In their defense, the bet could be argued to require +/- 10% as delivered (eg, disqualifying firmware updates), but if this performance issue had merely been my software, they'd have defrauded people...
Except for the part where the advertised performance was 60Gh. Of which 29.4 Gh is not within 10% or 20% or 40%.
Maff. They say Bitcoins are based on it.
(This, of course, leaving aside: that a reputable site like Bitbet would never consider the "testimony" of a lying sack of shit like yourself; that "little Single" was not a product offered by BFL at any point; that you are not a customer of BFL; that no delivery took place; that no proof was in fact offered in time - no, company-released publicity photos do not count as "proof" - and that we still haven't had a good explanation for the box of fans - which apparently aren't needed at all, in spite of being "the product". Among various other things.)