Congratulations. Number of applications corresponded to number of awards
Yes, that's exactly what I was angling for, but given the list of criteria, realistically, I didn't think I was going to be selected
- If there is no realistic way for anyone to oppose, report what you do. GM will keep the "attitude roll" to himself.
It's looking like it's an interesting time to get there though. From what gather, the main way to Pada is through Aaspere, and there seems to be some funny business starting over there. Pada isn't where I come from, so I don't know the place. I'll leave east towards Aaspere, then leave south a bit before the crossroads, in case it's guarded. Good thing about being small and agile. You don't get the strength, but you can move more easily in the forest. I'll get back on the track as soon as prudent, then to Pada. I'll stay there, it's a manor, I assume there'll be a place for me to stay at night. I'm the lady of Pada now after all, aren't I ?
So I'm going to greet the peasants in the estate, and let them know what's going on up north, though I'm sure they'll have heard about it already, possibly even have friends and family met it first hand. They'll be busy working in the fields, but I'll tell them it may be time to sleep with their scythes near theit beds, you know what I mean. Working people being pressed into the army, and we poor souls are just south of them, so next thing you know they need more people, right ? Peasants need the land, so will need to stick together. I'm sure that, given half a chance, the poor lads from Aaspere will be happy to desert, if it comes to that. If not, well, let's worry about this when we have to.
In the meantime, we still need to keep the manor running. We'll need income if we are to hire real soldiers to keep watch over it all, and I have to say I gave my last monerito to get there, so it'll be a little while before we can get a new hire. And if there's any in the Pada farmers that want to start training in using their tools in a more martial way, well, now is the time. I know I'll be keeping a sickle with me. A young lass can't be too careful.
So, in a word, I get to Pada, sample the mood, tell the people there what I know, learn from them what they know, as they're closer to Aaspere, and we start working, while keeping a careful eye to the north. I hope I'll learn a bit more soon about what's going on, and how people in Aaspere and around are reacting.
Ah - and I'll be looking at a better/safer/quicker way to travel between the old town and Pada. I heard there's a way through the growth that can't be used by horses and the like, but, young and agile, right ? If things really start to get hairy and we get hassled - or worse - by the lord of Aaspere, we'll look at good places where we can ambush. We may not be fighters, but we know the land. Well, not me yet, but I soon will.