There are many option other than BIP 101 such as BIP 100, 102 & 103.
I think BIP 100 & BIP 103 looks better than BIP 101,so why many companies want use BIP 101? Are they have hidden motives or there are flaws in BIP 100 & BIP 103?
BIP103 is to low.
Wuille proposes to increase the block size limit with 4.4% by January 2017 and automatically repeat this process every 97 days, more or less. This allows for a yearly block size growth rate of 17.7%. According to Wuille, this is consistent with the average growth rate of bandwidth over the past years. The increases of the block size limit will then continue up until July 2063. At that rate, the maximum block size will reach 2MB by 2021, 8 MB by 2030, and eventually end up at slightly less than 2GB in 2063.
The maximum block size could double every 2.7 months, leading to growth at rates of 16x + every year.
The only ceiling on this would be the message size limit of 32MB. This is far faster than allowed by BIP101 and has the potential to truly put running a full client out of reach of all but professionals., it add
None will start business on a network that can have a size a day and a different size two months after and another one the next months (up and down)
It's pure logic, nothing hidden.
lel talking about logic, please do share as to why numbers regarding blocksize woudl seem too low, if not to high in the first place.
and do not forget to bring on the maths and logic at the party.
Currently, the Bitcoin blockchain is growing at a rate of ~1.2 GB every single month. Gavincoin’s 20 MB blocks would grow the size of its blockchain by 2.88 GIGABYTES PER DAY or 1.05 TERABYTES PER YEAR since they will be filled with essentially zero-fee spam transactions by design.
If you’re hosting your Gavincoin node on a VPS, you’re looking at costs in the order of $1,000 per year, or 50x what a Bitcoin node costs! Even if you’re running your Gavincoin node at home, and you want to buy 5 years of storage up-front, you’re looking at $300 for the hard drive and another $250 per year in additional Internet bandwidth capacity, which is again, about 50x more than you’re currently paying. to this page: Visa was doing 807 transactions per second in 1992.
Dividing the average transaction block size by the average number of transactions figures out the average transaction size and then dividing that by 1mb then dividing that out across ten minutes makes a number of around 2.8 transactions per second per megabyte of block space.
So a 100x increase in block size would get us to about 1/3rd of the way to the network capacity of the visa network from 1992
and about one half one one percent of the way to the capacity of the visa network in 2015.
Why is block size even talked about in the context of scaling again? It seems like even jumps of 100x or 1000x or whatever make virtually ZERO impact.else, give us a break and fork off, troll.