Not sure if you heard the news but your good deal was rewarded almost 50% by my co-GBC thomas_s. who was touched by what you did.
He bought you a R3 share worth $115 (12-15GH/s up to 48-60GH/s if 4x MPP kicks in) for you being so nice & did the same for the R1 gent I sent your donation to. He also said he's never seen such behavior in a GB before, so: thank you!
Take care!
DZ Wow! please say thank you very much to thomas_s, am very honored and humbled by his actions. In return, I will donate the 50% hashrate to Mr. DZ's chosen charity, while keeping the other 50%. The other 50% will be donated to my chosen XXXXX charity (Tzu Chi and White Cross).
I always keep this quote in my life by E. Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
I know I cant change the world. But at least if my time is up, I did something right.
Thank you again too Mr. DZ, you opened the goodness in this bitcoin community.
I just stopped by to say I was back on the case but someone keeps cutting onions next to me.
The exchange above was prompted by actions taken in R2, and R3 & R4 of this co-operative's community fundraising.
For those that don't have the background info for what XXXXXX was talking about: you gentlemen. I'm donating half a share of R1 GB to this same person you already donated to. Since our anon. hero passed on half of *his* donation that's essentially a full share spread in 2 HF GBs, one a Baby Jet, the other a Sierra.
It looks like about $310 $400 worth of BTC has been donated in the R3/R4 thread and R2 thread in the form of BTC and outright ownership of HashfFast GB shares! Amazing! I'm thankful and happy to be a conduit for this goodwill. This is *not* a solicitation. Please don't PM us for donations. It was simply 4 acts of random kindness. Not to toot our horn: This is over and above what any other co-operative has done on these forums for complete strangers, as best as I can tell.
BTW, for those wondering how the heck this co-operative works out: yes, we vote on *all* major decisions.
I've set up a separate thread just for the R1 gents so that I make sure their needs aren't being overlooked (our 3rd R1 vote: To Overclock or not Overclock our Baby Jet hosted in NY? If so, how much should we overclock?).
I'm an amateur historian fascinated by the changes going on around us and happy to actually participate at what history will still likely see as the groundfloor of Cryptocurrency's eventual integration and takeover of many aspects of our society and economy.
I'm also a humanist in every sense of the word feeling a sense of kinship with, oh just about 99%+ of humanity. I try to run my co-operative in the same fashion, trying to include everyone and value their unique opinions, insights, and strengths. I listed all those occupations above not to show who's running the co-op-
Answer: as admins: me and jungle_dave, as a co-op: ALL of us. This shows the diversity of opinion and thought in this co-op, and our strengths as a group.
BTW for those w/ an IT background: feel free to volunteer for a 3rd co-admin for anyone w/ a share in a miner; we're a mesh network, the more redundancy, the better IMO
OK, I'm going back to the IT caves doing GB work behind the scenes that helps to keep ownership of shares/accounting/wallets for payouts/payment confirmations are 100% correct. [
UPDATE: I'm CC'ing thomas_s so that both of our records are correct about anon. shares and wallet addresses for R3/R4.]
It takes time to make sure we're absolutely correct about the GB ownership and payments/payouts. If you PMed me, I'll update the PMed reservations sent to me shortly. I'm still catching up on PMs so I should be contacting you shortly if you messaged me. Again: please, *no* donations are being solicited *or* expected.
Thank you. It's an honor to serve you all and to be a service to you all.