Let's pretend for one second that Paul Vernon, BitJohn, Horus and Jim Shockney are all 100% honest folks having it beneath them to do anything nefarious. If that's the case, then how the fuck do they justify having Marshall Long, Michael Wilterdink and Leroy Fodor serving Cryptsy in any capacity including the latter cleaning toilets at its office in Florida?
I did quit the company after all so no didn't like many decisions made.... But yeah Marshall was interesting to say the least. Of the folks you mentioned the only one ever employed at Cryptsy was Marshall.
Spoetnik as far as seeing me deleting old support posts goes STOP reviving them then people IM me and ask me questions about the company I don't work for its annoying. So when you revive them from the dead I lock them, and remove the info that makes folks think they should message me.... IF you have a problem IM Horus or Jim they work there Jim runs customer service Horus runs Public relations. They should help you.
Hmm well 2 things.. First i posted earlier on this topic about the IRC MOTD that linked to that topic.
I clicked it then had mentioned it here way back.. if you forget it says MOTD on IRC Topic of discussion set by BitJohn.
And what i corrected on this topic earlier was that i was wrong assuming that topic + MOTD was current (about down time)
I swear i really did think it was from NOW in late 2015.. seriously (it was actually from 2014 OCT.)
So i went and posted back that i made a mistake here.. but i had bumped it already.
And you notice i had the last reply on that topic you cleaned up right ?
I told everyone do NOT expect a reply back from you and i tried to help people myself.. such as when Crestington asked Q's.
Point being i was not trying to be a jerk or get a waive of people on you about your -previous- employer.
If i did not work there i would not want to be support guy anymore either.. i get where you are coming from BitJohn.
It also did not occur to me that you may want to wipe that topic out because people were on you about it.
At a quick glance it just looks like Cryptsy covering things up.
It's you business of course and you free to wipe out an topics you made.. your prerogative / fair enough.
But can i suggest if this same situation occurs just editing the topic and leaving a message for people.
Saying hey "
I don't work there anymore, please contact the current staff."
This would likely accomplish the same thing with out making it look like you are covering things up.
Hind sight is 20/20 right..I deleted many of my first comments here like a year+ ago when i had mprep delete more of my topics.
I got pissed off and was planning on deleting all my comments after i got through a page or two (starting on oldest)
i got tired & bored of doing it..
why am i rambling on ?Well the other day i had HippieTech coming at me about my First post here making crazy claims.
And sadly i deleted my comments so it's harder for me to prove what it said and it just simply
looks bad.. sort of.
I guess his big issue was my Topic was a real coin launch but it was actually a parody / joke.
And that he was using that topic as some sort of proof i am Vlad
Bottom line is i do respect you guys for sticking your heads out in the storm,
especially if you don't work there anymore.
Sometimes i see the context from different angles.. it would be tough working for BigVern right now.
I wouldn't want to have a Cryptsy job these days
BitJohn do us all a favor and go nudge Paul to get this shit dealt with.He needs to make a public statement giving a satisfactory explanation with technical details !
And BitJohn i don't know if you missed the long ass reply i left for you here yesterday..
But i tried to reply back with out being overly argumentative or inflammatory etc
In the hopes we could let that drop and not have to quote that massive wall o text back & forth
But thanks again for replying back and with so much info and to everyone else too i read everyone's comments.
EDIT: Spelling corrections