Prizes Awarded
47,671 * CAN given!
23,707 * BEER given!
1,484 * FOIE given to 118 chars!
735 * JAD given to 90 chars!
373 * W1603A given to 64 chars!
191 * MIN-5 given to 48 chars!
86 * CS1625E given to 34 chars!
35 * CLXII given to 16 chars!
16 * WOS-E1 (Green Suit, gift of HH The Mayor)
16 * MIR (Venetian Mirror 1 sqm, gift of HH The Duke of New Liberty)
54 * W1608 given to 9 tickets! (bonus)
BT-21; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to HH of North Face
BT-24; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to HH of North Face
BT-25; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to Marquess of White Cross
BT-26; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to HSH The Prince of OZ
BT-27; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to Marquess of White Cross
BT-28; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to Marquess of White Cross
BT-29; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to Sir Mooo of Stonehaven
BT-30; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to Sir Quaid, 30th/I Bt of CK
BT-31; Baronet of Crypto Kingdom to HH of North Face
Best Prizes Still Remaining
4 tickets (RAF-1) remaining; each ticket has a 75% chance to stay till next month (realday)
1 * Fourth Prize: Any Real Estate up to the value of 100,000,000 m (to the 4th last ticket; gift of HRH Zechariah)
1 * Third Prize: 1-SE-V76 Korean Restaurant (1518) (to the 3rd last ticket; gift of Prince of Soul)
1 * Second Prize: TRC4-19 Most Elab 4-Horse Carriage (to the 2nd last ticket; gift of M of White Cross)
1 * Grand Prize: Any Real Estate up to the value of 500,000,000 m (in the whole game, you pick, King pays
Total Value of Prizes: 900,000,000 m !
(Expected value of a ticket: 225 mil)
From now on, the SPOILING tickets win, so every remaining ticket wins something. If more than 1 ticket spoils at the same time, the seniority of the prizes is decided by Noms' High Card.
For convenience, 12 realhours is given from the winning of the real estate, to tell the King which one to buy and award.