, that won't be commercially available by the time this is released, but may be available by the time the 2014's come out.
Whether one avails oneself of ALL those new opportunities for defense of tamper-proofing is another matter. Some but not all of them are in the sticker itself, some require other objects or processes that are not apparent to the folks buying them. It is hubris to imagine that any of us alone know every possible thing about security, from the type of glue used to the thickness and fragility of the hologram to the means of securing and affixing it...
Arguing among ourselves is less productive to good security than working together. It might make sense for those of us involved in coin-making to form a private group for improving the state of the art and cooperate a bit more, provided we can "play well with others".
The Liberty Dollar's Warehouse Receipts had the most advanced security of its time. More than any paper currency of any nation at that time. It had holograms, microprinting, UV fluorescent ink trim, hot gold and silver foil stamping, and an invisible synthetic DNA security thread, and were also a work of artistic beauty 100% backed by bullion. They were harder to counterfeit than US Fed Reserve Notes and far and away the best paper money in existance, but, if done today, there is more that could be done. The state-of-the-art is always changing and it takes more than a little work to keep informed of all of the new developments.