Thanks organofcorti for finding the error!
I on the other hand always make these sorts of mistakes, which is why I'm good at finding them
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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chain hash timestamp duration amount shares confirmed
BTC b42aa431...17dc027d 1345848076 -1h-3m-29s 50.4055501 0 Yes
timestamp shares difficulty amount orphan buffer
165 1311026854 621401 1563028 50.13674 0 301.86576
166 1311065220 2810450 1563028 50.10101 0 261.88112
167 1311067565 236270 1563028 50.01450 0 304.33534
168 1311223958 9686912 1690896 50.00550 0 67.86614
169 1311269109 2770041 1690896 50.01400 0 35.94674
170 1311272103 270857 1690896 50.02950 1 27.93274
171 1311287350 1074074 1690896 50.08295 0 46.20250
172 1311326567 2407824 1690896 50.03550 0 24.98779
173 1311356721 1998726 1690896 50.12313 0 15.86280
174 1311372823 1041527 1690896 50.07450 0 35.09333
175 1311377806 409263 1690896 50.01850 0 73.00539
epoch difficulty sharecount blockreward confirmed poolbuffer
165 1311026854 1563028 621401 50.13674 Yes 301.86579
166 1311065220 1563028 2810450 50.10101 Yes 261.88116
167 1311067565 1563028 236270 50.01450 Yes 304.33538
168 1311223958 1690896 9686912 50.00550 Yes 67.86618
169 1311269109 1690896 2770041 50.01400 Yes 35.94678
170 1311272103 1690896 270857 50.02950 Invalid 77.96228
171 1311287350 1690896 1074074 50.08295 Yes 96.23204
172 1311326567 1690896 2407824 50.03550 Yes 75.01733
173 1311356721 1690896 1998726 50.12313 Yes 65.89234
174 1311372823 1690896 1041527 50.07450 Yes 85.12287
175 1311377806 1690896 409263 50.01850 Yes 123.03493
timestamp shares difficulty amount orphan buffer
165 1311026854 621401 1563028 50.13674 0 301.86576
166 1311065220 2810450 1563028 50.10101 0 261.88112
167 1311067565 236270 1563028 50.01450 0 304.33534
168 1311223958 9686912 1690896 50.00550 0 67.86614
169 1311269109 2770041 1690896 50.01400 0 35.94674
170 1311272103 270857 1690896 50.02950 1 27.93274
171 1311287350 1074074 1690896 50.08295 0 46.20250
172 1311326567 2407824 1690896 50.03550 0 24.98779
173 1311356721 1998726 1690896 50.12313 0 15.86280
174 1311372823 1041527 1690896 50.07450 0 35.09333
175 1311377806 409263 1690896 50.01850 0 73.00539
epoch difficulty sharecount blockreward confirmed poolbuffer
165 1311026854 1563028 621401 50.13674 Yes 301.86579
166 1311065220 1563028 2810450 50.10101 Yes 261.88116
167 1311067565 1563028 236270 50.01450 Yes 304.33538
168 1311223958 1690896 9686912 50.00550 Yes 67.86618
169 1311269109 1690896 2770041 50.01400 Yes 35.94678
170 1311272103 1690896 270857 50.02950 Invalid 77.96228
171 1311287350 1690896 1074074 50.08295 Yes 96.23204
172 1311326567 1690896 2407824 50.03550 Yes 75.01733
173 1311356721 1690896 1998726 50.12313 Yes 65.89234
174 1311372823 1690896 1041527 50.07450 Yes 85.12287
175 1311377806 1690896 409263 50.01850 Yes 123.03493
timestamp shares difficulty amount orphan buffer
165 1311026854 621401 1563028 50.13674 0 301.86576
166 1311065220 2810450 1563028 50.10101 0 261.88112
167 1311067565 236270 1563028 50.01450 0 304.33534
168 1311223958 9686912 1690896 50.00550 0 67.86614
169 1311269109 2770041 1690896 50.01400 0 35.94674
170 1311272103 270857 1690896 50.02950 1 27.93274
171 1311287350 1074074 1690896 50.08295 0 46.20250
172 1311326567 2407824 1690896 50.03550 0 24.98779
173 1311356721 1998726 1690896 50.12313 0 15.86280
174 1311372823 1041527 1690896 50.07450 0 35.09333
175 1311377806 409263 1690896 50.01850 0 73.00539
epoch difficulty sharecount blockreward confirmed poolbuffer
165 1311026854 1563028 621401 50.13674 Yes 301.86579
166 1311065220 1563028 2810450 50.10101 Yes 261.88116
167 1311067565 1563028 236270 50.01450 Yes 304.33538
168 1311223958 1690896 9686912 50.00550 Yes 67.86618
169 1311269109 1690896 2770041 50.01400 Yes 35.94678
170 1311272103 1690896 270857 50.02950 Invalid 77.96228
171 1311287350 1690896 1074074 50.08295 Yes 96.23204
172 1311326567 1690896 2407824 50.03550 Yes 75.01733
173 1311356721 1690896 1998726 50.12313 Yes 65.89234
174 1311372823 1690896 1041527 50.07450 Yes 85.12287
175 1311377806 1690896 409263 50.01850 Yes 123.03493