The beauty of this kind of fake democracy (for the cliques that run it) is that over time most people notice the blatant fakery and just give up on voting and what little of the electorate that bothers to vote more and more consists of the left side of the bell curve which of course explains how easy it is for all those psychopaths and homicidal maniacs to get to power. And with those fruitcakes in charge you can imagine that there´s little official aversion to the same ilk running banks and other corporations funding the promotion of the former. Don´t get me started on the mass media. So you have extremes of human dysfunction feeding off each other. It´s as American as apple pie and turkey. Unfortunately.
America is different.
There is absolutely one reason why America has a police state. The police state has convinced the people that it is their king, even though it doesn't use those words.
The founding documents of the united States show that the power is in the individual person, if he only picks it up and uses it. Look at the wording in the Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, the Constitution itself, and the Bill of Rights. There is no place in these where govenment takes authority over people that are not part of the government. In fact, in the Bill of Rights, Articles (Amendments) 6, 7, and 9, the rights over the goernment are maintained in the people, each person individually if necessary.
Watch it in action here
Sure. Obama says The Constitution Is Out Dated, Dead- International Law Is Supreme then wipes butt with it.
Bushie Boy said it´s a goodam useless piece of paper, wiped butt with it.
The Constitution is a piece of paper. It doesn't do anything.
The Constitution allows these guys to say anything that they want.
There are certain things in the Constitution that these guys promised to do. One of the things is to not mess with people if they don't give government permission to mess with them.
However, the Constitution isn't going to jump up and slap the naughty presidents when they do something wrong. That is up to Congress to do.
In the same way, the Constitution isn't going to jump up and slap these presidents when they mess with the rights of a man or woman. The Constitution can't. It is only a piece of paper. The presidency is only an office. Whenever any of these guys does something, it is a man doing it. It is not the President doing it no matter how hard he says it is the President doing it.
If the harmed man or woman doesn't get up and sue the man who sometimes acts as a president, then there is no case. It has to be man to man.
When you look into Bill Clinton's affairs, you will see that Bill Clinton was faced of by several women as a man, and not as the President.
Paula Jones brought a sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton while he was president. Clinton argued that as a sitting president, he should not be vulnerable to a civil suit of this nature. The case landed in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court held that "Deferral of this litigation until petitioner's Presidency ends is not constitutionally required."
The point is, if there is a valid case brought against a man in man-to-man style, government can't intervene with some kind of immunity thing. All the cases where a person has been stopped because of governmental immunity, have been cases where a person brought the claim against a government official rather than against the man.