I'm trying to think of what kind of organization issues a fund raising campaign without any benefits other than the game doing well, WHILE AT THE SAME TIME another player raises the possibility of crowd funding with a payout with game currency?
"I was all ready to give 50 xmr to Speed's initiative, but now I want to give to this crowd funding and get paid on top."
Also, any talk of a governance asset should cease until we get an actual governance plan.
As someone who's been wanting to buy into CK for while now, we need a roadmap that links all three,
- Speed's initiative
- Governance/ownership asset CKO
- ICO for 50% of currency CKM
Speed's initiative will start the process of transforming CK into something closer to what most of us want it to be, and while we could wait until AFTER the ICO raised funds before starting, that would seem to rule out taking a snapshot of existing M for future CKO before the ICO, a real bad look indeed, "the CK bagholders gave themselves 100% of the CKO that might earn dividends one day, and then start an ICO to get new money to actually pay to repair and improve the game ... right, gtfo"
The way to justify a CKO snapshot BEFORE the ICO that locks out ICO investors is to start paying for the recovery process NOW. A possible way to do this is by taxing existing M at some rate, then selling off that M in large OTC deals to those willing to put some skin in the game now, before the ICO, and before Speed's initiative has started, when the risk is highest.
Once the recovery effort is under way (i.e. Speed is funded and working on his plan) selling the ICO to new players will be easier, BUT not many will be willing to buy M NOW, before there's any real progress to speak of, so any who do will be taking a large risk, and they should therefore get a share of CKO.
Speaking for myself, I want to take a large position in CK now when the risk/reward is high, I don't want to wait until the ICO, especially if I miss out on dividend paying CKO, and Speed's initiative gets results and the ICO is oversubscribed.
Those who want the CKO should pay for the early recovery efforts, and a fair method would be an M tax that raised enough to get 20K USD for Speed from some large OTC sales. That would link all three above in a plausible roadmap, later moving onto the 4th outcome of tokenization.