We don't have any control over the rest of the world, and how they decide to handle this situation is not our responsibility. It is also completely a non-sequitur relating to this discussion. You also assume that there is no one who would profit from burning down the world economy, and there you would be dead wrong. Not only is this a perfect scapegoat to collapse the global economy which has been showing cracks for many years, even when you look at it from China's perspective, they benefit from stalling out the rest of the globe giving them longer to dig their claws in and fight the world's resistance to the system of dependence they have created on them for their manufacturing capacity. It is essentially like China losing at a game of monopoly, rather than admitting defeat, they flip over the table hoping that they might have a chance to find a better position rather than deal with the assured fate of their loss.
Regarding Trump, that is cute how you threw in the recent meme level news you seem to rely on. He didn't tell anyone to do anything, he asked a question. Furthermore what does the word "disinfectant" mean? Lets break it down. Infectant = something that infects, dis = to negate or remove. Disinfectant = something that negates or removes an infectious agent. People desperate to confirm their bias and looking desperately for any "gotcha" moment, real or manufactured rush to this like a bitch in heat because it has great optics in spite of its total lack of substance. Certain entities have been working overtime for DECADES to strip this country of its freedoms, because if we remain free, we will always serve as an example for other nations to desire what we have, freedom. The USA is the last stumbling block in the path of creating a globalist dictatorship. In summary, yes they very much do have motives to do these things in spite of your tenacious clinging to the buttocks of normalcy bias.
As far as the "free money" thanks for pointing out it is ineffective at preventing the shut down of production capacity. No one is being "forced" to come to work. Last I checked slavery was still illegal here. People however are being forced into poverty, homelessness, starvation, and suicide because of state mandates prohibiting them from running their businesses and earning a living to support themselves and others. This isn't a 1 day shut down, this is months on end of shutdown. I am glad you are comfortable. Other people aren't, but that is a sacrifice you are willing to make isn't it? It is kind of hard to shelter in place if you are homeless is it not? Lets just ignore the fact that even if everything opened up tomorrow, nothing would stop you from just staying home to protect yourself now would it? Regarding deaths, you would rather pretend that the peak of effect in one month is not a bell curve but something that will continue month after month. You know damned well even if ZERO precautions were taken, that is not how diseases work. Far more people die from car accidents every year, if this is the logic we are using we should ban cars immediately. No one has a right to put other people's lives at risk driving around after all.
This isn't just about cost of life or cost in money. Your precious projections you claim that have been so carefully worked out have no way to measure the permanent loss of production capacity over time that will result as the after effect of this no matter how much you chant "the government is here to help!" You are right, people don't give a shit. They want to sit at home safe and collect checks for doing nothing like an extended paid vacation. Unfortunately those little slips of paper don't mean shit when the people who actually produce the products you need to survive are driven out of business never to return.
I don't really care about Trump one way or another so I don't need to attack or defend him, I think the man is a moron personally, but I also respect people's right to vote for a moron if they so choose.
I would say your naivety is cute, but I know you are smarter than some of the others here, and you are deliberately leaving things out to make an argument to what you feel has more importance. My point about every other country in the world was to say that its ridiculous to think that this is an internal political game we're playing when nearly every other country in the world is dealing with the same problem and rallying together to deal with the problem rather than polarizing things even further. Everyone else in the world wants to laugh at our incompetence, but our health effects them as well so the laughing is a bit more stifled than it would be otherwise.
Globalism happens when transportation gets better. Staying as the good ole 1800s America protected by a sea gets tricky when we have airplanes that'll get us to Europe in 6 hours. If the global dictator's plan was to breed a country stupid enough to kill itself in order to stay out of their clutches, they're doing a fantastic job. We're tanking our own economy and killing our own people faster than they possibly could, so congratulations! We don't have time to play around with the spooky possibilities when we have an immediate threat. I actually agree with a lot of your thoughts at least to a degree in a regular situation, but its not the time to figure out what to have for dinner when you're inside of a burning building.
The no one is being forced to come to work thing is an absolute joke, you know just as well as I do the power employers hold over their employees. Look at the meat processing plants where they were told to come in sick otherwise they'd risk losing their jobs. We like to say idealistic things about how everyone has free will and slavery is illegal, but wage/debt slavery is a very real concept thats absolutely cemented as part of human nature. Why did we ever allow ourselves to be serfs, why did we ever allow ourselves to be slaves, I certainly would never have been a slave, yet these things keep repeating. As soon as the government says we're ready to open up, whether thats ill advised or not, every company where the decisionmaking body isn't right on the front line with the minimum wage slaves will be opening up. In states that open too soon, unemployment benefits dry up for those that know that they should not return back to work. Just a reminder, unemployment is something they take out of your paycheck and hold onto, it is your money, its not the government giving you a handout. I'm not sure why you think I'm comfortable, I pretty explicitly said that I was not, and my situation isn't all that great, but it beats being dead! Again, I repeat, going against "the plan" makes things worse. We've all got a shitty situation and we can deal with it, or we can make it worse.
I'm actually pretty glad you brought up risk analysis. In New York right now, Corona virus is on track to kill more people than every single cause of death.
in 2017 155,000 people died in New York of all causes. Old age, heart disease, cancer, etc.
https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/vital_statistics/2017/#mortin 2016 154,000 people died in New York of all causes.
https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/vital_statistics/2016/table31a.htmin 2015 154,000 people as well
https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/vital_statistics/2015/table31a.htmYeah yeah I know the risk isn't the same for population dense areas versus rural Montana, but you'll see similar results for all of the states that have been hit hard, and again we're just at the beginning of this.
I'm floored by your statement about, staying at home and collecting checks. I'd rather earn 10x more money working and not have to worry about how I'll be able to square the debts I'm incurring now. What I do agree with is simple math and risk analysis, insurance companies have been doing it successfully forever, so I'm fairly confident that the US government has the ability to weigh the risks. Follow me here cameraman, we reopen everything back up, and the statisticians predict that every 1 in X people will end up hospitalized as the result, we estimate how many people it'll spread to from them and their risk of hospitalization, we then figure out how many people total will likely end up hospitalized/dead. Add in the effect of people missing 2-3 weeks of work home sick, etc. We tally up all of the bills versus all of the economic benefit of them going back to work, and if we tally it all up and its negative, they tell us to stay home or we'll make things worse. We've got a baseline of lives lost, short term/long term economic damage. Measures are in place to minimize all of that. Losing a job for 2 months due to a natural disaster sucks, losing it for 40 years because it kills the person working there is worse.
If I was making $10/hr checking tickets at the movie theater, I'd like to say I'd be in a position to weigh the chances of me incurring $140k worth of medical debt versus the value of my paycheck, but a rumbling stomach makes that decision for you sometimes. Or, we can listen to the medical professionals that are collaborating with the government and their statisticians to follow a responsible reopening plan that minimizes economic impact and fatalities. Or we can throw temper tantrums and starve and infect more people than the absolute minimum.