Pillars of Society -Auction
Current highest bids:Item 1 (Lot): 90 mil M, Flows (min raise 10mil)
Item 2 (Horse): 40 mil M, Flows (min raise 5mil)
Item 3 (Suit): 40 mil M, Flows (min raise 5mil)
Item 4 (Sword - 500 CKG): 200 mil M, Flows (min raise 10mil)
tem 5 (Statue - 300 CKG): 110 mil M, Loaf (min raise 10mil)
Item 6 (Candlestake - 250 CKG): 90 mil M, Flows (min raise 10mil)
Still ~5 hours left in the auction. The auction finishes at 8pm UTC on Thursday 25th May, unless there is still bidding going on in which case each raised bid on
any item extends the auction by 15 minutes for
all items.