CLARIFICATION: THE PENALTY is still on! Probably Skill misinterpreted something while i wasn't around! Anyway the coins from the penalty will remain undistributed! Meaning that the coins will remain untouched till we we'll find some good use to them, probably to fill or to cover existing funds!
If he doesn't understand he should not be posting. This only leads to confusion.
What do these coins help you, if the community turns the back to your coin. right. Nothing!
Distribute the remaining coins among your users. Give them a cookie and they will appreciate. That's what NEM is doing differently.
They care about their community. Or at least, it seems so. They keep up appearances.
Think about what is good for your community in first place. Then think about what fills your pockets. Community will be your marketers, as everyone is intered in a success. And as long as you haven't lauchend, investors are your community. If they feel betraied, they will dump the coin as soon as they get their stake, and the coin will be dead before it could lift off...
What you communicate to me is, that you are more interested in filling your pockets as quickly and with as many BTC as possible, more than you care about creating something for the long run. And this is a very bad feeling.
You must communicate that you want to build something that lasts in the long run. That all your energy flows into this coins. That's what we - the community - want to hear and see by your actions.