
Topic: COLOSED [GROUP BUY6] Happy New Year Giveaway Bitmain Antminer S1 180GH 3 BTC - page 6. (Read 36452 times)

sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
kaega is correct about the default ip on antminers.....
full member
Activity: 158
Merit: 100

Both of my AntMiners stickers say, unlike previous models which had various, but they are ACTUALLY

sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
If anybody want to sell Antminer in UK within the next 48 hours , collection.
I am open for offers.
I will pay cash or btc on collection.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
I will probably turn off a working unit....take its fan and install it on faulty unit to see if it even mines....I can get into the interface, but it will not it probably has some sort of fan/safety off switch. If it mines, then it is a simple fan replacement, which that is what i think it is...dam, my luck, I will check out the fan, I was reading about some bad PSU fans on one of these threads, and the guy ordered 2 that turned out to have bad fans, but the fans were not properly seat on the shaft, so he pushed the in further, they seated, and fans now spin and PSUs now here is to hoping that my bad fan fixes as easy or else time to find a fan....I shall be back!
sr. member
Activity: 348
Merit: 251
I have some of these for other purposes ( ) and it would definitely do the job - you might just need to trick the antminer into believing that it's controlling the fan, although you will have the fan blowing full speed all the time - note: the fan I linked to is 12v DC - I'm not sure if the power output on the antminer, for the fan, is at that wait for the gaffer himself I suppose. AFAIK - there is no technical manual release specifying these details although it may be written on the fan itself if you take the cover off. Wink

You could also check if you have a multimeter...
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
sushi is online Smiley
I am waiting for tracking info Smiley)
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Dam, I think I have a faulty is dead and I don't think it will mine unless it senses a fan....need a fan ASAP....anyone know where to get these type of fans??

or anyone care to explain how to connect like a high cfm PC TOWER fan with only 3 pins, and not the 4 like on the Antminer??

It's called a 120mm delta fan - I'd assume that one is the speed regulator.
mack, thanks for the either where to find, or google on how to convert a 3 pin fan to connect to four pin if its possible??
sr. member
Activity: 348
Merit: 251
Dam, I think I have a faulty is dead and I don't think it will mine unless it senses a fan....need a fan ASAP....anyone know where to get these type of fans??

or anyone care to explain how to connect like a high cfm PC TOWER fan with only 3 pins, and not the 4 like on the Antminer??

It's called a 120mm delta fan - I'd assume that one is the speed regulator.

All sorts of flow rates -||,&filtersHidden=false&appliedHidden=false&autoApply=false&originalQueryURL=%2Fjsp%2Fsearch%2Fbrowse.jsp%3FN%3D2031%2B204671%26Ntk%3Dgensearch%26Ntt%3D120mm%2Bdelta%2Bfan%26Ntx%3Dmode%2Bmatchallpartial%26No%3D0%26getResults%3Dtrue%26appliedparametrics%3Dtrue%26locale%3Den_UK%26divisionLocale%3Den_UK%26catalogId%3D%26skipManufacturer%3Dfalse%26skipParametricAttributeId%3D%26prevNValues%3D2031%2B204671
sr. member
Activity: 348
Merit: 251
Dam, I think I have a faulty is dead and I don't think it will mine unless it senses a fan....need a fan ASAP....anyone know where to get these type of fans??

or anyone care to explain how to connect like a high cfm PC TOWER fan with only 3 pins, and not the 4 like on the Antminer??

It's called a 120mm delta fan - I'd assume that one is the speed regulator.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
Dam, I think I have a faulty is dead and I don't think it will mine unless it senses a fan....need a fan ASAP....anyone know where to get these type of fans??

or anyone care to explain how to connect like a high cfm PC TOWER fan with only 3 pins, and not the 4 like on the Antminer??
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Come on sushi, i did pay for two miners and got only one. Plus the fact u didnt supply tracking details.
Any chance for any details so i can check where is my unit?

Order 158 delivered and 177 still somewhere there.

Ok, my order is in germany and should be delivered on monday.
I got tracking details and one s1 is hashing already.

Good luck guys.

Sushi have you got any newsletter or something so i can track new GB?
how you get tracking number ??
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1039
Come on sushi, i did pay for two miners and got only one. Plus the fact u didnt supply tracking details.
Any chance for any details so i can check where is my unit?

Order 158 delivered and 177 still somewhere there.

Ok, my order is in germany and should be delivered on monday.
I got tracking details and one s1 is hashing already.

Good luck guys.

Sushi have you got any newsletter or something so i can track new GB?
sr. member
Activity: 348
Merit: 251
Activity: 2324
Merit: 1039
Come on sushi, i did pay for two miners and got only one. Plus the fact u didnt supply tracking details.
Any chance for any details so i can check where is my unit?

Order 158 delivered and 177 still somewhere there.
hero member
Activity: 677
Merit: 500
Thanks, Sushi!  Mine arrived as well.  Bitmain sure is generous with the thermal paste!

One seems to be slightly underperforming even though I left it mining for 24 hours.  It would still say I am getting 172-175 GH/s while the others are doing between 182 to 185 GH.  I wonder where the other 10 GH went with that one.  On the underperforming unit, I'd get a X on one or both blades, but it will go away after I power cycle it.  Sometimes it comes back, sometimes it doesn't.

Those of you who bought the Rosewill 1000W Capstone PSU, beware: the cooling fan may be "bad" out of the box.  I saw a few NewEgg reviews about it, but thought it was a fluke. When I received mine (I ordered 2), BOTH were bad!  I was going to RMA it but accidentally pushed down on one of the fans.  This actually fixed it!

I think whoever made the fan didn't seat the hub into the shaft.  Just push in on the hub a bit and problem solved on both PSUs.

Overall, I'm excited to see a total of 6 Antminers mining away.  This is a huge upgrade from my 11x Erupter Blades.  Not excited to see the electric bill though.
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
100000133 Received Tuesday

100000179 will Receive today

100000212 not Shipped yet
where are u from >?
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
100000133 Received Tuesday

100000179 will Receive today

100000212 not Shipped yet
hey wpt1, you got tracking order number is 17x, but no tracking 126 got here early was hoping the same for this order....hmmm
ust called in to the office, 3 boxes from china are waiting for me!!!

Sushi, you the best, right there along with KNC....soon as I get a chance, another small token of bitcoin appreciation is heading your way!!!
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
100000133 Received Tuesday

100000179 will Receive today

100000212 not Shipped yet
hey wpt1, you got tracking order number is 17x, but no tracking 126 got here early was hoping the same for this order....hmmm
hero member
Activity: 896
Merit: 500
cxboyminer, do you have more tracking numbers? I only got 1 of my 2...

sushi seems to be very busy as he isn't responding.

if its not been shipped i'd rather know than just being ignored.

I don't have tracking numbers.

Activity: 59
Merit: 0
cxboyminer, do you have more tracking numbers? I only got 1 of my 2...

sushi seems to be very busy as he isn't responding.

if its not been shipped i'd rather know than just being ignored.
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