To some people they take it as catching fun through this means and so also they applied same approach in using other animals as well for gambling purpose not considering their own right and feeling for a better life, maybe this include part of the reasons why you will see the association of livestock management organizations taking drastic measures against the abuse on living animal with the way we use or handle them for our variety uses.
The gambling should be taken as the fun based one,cock fighting was the best entertainer of Asia nation.From the ancient time,people using the animals for the betting and for the entrainment.The horse race was most popular one all over the world.For the horse race people using the Persian horse and many country people use to buy the horse.
Thus the horse import and export most famous one only because for the betting.Before the king used horse,now most of the horse was used in betting compared to the travel.Like wise the cock import and export to the Asian nation from various countries.The gambler should take the cock fight as only for the fun.