Tidings from Counties, 1623The status of this post is
New info in blue."Loot" + PRE points, though, will be divided "soon" so they cannot yet be found in the county accounts.
One more PRE accumulation round and the prizes of up to 500*CKG will be awarded.
(Name of County - PRE total - PRE from 1623)
NorthFace - 44 - 14The Duchy of North Face is reputed vast, but despite the PRE accumulated, little first hand information exists. The orders have been to stick to the main camp which is in the southern side of the region because of climate. Little locals have been sighted and while they do not exactly seem poor, their wealth is well hidden as they are nomads, skilled in trade, and well equipped and armed. The area is claimed by Queen Louhi, CK and HKM Gustaf Adolf, but none of them seems to have much going on in there, because the latest orders from the Duke were to have the camp evacuated and troops moved to the south, where they happened to just tip the scales in the Campaign on the River, not that it mattered much because at the time of the "Final Battle", the treaty had already been signed. The Duke is left pondering what to do with the land mass as the mere surveying of it is dangerous and few immediate benefits are obtainable. The King is dreaming of the mystical Ultima Thule in the far north, where it becomes warm again after the inhospitable cold that must be traversed to get there. (QUEST given).
No further GM events from 1623.Plath - 37 - 13Despite being only a County, Plath has been raking in PRE at a commendable pace. The initial encounter of CK expansion, "The Ambush", happened there as well. The area is in the border of deeply-catholic Polonia, but they have not sent a
high emissary to Sir Crichton, because they feel a Duke is required from our side to the negotiations as well. Ramsey is the closest Duke to the county at the moment. From the intelligence gathered, Polonia and Sweden are not at war for now but tensions are very high. Plath is in the inland with the nearest coastal town being the Free City of Danzig. The capital of Polonia, Krakow, is further inland. Unlike Sweden that is a centralized country, Polonia is more populous but with nobles doing what they wish. The preparations of Sir Crichton advanced peacefully despite Prince Boguslaw's claim to the territory. Probably the local powers were just happy that we were at war with Sweden, their archenemy. They get this kind of information much faster than we can even dissipate it inside the Kingdom, because of the sea communications in Östersjön (using the Swedish name for the great lake, on which at least Stockholm, (preparation site of) Paldiski, Riga and Danzig are located). The north side of Östersjön is ice-free 4/7 months a year, the south is more erratic but usually 6/7 months. The final month before the ice is known of heavy storms and navigation is treacherous. (ASK for QUEST).
Spies report interesting developments from Polonia. The Power is deeply catholic but not in the Imperial Alliance. It is also not at war with Sweden right now. The internal situation is precarious with competing dukes striving for control. No foreign activity has been spotted in Plath. To take advantage of the situation, HM The King creates a new county, Ironlock, which encompasses the territory south of New Liberty and northwest of Plath, including the seashore all the way to the Free City of Danzig. HH The Duke of North Face is created Earl of Ironlock and exhorted to station forces there (promotion will be ratified in the Jubilee as many other promised and surprise promotions).Ramsey - 33 - 12Getting along with the locals with no taxes levied to them, the Duchy of Ramsey survey is going on very well. The "west sea" (Östersjön when seen from the Swedish coast) was found but believed to be New Liberty territory. New Liberty forces had spent their time in the northernmost tip of their duchy so unable to explore this side. The command post has been kept at the same place all the time and even the locals have been referring it to as Baghdad, which had to have been a joke originally, but the jokes.. they sometimes stick. Some patrols were sent to the south, leaving Plath to their right-hand side, and as far as they went, no change in the conditions was observed. "This land is HUGE." To the east, some mystical phenomena was experienced, and the scouts turned back, believing that White Cross was there with its special conditions and capable leadership. (QUEST awaiting, ping GM).
Presumably after hearing about CK alliance with Sweden, some of the peasants in Ramsey have grown markedly more restless. Sweden had plundered the area some years ago when it still belonged to Polonia. Marauders have even appeared to disturb our logistics there. Perhaps stationing more forces might help (especially mounted), and defining the borders more clearly.FSpagnolo - 28 - 11
Greetings from HE The Prince of Forte Spagnolo! After decades of no see, I am glad to report to your expeditionary force that I am fine. A quick recoup of the events follows:
- The roots of this place date back to the very first year the game was conceived.
- In 1504, I took the project of building a mighty citadel here to expand Crypto Kingdom to civilized lands. For this project, HM The King donated 80,000 CKG. I had sXpher, my loyal servant, with me, and we took on this huge project.
- In the 1500s and especially during the times of turmoil, it became clear that this project was too large for CK to utilize perfectly. Also the CKG was not accepted as payment for the workers so foreign currency was needed.
- Baron sXpher died in 1600, which was a shock to me. Also in CryptoTown they started building a more nimble project. Initially in sad feelings, I felt for my beloved Forte Spagnolo and built a vineyard here. As you see, I am still in excellent health, this climate is more than suitable!
- I am very happy to see the Kingdom is doing good, and here I can concentrate on other projects such as perfecting the monetary system.
- Please send troops and money for buying cannons, because now it is more important that this outpost is kept as the Kingdom is expanding and - while here it is peaceful - tensions are mounting in the north.
(storytelling coordinated with fluffypony, The Prince)NewLiberty-C - 27 - 12The troops' movements have been duly reported and the civilian team moved with them, hampering the progress. On the other hand, HH The Duke in his new position as Ambassador, has been able to gather intelligence. New Liberty is a large Duchy with Riga as its historical centerpoint. (According to some sources, even Stockholm lies on the lands of the original Duchy. As the safety of Riga is guaranteed, and the lands in the other side ceded to Sweden, and even the Threestone preparation site given back to them, the problem becomes that in this large coastline, there is no logical place for a Seat that would also be located in the coast! Towns may not be started too close to each other, it is against the rules. According to the terms of the Treaty, we have taken the responsibility of the protection of Riga, which is not a chore to the New Liberty troops - they in fact quite like the libertarian nightlife of this small and war-ravaged but energetic town.
No further GM events from 1623.OldDuchy - 26 - 10OldDuchy's own PRE gain plummeted when the 100*OTH were busy with laying the stone to the ground that the other counties provided. The paved road now leads from Old Town to San Pietro and in the north facade of the (planned) Versailles palace, dividing with one branch going to Haljala (this one is not paved yet) and the other one to Essu and even a bit beyond (this one is fully paved, 4 m wide, except around Versailles where huge squares have been laid). Otherwise the Old Duchy troops, what were left after the 1st Regiment took to the north, have remained stationary. The recent reports of Rossiyan action in the north have not yet lead to retaliation. Some VOD with no taxes paid have been found in the town, and the recent mapping of all the Urban Boroughs (go and check the Town Map with the navigation arrows) has lead to the idea that the perimeter of the whole town be fortified with a stone wall, inner side sloping. The guards could walk on the top, and from outside, rising to the top in the middle of the night would be easy with a wooden ladder, but disposing of the ladder would not be easy, so intruders would reveal themselves and the tax revenues would be secured.
As already discussed, the situation with restless Rossiyans in the thick woods and sharp (but low) hills between OldDuchy and Stonehaven needs to be pacified.WhiteCross - 26 - 12White Cross has gained a mystical feeling with its "element boroughs" but we can assure it is a physical land. The characteristics are just special, and also what is weird is the lack of human locals there. This usually means that special creatures inhabit the land, for good and bad. With the absence of contact - not only to leaders but to anyone! - the expedition force has a free decision in which of the Boroughs to settle and start preparations for establishing the County Seat.
Nice luck there - the explorers found a speaking gold unicorn, who submitted to your service and granted a wish!
Stonehaven - 21 - 8What can be said of this is mostly in the war chronicles already. As the county is located so close and so many troops have marched to and fro and even had the "Final Battle of the Campaign on the River 1623" in the area, we know this place reasonably well. The River, which is the northern border, flows slowly, so we can conclude that there is not much elevation. The plain continues to approximately half of the county to the south, from where small hills and then sharp hills begin. That is the way to get back home. In the east, not too far from the preparation site, the Swedes have their outpost, and beyond that, nobody has yet been able to go. To the west, our outpost is near Paldiski (mouth of the river). In the South(-East), Rossiyan thugs are trying to expand their influence. The land is not rich (refer to the name of the county!) but with a good connection to CryptoTown (yet to be constructed), this could become a handy source of crispbread and horses, meat and even VEG.
No further GM events from 1623.Grass - 19 - 7The Grass-lands continue as far as eye can see, and turn richer as we go. The lack of 1 PRE-point prevented an important meeting, but we are sure to hear of it next year. (QUEST given).
No events from 1623.Tavastia - 17 - 8The contact to the Tavastia camp was finally made. They had explored the land and made the preparation site where they believed the economic centerpoint is located (about 40% towards the supposed North Face border from the River, and also 40% from the "west sea" towards the eastern border). To make the decision easier, near the location, the ruins of a mighty medieval castle was found, so good energies abounded there. The place was from early on named the
House of Tavastia. The locals were submissive and had good horses (H2), some of which were pressed for service, against compensation of course. It is here that the crispbread originates, because this is so far north that VEG are still being cultivated, yet too far that they could be a reliable food source during the winter, yet the place is too populated that there would be enough meat for all (from game) unlike further north, where game abounds yet people are sparse.
No events from 1623.Petrichor - 15 - 7This pesky group also, had been in their mission for quite a long time. From the river crossing, they turned to the east, upstream. After some time there were no plains even by the river, so they took a 90° turn towards the north, and after considerable time (but possibly less distance) arrived in the village of Sisu. What is in there, you have already seen. The Swedes had been in the area a few years ago, but abandoned it as too poor (and not even good horses). The northern border of the county is a bit weird, there are bodies of water with something mystical on them. The locals do not dare to venture that way so no information can be found. To the west, albeit after an arduous journey through thick woods, lies Tavastia. The people there (as do many in Stonehaven) speak the same language. To the east, a lightly forested area, unfit for farming, and hellishly cold in the winter, opens far and wide. If it is even possible to imagine, these people from their ur-lowly starting point, have historically escaped the looters there, and they keep stores of supplies hidden in the vast hinterland.
A contact was made from hostile local Rossiyans in the south. Some wounds, no fatalities. Sisu people say that "it just happens".