How big is profit of this exchange for 2018?
How big is profit of this exchange for the previous years?
Where to find this data?
You won't find official financial data anywhere because they are not a publicly traded company (not listed in a stock exchange).
But just think of this... they're asking 4000000 DOT to get a coin listed, for 2018 this was averaging to 8 BTC but during the 1 month of peek in the start of 2018 it was averaging 16 BTC for a single listing.
This is their listing announcements: they haven't put dates on their old announcements, so in order to see when was the coins listed I went to their BTCT ANN threads and guess what? Their list of announcements is not ordered by date, it looks pretty random as far as I can tell!
(what a mess)Therefore I'll do a guess and say that out of the 95 coins they've listed, 50% were listed during the peek of 2 months. Let's say about 40 coins in two months.
That'd be 640 BTC in just January, or $6.4m - $9.6m depending on when/if they sold for dollars.Before the hack, during most of 2018, their average volume was about 7m daily. With 0.2% trading fee that'd be a
daily income of 14000$. On top of it there's an incalculable amount they receive from the withdraw fees which are usually much higher than the network's real fee.
We can't know what their expenses are, but judging by their slow support they shouldn't have a lot of employees to pay.
So yea... with trading happening 24/7, they were making about 420000$ from trading fees every month and with an average of 2.3 listings / month (after January) an extra 18.4 BTC (if for 2018 1BTC = 6000$, then about 110400$).
So even if they didn't sell during the price peek, they were making about 0.53millions every month during the bear market based on the averages of 2018. I'd say those are some conservative estimations though, I believe their income was higher as long as they sow the price drop coming and sold earlier.
Now, there should be a more precise estimation of their loses but I couldn't find it, please let me know of a newer source than what I've found which is this,