oh, just checked. ghash.io has 0% fees.
What is their revenue stream then? Do they live on donations only?
Or is their main goal market dominance, and they operate on a minus simply to dominate bitcoin?
Their apparent goal is to get as much coin into their trading system as they can so people can buy GH with it or trade it and they collect the fees.
One thing I always worried about when I had some coin with them (I have almost nothing now, like 0.5 GHS worth) was how much coin they keep in escrow for payouts. This industry is certainly not regulated. As far as I know this is not disclosed, and they very well could be trading/gambling with their holdings as well by converting it to fiat or other coins from time to time. Don't forget that they aren't a bank.
Having them holding, or supposedly holding large amounts of coin has always made me nervous about leaving any significant (to me) amount of coin with them. Would they be able to handle a "run on the bank"? Is their ulterior motive to move/manipulate markets rather than perform any sort of attack?
If corruption can easily exist (and it can) in regulated environments, then it certainly can behind the closed doors here. People here should really re-evaluate the risk model they are investing in when they put hash or coin here.
Ah, why do we bother. People are buying GHS at crazy rates right now. Everyone who is willing to think for themselves or understand is already doing something about it. The rest of the people just don't or can't understand.