Idiots! In Yalta still not demolished the monument to Lenin. Russia tired to invest in the Crimea, and he will return home to Ukraine. I think that the capture of Crimea was the beginning of the end of Russia. America beat Putin.
What does the statue of Lenin have to do with that? How is that indicative of anything? Are you suggesting that the Crimean Russian population will be happily running into Ukraine to have statues of Lenin toppled, Russian language forbidden, and the population terrorised and robbed?
In Russia they did a fair share of statue toppling and history denial in 1991-1999. No thanks, not again. Russia just never descended as far into madness as Ukraine did, but even Ukraine is starting to wake up.
Are you kidding? Russia will return Crimea to Ukraine? Good joke. Why they should do that? Who said that they tired to invest in Crimea or is it just your imagination?
Within two or three years, the country of Ukraine will be history. The Eastern portions will merge with Russia and the Western provinces will be divided between Hungary, Poland, and Romania. Check this: never be! Are you in Russia dream about it. You don't even know how to think about Russia in Ukraine. I think that the Donbas is already too much don't love you. You have your to keep, you and someone else are trying to capture.
Stop thinking of "Ukraine" - as it's translated, the borderland - and start thinking in terms of the historic names. Novorossia (torn from Russia by Lenin in 198-1920), Malorossia (ditto, in 1917), Zakarpatie (Transcarpathia) - Galicia and the lands of Rusins, Crimea (torn from Russia in 1956, never wanting to go back, and people there only dreaming of how to get back home).
Oh, and stop thinking about "Russia in Ukraine" in general. Ukraine is Russia. Russia is Ukraine. We are one people, with one history and close family ties going back for generations.
And it's manifesting very strongly with the song flashmobs.
Oh, and I want to re-quote this from the previous page - pay attention to the year
Speak about prophecies...
I've been browsing, and came across the following post from
19th of March 2006 (redacting some strong language):живy в yкpaинe. зa---лa этa cтpaнa.
a тyт eщe мaть пpиexaлa из кpымa - гoвopит тaм нapoд cпит и видит ceбя в
cocтaвe Poccии. в гoлoвe пoявилиcь мыcли:
1. Кpым пpoвoдит peфepeндyм и oбoзнaчaeт ceбя cyбъeктoм PФ.
2. Poccмя пpoинимaeт Кpым - oткaзaтьcя дypaкoв нeт. Haceлeниe Кpымa
бaлдeeт в cвязи c ocвoбoждeниeм oт идиoтизмa и нaeздoв нa pyccкoязычныx.
Дa и ypoвeнь жизни инoй.
3. Югo-вocтoк Укpaины лиxo cтaнoвитcя Югo-зaпaдoм Poccии.
4. Бaндa Ющeнкo в кyпe c CШA Гpoмкo x--ют oт тaкoгo pacклaдa, нo cдeлaть
ничeгo нe мoгyт - дeмoкpaтия.
5. Зaпaднaя yкpaинa cтaнoвитcя никoмy нe нyxным кycкoм зeмли бeз нaдeжды
и тoлпoй бeзpaбoтныx дoлбoeбoв кoтopыe cкaндиpyют "Ющeнкo! Ющeнкo!
I live in Ukraine. Getting pissed off by this country.
An now mom came from Crimea - tells me that people there see it in their dreams becoming a part of Russia. And so, the following ideas came up:
1. Crimea conducts a referendum and declares itself a subject of RF
2. Russia accepts Crimea - who in their right mind would refuse. The Crimean population is delighted in connection with liberation from idiotism and incursions against Russians. And the living standard are looking up.
3. The South-East of Ukraine promptly turns into the South-West of Russia.
4. Yushenko's gang together with USA are utterly miffed by such an outcome, but cannot do anything about it - democracy, after all.
5. Western Ukraine turns into a bit of land without hope that nobody wants, and a mob of jobless brain-dead , chanting "Yushenko! Yushenko! Yushenko!"
Again, note the year - 2006!