Dude, that thing in the 2nd vid looks massive.. are you sure it is a 5G tower/mast?
I think it safe to say that the big daddy is generally NOT (and that's why I chose the term EMF instead of 5G.) The reason being that it is dominated by parabolic antenna. These would be high bandwidth point-to-point links which is cheaper and easier than laying fiber.
I did spot stories of 5G in some city in Peru since it was a bone of contention with the Huawai kerfuffle, but I didn't cross reference to see if this was even the same city.
An interesting note is that I was buying some land recently and in the research I noticed that a big strip was claimed by the telco. It was maybe half a kilometer from one of these types of towers and up-hill. The tower was not on top of a hill as they usually are. I got to analyzing this and decided that perhaps the power levels in that area exceeded a safe level and the telco wanted/needed a legal out in case people got injured. To test this hypothesis, I drew a line and followed it and just as I expected, about 20 km there was another tower right in line.
It should be noted that no where in any sort of publicly accessible documentation from the planing/zoning people or anywhere else was there any mention of the area, and there were houses all over the place. It was right in the middle of the city. The FCC had no useful information at all, and in fact when I talked to an FCC person later, the lady had no concept of what a power level even was.
These markings and lines are pathetic to say the least.. It looks like they're some sheeps or slaves waiting in line.. The insane number of misinformation flying around us is shared on purpose imo, it's to confuse us constantly and reminds me of the video from BBC about
non-linear warfare very well.
We've been confused so well we have been perfectly steered away from the truth. We have arguments for
any narrative: you have arguments for any of the theories about what caused COVID, you can argue about the pandemic being real or fake, about microchipping being on its way or not etc.
It's a big strategy and I think it's the same one they have been using for a long time (the non-linear warfare) now. If we did not have everything in contradiction, we, as a community, could've headed towards the truth long time ago. But we just can't. And it's gonna be more confusing the deeper we get into the rabbit hole.
Here's the key to not going mad: Plan to KNOW almost nothing. Go back to the way post-enlightenment science is supposed to work. Just:
- understand and entertain a lot of hypotheses which are often enough mutually exclusive.
- go about absorbing information and making observations.
- make pattern matches about what observations fall into the bins of which hypotheses
- kick out the hypotheses which can be excluded based on observation
- DON'T kick out hypotheses which cannot reasonably be exclude (even if you get called a 'conspiracy theorist'.)
This is elementary analysis. It is not taught in school for the same reason that fiat monetary theory isn't. Namely, you are a better and safer sheep-person if you DON'T think about these things.