Grab your popcorn and enjoy dear friends.
Italian cardboard hackers, thank you for keeping your opinions to yourself, I had not planned to screw you your mothers, but if you choose to intervene in this case, you will pay a high price.
If the FBI or Europol catches you I have nothing to do with it, but I can fix it, it will depend on your behavior, So this case is very far from being closed believe me. Unless our money is returned
. Just to be clear and to answer some questions, no, I'm not a big vern or cryptopussy. Yes I published the identities of cyberterrorists, now everyone knows the identity of the hackers behind moolah LTD (mintpal, cryptsy). I even revealed the identity of the famous phineas fisher, our little weasel. I had warned do not hack me, but they didn't listen,
. It's sad, now many of you have researched about phineas.
Why did the police release our friend Shakib, when he destroyed thousands of lives, financed terrorism stolen billions of dollars, published the addresses and personal information of Mossad policemen? In reality the big morons of the Spanish secret services thought good to make a deal with our favorite Algerian, in change of help for the arrest of a famous Russian hacking group, against..? Yes, I know you get it. But where is our money in this matter?!!!!
Our little weasel is doing well right now, (except that he takes a lot of antidepressants). Poor man
. Not too hard chakib, I know you often pass here so, pay us back, otherwise you know what I'm going to do
, you're trapped little rat, we trapped you. Don't forget my little weasel, I'm much closer to you than you think, you should send your cousin drug dealer I would like to meet him, my little kitten,