The dealer seed is provided after the hand is played, which that in itself tells me that the game IS NOT provably fair.
The dealer's seed is provided after the hand is played to ensure fairness. Player would know the outcome of the game if the seed is provided before the game therefore the house hash the initial deck in form of SHA-256 (which is the combination of the server seed as well as the initial deck) Before you start the game, you are shown the hash for the next game and you are free to input your own seed , simply copy the SHA hash and verify it when you think something is fishy ( there are verifier on the site )
var initialDeck = ["Ah","2h","3h","4h","5h"];
var playerSeed = "lucky";
var seedSHA = sha256.hex(playerSeed);
var seedInt = parseInt(seedSHA.slice(-8), 16);
var mersenneTwister = new MersenneTwister(seedInt);
var finalDeck = fisherYatesShuffle(initialDeck,
Or simply use that if you dont want to trust the verifier on the site ( which should generate the same result ). The code above is taken from their provably fair pages btw
From my perspective it looks like the dealer seed or "salt" could be changed to find a suitable set of cards that favor the house without ever changing the Player seed.
Correct, that is why you are shown the hashed seed
before you start the game to ensure fairness that the house wont be able cheat you unknowingly. The good thing about using this hashed seed is that if the house attempted to change it, the player will know exactly that it has been change . Therefore if you want to verify this, simply copy the hashed seed before the start of the game and double check it after the card is dealt