The worst thing in the former URSS , they didn't have a clue what communism really was , or if it will work. Guess they found out the last part , not the first.
that is the answer, why Russians become ZOG government
My friend, those sort of thugs wanders around everywhere, Moscow included.
Still, Commies:
- Act like Fascists
- Pull decisions to assault on others out of their ass like Fascists
- Are mass murders like Fascists
- Do racial considerations like Fascists
the only difference, one grants a limited private property to an elite, the other doesn't, but grants special rights to that elite anyway.
Being a fascist isn't simply a label or a name you shout at someone. You are a Fascist as long as you act as one.
The best description of Fascism is still the one of its creator, Mussolini, and which resumes it all:
"All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."
Guess who fits the description? From all former USSR Supreme Soviets to Cuba or North Korea I don't see any acting out of this role.