is now war but i think this business operators did not understand that bitcoin and the people that using don't need anymore the old financial system. We want to change it or to completely destroy it and create something new.
Instead in their opinion bitcoin must change to be a small part of this old system. this is wrong.
If you want to understand the behavior of Andresen, Hearn, and Ver* you should continue reading here: outlook that their condition will improve is not too bright:
The prognosis for younger persons with narcissistic disorders is hopeful to the extent that the disturbances reflect a simple lack of life experience. The outlook for long-standing NPD, however, is largely negative. Some narcissists are able, particularly as they approach their midlife years, to accept their own limitations and those of others, to resolve their problems with envy, and to accept their own mortality. Most patients with NPD, on the other hand, become increasingly depressed as they grow older within a youth-oriented culture and lose their looks and overall vitality. The retirement years are especially painful for patients with NPD because they must yield their positions in the working world to the next generation. In addition, they do not have the network of intimate family ties and friendships that sustain most older people.
(*) Now also known as
great point! Indeed, the are sick.
-He or she has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates accomplishments and demands to be considered superior without real evidence of achievement).
-He or she lives in a dream world of exceptional success, power, beauty, genius, or "perfect" love.
- He or she thinks of him- or herself as "special" or privileged, and that he or she can only be understood by other special or high-status people- He or she is exploitative towards others and takes advantage of them.
- He or she "has an attitude" or frequently acts in haughty or arrogant ways.
Are't these common to called "elite shit" who say that they represent BTC? Remember their interviews, their speeches.
They only want to control Bitcoin. Who are they? Look to the big exchangers' shareholders(they are the same; as I stated in a previous post). They are "they"
All of them are connected. It's not a theory of conspiration. It's the pure truth with facts.
You should be blind or ignorant not seeing that.