I am very confused with Solana Defi. I use radium.io for providing liquidity and then using those liquidity tokens for staking. I have read
https://cointracking.freshdesk.com/en/support/solutions/articles/29000040323-import-of-liquidity-pool-mining-transactions but I'm still not understanding. I have cointracking import my Solana wallet. It imports the following (note, cointracking labels these SOL Liquidity and SOL Staked):
(Liquidity pool)
Withdraw 640.21371600 USDC from my wallet
Deposit 640.21371600 USDC to SOL Liquidity
Withdraw 3137.02939871 DFL2 from my wallet
Deposit 3137.02939871 DFL2 to SOL Liquidity
Deposit 12261.15195211 DFL2USDC liquidity token to my wallet
Withdraw 12261.15195211 DFL2USDC liquidity token from my wallet
Deposit 12261.15195211 DFL2USDC liquidity token to SOL Staked
Staking 437.29961819 DFL2 staking rewards in my wallet
Staking 258.29002079 DFL2 staking rewards in my wallet
Staking 629.48067129 DFL2 staking rewards in my wallet
Staking 1993.53963288 DFL2 staking rewards in my wallet
Staking 0.00441913 DFL2 staking rewards in my wallet
Withdraw 12261.15195211 DFL2USDC from SOL Staked
Deposit 12261.15195211 DFL2USDC to my wallet
(Remove Liquidity)
Withdraw 12261.15195211 DFL2USDC liquidity token from my wallet
Withdraw 180.11753300 USDC from SOL Liquidity
Withdraw 3137.02939871 DFL2 from SOL Liquidity
Deposit 3137.02939871 DFL2 to my wallet
Deposit 180.11753300 USDC to my wallet
Income 8495.82519361 DFL2 to my wallet
I really have no idea if this is correct! The USDC I receive back is less than I deposited due to impermanent loss. When I check 'balance by exchange', SOL Liquidity shows a positive USDC balance. I do see some gains for the tax report but again not clear if this is being calculated correctly. I've been struggling w/ this for days. Can you help me understand how to adjust these transactions?