But the real question is, is there at least an interest to improve the community and its platform from the staff.
If I had to choose only 1 it's about the email verification to be able to change email/password. To protect its users is something to consider important. It's as if someone raped you in my living room and I tell you I have no time to look at it
I'm all for brainstorming. I'd rather my ideas be shot down or picked apart than nothing getting discussed at all. I'm not saying all these ideas are great either and some certainly have flaws or may cause more harm than good, but I'm just putting them out there. I'm sure many of them can be improved by others suggestions, and hopefully people can suggest far better proposals. Somethings like captchas just might not really make much of a difference and cause more annoyance than issues they solve, but other things like assigning sub board mods and requiring a merit achievement for Juniors are no brainers in my opinion and are not disruptive. Same goes for punishing ICO campaigns who are responsible for the majority of the destruction here.
Theymos seems to be against them going by a comment he made today. One at the top of a few of the main subs like this would be lucrative:
That way advertisers can target their market ie a gambling site would advertise in the gambling board and so on.