Check out our newest game Minesweeper, which was added last month, with very large possible multipliers and awesome animation
Yes, this new game is awesome indeed. I have already won two times with 24 mines, but normally I prefer a safer mode, with 6 mines, and I tend to cash out right after the first small win. I'm getting old, I guess. ... Well, just now, while writing this post, managed to open 4 boxes to prove the opposite:
Didn't have the courage to open the fifth one though.
When you said that their minesweeper game is pretty, I would like to say the opposite because I stop playing it when I can't do the max payout. Last time try it with 100 sat and want to get the max payout with 5mil payout which is impossible so they said we will still get the payout aa the max payout (4 btc) but in the end I cant run it on their autobet and they limited my tiles to 9 which is refer to the table it is not even close to a million multiplier