I hope to see start time and amount of shares (accepted or rejected!
So what the settings to add in code?
I am also trying mining qrk via GPU miner seen here:
I understand it has latest binaries for windows. Somebut someone suggested me using the following settings for gpu miner:
it the last three setting that concern:
I know "I" mean intensity, "G" is number of thread and "W" amount of work or mhs or something!
Does thread number has something to do with my CPU or on GPU
If it has something to do with number of my cpu cores than using CPU while using sgminer isn't best!
Via GPU produced the following:
share (accepted): 594
share (rejected): 4
Hours: 20 of work
On CPU produced more as seen below:
shares: 674
rejected: 4
just over 17 hours work
If thread number seen in above has something to do with number of my cpu cores than using CPU while using sgminer isn't best! Based on my radeon v7 240 and on code above, what the best settings so I can earn more via my GPU?