IMO, the most important part has already happened. Namely, quoting the court document the op shared,
COPA had established that Dr Wright was not Satoshi Nakamoto and had not been the creator of Bitcoin and the early materials.
That's a great judgement, and I'm really happy that the COPA managed to prove it in court (as they were the ones who had to prove Craig was fake, so if they simply hadn't had enough evidence, Craig would've won the case).
The rest, it seems, it about getting Craig to cover the cost of the trial, which amounts to £6 million. The judge recommends freezing Craigs assets to make sure the transfer will happen, and Craig is perhaps trying to evade.
That's probably very relieving for Calvin Ayre, who is said to be paying for everything in the fork of the forked shitcoin Bitcoin Cash SV project. The miners, the website, CoinGeek, the developers, the marketing are all paid with Calvin Ayre's money. I believe one by one they will leave Craig Wright's side and throw him into the fire if the government gos after them for their involvement with a con-artist. Roger Ver was by him fooled once. Nassim Taleb is still being fooled.