here are the data file dumps of all the CK-related data I have gathered (they are in the R's efficient data saving format .RData and then zipped together):
Item ownership (separate .RData files for each fetch):
Item bids (one big .RData with a time stamp column):
Lot bids (separate .RData files for each fetch):
If somebody gets serious with the data files the .RData files can be easily transformed into e.g. .csv-files, but for example in the item ownership matrix current implementation is much more effocient as it conserves the data in a so-called sparse matrix form; e.g. since most of the entries on a rows = items, columns = char ids are 0, instead of having loads of 0s it only saves non-zero entries with their {x,y} coordinates; a .csv file would have lots of empty space if the # items owned matrix would be saved as-is.
I will keep them on my Dropfox for an undefined amount of time, for a month at least; after that it has to be separately requested from me if somebody comes back to it.