This is @BlackyJackyCan'tCountTo21's daily routine. Wake up and bump his thick skull into a brick wall. The turd/void space inside that skull is incapable of processing all information so he'll wake up tomorrow and do the same thing again.
I could be wrong but I do not think house edge has a strong mathematical relation (in a form of function) with the gambling itself, and mathematically one can only reach the house edge if the number of rolls/plays tends to infinity. It is what in calculus we call, "limits"
For example, if I play coin toss the probability of me losing would be 50%. Right?
But if I toss the coin three times and I win all of them, that does not mean the house edge is 100%.
I would need to toss the coin hundreds of times and yet the result can be different from 50%, but closer to the actual house edge.
Said in a different way:
The limit of the house edge is 0.5 when the number of coins tosses tends to infinity.