@BitJohnI can't see colors on this site in comments ..i only just noticed the color blue when i hit quote.
I also have a super hard time seeing the text in the EditBox.
It's easier for me to see my spelling mistakes after i have posted + i use my TV across the room for web @720p
Anyway let's see if this fits in 1 single post LOL
- Source i am replying here to is snipped to save space - click links if needed
Ohh man.. Where do i start ? LOL
You know these characters ?
Not really though I was in lots of support rooms of various types where I can see many various conversations.
- I just meant that as a joke
Well BJ let's be fair here.. This crypto scene is built entirely on masked shady DECEITFUL characters.
Probably true
- I said that because it's a part of the CENT story
All of this shit is laid out on a framework of shell accounts at Bitcointalk on a site with no rules against scamming.
pretty accurate
- I seen muddafudda & r3wt mention wrong doing.. how often does a bad guy announce it vs playing innocent ?.
Then we have the fact that a million and 1 scams HAS occurred.. so why in gods name would we give the benefit of the doubt ?
Let the facts guide you
- Kind of hard when using 100 accounts is standard practice and everything revolves around $$$
Seems to me BJ you are hell bent on defending Paul even though you just said you don't have wallet addresses.
lol hell bent? I'm speaking to his character as far as I knew it is all. I am more so trying to say for the folks really worried that I don't think paul would steal from them is all. I thought we were in this to inform the users or are you trolling? So yeah I think telling folks my opinion is hopefully helpful to qwell some fears.
- I Don't Trust anyone on Earth never have.. never given a reason to.. Not even friends or family (People are selfish, often deceitful and usually two faced)
Which means he could been doing anything and you wouldn't know.
That is a fact
- It's Plausible wrong doing could have occurred.. no matter our character assessments of guys in Crypto.
You don't have access to the web site code.. so he could been doing anything at all.
That is a fact
- Just making sure people realize that BigVern has often over the years had special exclusive access to various code.
You seem to be out of the loop for a lot of inner workings yet seem soooooo adamant that Paul is on the up & up.
Worked with for him for quite a while all around genuine guy is all. If he had one character flaw is he can be too nice and trusts too easily.
- He is not being "too nice" when it comes to avoiding making announcements about problems last 3 months.
- Paul is the guy that needs to speak up and he has said almost nothing.. Too busy in China ?
- "Trusts too easily" or does he know EXACTLY what he is doing but play innocent later ?
Look at it from our point of view.. Why is Paul Vernon anymore trust worthy to all of us than any other guy ?
So are we being paranoid conspiracy guys ? Hell yeah we should be .. look around !
Oh I agree and don't hate you for it haha
- I like exploring the angles & context of things and WILL listen to others.
- I also appreciate that you never auto-banned me for my "Reputation" way back on Cryptsy Chat.
- The ban button does not make drama go away & it's to be expected given the situation with crypto stuff.
- A false accusation (often called FUD) is an opportunity to stand up and say HOW things are legit.
- Raising doubt should not be harmful to crypto projects / services if they are legit..
- It should just roll off.. unless there is some truth to it then it sticks causing problems.
In my experience in Crypto the ones that smile the most are the scammiest.
The scene is full of Fodor's, Smiling-Terrik's and the Smart Scammers.. the one who's are skilled at staying in the shadows / masked.
Probably true
- Let's not forget there is two groups.. (Money Makers) and (Crypto-Supporters + Money Makers)
- I gave my brother a gran din Bitcoin way back and he said "Fuck Bitcoin" when i talked about supporting Crypto.
- He wanted nothing more than for me to tell him how to get rich. (no idea what he did with it, i never talked to him again)
- These types of people are the majority here in Crypto.. few actually care about Crypto.
- When my brother said that i was kinda disgusted ...i have even criticized coins i supported heavily.. who else has ?
- I care about the idealism far more than i do about money.. Most couldn't care less.. they want Lambo's NOW !
Funny you just admitted to a cross-exchange crypto-mob that included Gox ROFL
The REAL Back Room Boys
Well it was support/theft oriented. It is in all exchanges best interests to have contacts in case you need someone to look for an address and freeze a money trail. But yes I remember asking Magical Tux a question in IRC one day and he never answered..... then all the news broke lol- It does sound fair i guess but it also could be a potential avenue for exploitation.
- And this was already known to some extent such as when you guys had said you contacted other exchanges about forks etc.
- It was funny what you said because you guys REALLY are like my
The Google Crypto-Mob Awards.. remember that ?
Let's take a sniff at CENT shall we ?
I don't suppose BTER was in your Mob ? LOL
BTER was not in a group but yes I had a contact there. Lots of issues with a few coins between us and them like BUK get on different versions of a wallet and customers on both sides complaining they cant withdraw. Pretty hard to work with them honestly.
- I stopped using BTER when 3 or 4 depots in a row over a couple week period failed to show until i emailed support.
- I kept asking what is going on and i never got any answer in the slightest.
Jeezuz fuck were guys making money hand over fist and it was all between Cryptsy and BTER.
I guess your and my definition of hand over fist might be different.
- Arb'ing my tipster made about 30 / 40 grand in a few days as he ramped up more and more deposits.. until the Gate closed.
- He told me the profit was obscene but he was getting bored and wanted share his info so he told me.
My tipster who i am 99.99% certain who he is could tell a story or two about all that.
not sure what this means- He could verify my story and elaborate on things such as who was involved and how much was made etc.
BTER caught on and was tipped off on the grand dump on Chinese users.
not sure what this means- BTER turned off public deposits but our coins would still go through to the BTER wallet. (but stopped showing in our accounts)
- BTER put up a notice on the site when clicking to get a deposit address saying Deposits disabled.
- Yet BTER never did close the market and anyone i talked to later told me they are sure BTER just arb'd it by themselves.
You could fire up the CENT wallet and stake coins fast after buying them Cryptsy.
Or just buy them from Cryptsy and send them to BTER.. it was odd why Cryptsy added back CENT after delisting it.
How many coins did Cryptsy ever delist? Once the coin was fixed it was brought back as we had customers who had balances they could no longer touch. So they couldn't withdraw when we delisted when someone fixed it there was quite a push to re-add hard to argue with.
- We all knew CENT was dead and the old users had been paid out by BigVern way earlier when CENT got delisted.
- I KNOW i got a payment from BigVern way back myself for CENT being delisted.
- Nobody had any CENT left.. maybe 1 guy basically. (i recall only 1 guy asking about his coins that were delisted way back)
- If one guy 'had' 50 cents worth of some Shit-coin on a truly dead coin chain with bugs etc ..why add it back ?
- Was it because of the BTER market where guys were making a killing ?
- It had to be ..no other reason makes sense.. plus a few people knew so i bet word got back to Cryptsy guys.
It was at times as low as 0.00000001 LTC or XPM
And selling INSTANTLY at BTER for about 5 to 9 satoshi's ..and lots of guys were doing it too.
So arbitrage opportunities were there in the range of millionths of a cent. Where do I sign up....
- That's the problem you can't BTER slammed the gate closed on us all but left the CENT market(s) open.
- If BTER was not privately arb'ing on their own Chinese users i woudl be shocked.
And yeah you heard me right guys.. i bought CENT at 0.00000001 xpm in the many millions..
And then sold them at BTER for 0.00000010 BTC
Can you say _FAST_ profit ? hahhahah
Cryptsy was balls deep in that ..until BTER slammed the gate closed to *public* deposits
Ok I'm confused didn't you just say you were the one dumping on the Chinese customers?
- Yeah i had tried to take my Tipster's advice and stake coins but was getting tired of waiting so bought some at Cryptsy too.
But a few of us way back knew damn well the BTER staff simply kept the cash going privately. (for themselves)
Many of our depoits of many many thousands of dollars vanished..
But we all didn't care if we lost 5 grand etc since we made so much anyway ROFL
- I think you forgot to type your reply here BitJohn
Oh yeah it's all Cryptsy conspiracies... mmmmmmm hmmmmm
Let's rewind and see the WHOLE CENT story maybe ?
A coin that was released on Cryptsy Chat with no ANN topic.
Your talking about when Cryptsy was the only show in the alt scene for the most part? Released at a time of maybe 20 coins by a dev who did most of the current coins. Yeah not seeing the conspiracy there.
- OK fair enough but did people get pissed off when ADT was released on the Troll-Box with no ANN topic ?
- EVERYONE know what fair is ..and everyone knows you make an ANN topic and let the crowd in on the launch too !
Wallet links passed out on chat by Mod's etc ..who joined in on it.
Who all claimed to be unaware about "THE BUG" ...oh yeah BitJohn you know the one
haha yeah honestly I had one penny and was like this is a cute little coin. Sold it and then folks are suddenly like oh by the way its a billion% PoS due to the bug. Missed out there I guess- I missed out on launch time too although i watched it play out on the sidelines.. i thought it sounded like more useless crap.
- I also recall clearly how it had a no fuss launch a few simple comments were posted and people made no effort to ask questions.
- This was the stealthiest launch of any coin i ever seen.. after the link went out a couple times there was almost no talk of it.
And it got 1,00000x worse than that.. who made it ?
The same guy who made Hobonikels and BottleCaps.
yeah Shakezula made another couple jillion coins. So did muddafudda.
- Yes but Shakezulu had a high percentage of those coins early on.. and he said so in his own SHA256 cloning guide.
- Shake also made coins for more than 1 staffer and did updates for them too.. did muddafudda ?
- Having him as a Skype buddy with staff as he makes multiple staff coins and has tons on the exchange LOOKS bad !
After i sort of mocked them for doing it and avoided the coin during launch i asked why no ANN ?
Many days passed and a random user posted a topic on CENT on bitcointalk.
And the DEV of CENT seen it and commented on it fast.. wow funny he was tipped off so quick to get reply on it LOL
I couldn't wait to ask him why his super Cryptsy Back Room Boys FLASH MINED on Cryptsy-Chat coin had no ANN topic..
What did he say ?
Shakezula was in no skype channel I knew of. Maybe someone else can speak to that but I dont seem to remember him ever. The backroom you speak of was really more about chit chat than coin trading honestly.
- Skype or not Shake was in regular contact with Mullick + Horus etc.. communication method is not the point.
- If i was so eager to ask that off him ASAP, wouldn't the Cryptsy staffers Mullick / Horus have questions for him too ?
- When CENT came out on chat we ALL knew damn well it was going on Cryptsy and fast !
It was an "experiment", "Not to be take seriously"
I did hear that and well yeah all l crypto falls into this category
- I disagree ..CENT was touted as an Experiment because of High Stake features.. this was not common.
- A high stake coin OBVIOUSLY will suffer from severe inflation etc and would be decimated in price as time goes on.
- It was KNOWN that it was engineered by design to be exploited for for profit until it inevitably collapsed.
- CENT can not be compared to any typical clone ..anyone with half a brain knows what 1,000% weekly stake will do !
Yup from the same guy who made 2 public guides on coin cloning. (and some sold for private)
not sure I get your point so what?- Why would Cryptsy be so eager to add "Experiment" coins by a serial / habitual cloner ?
- Wouldn't Cryptsy be more concerned with the fact any new coin added would be jumped on by the clients ?
- Leaving Cryptsy clients at risk adding un-checked buggy experiment+profit coins by a coin cloner who made staff coins is irresponsible.
- There is a reason the Federal reserve uses the total money supply as a tool to regulate the US economy.
- Quantitative Easing means what ? ..What would the FED Reserve think of 1,000% stake coin ? Doomed to failure ?
- People playing with money should have -- B A S I C -- knowledge of what they are doing. IE: Running an exchange.
Or making coins added to exchanges by staff friends LOL ..or play dumb over that oh so mysterious c/c++ code
Who said in the guides he made most coins out in crypto "for fun & profit" (all of them on Cryptsy)
We added literally ever coin back then. Until folks started doing the big premines then we took a step back and made the litebonk list.
- And i said to YOU back then if your kids wanted candy & ice cream for dinner every night would you give it to them ?
THAT is why he said he did not post an ANN and instead shared it on Cryptsy Chat.
Again only show in town at the time.
- This was the first time a stealth launched coin admitted made for profit was added.
- It was designed to be raped and fail and BitJohn yous said your criteria for adding coins publicly back then included an ANN topic.
- Is common sense a criteria ? Did you really need 1,000% stake to get played out on customers to know the outcome ?
And there was no delay getting it on Cryptsy.. they were more than happy to fast track it on there..
Even with "THE BUG" ..i guess Cryptsy did not review the code before adding it for their customers ?
your correct at least not at that level back then. Breaking down stake payouts at the time wasnt part of the review. No one had snuck that in yet.
- Common sense should have been the review.. All you had to do is ASK Shakezulu like i did.
- When i asked him why he made it and he said "Profit" what was it he said when you had contacted him to add it ?
- Claiming you are better than other exchanges then admitting here you added every piece of shit that came along ? LOL
Done ? ooooohhhhhh fuck no LOL
SO i asked Shakezulu about "the bug" on Bitcointalk.. I said you planned on removing the "stake bug" on Cryptsy Chat.
That all of the backroom boys + cloner dev pretended to not know about.
Because they probably didn't. PoS wasnt fully understood by most devs back then thats why they all broke. On that note every PoS coin Shake made forked. Because turned out he didnt understand the implementation.
- WHO on planet earth thinks the -SECRET- 1,000% 9 day stake was a "BUG" ?
Because he said on chat he was going to remove it.. AKA: Fix the bug.
And i said if you do that isn't it unfair for users who come late to the coin ? See what i mean ?
If this is the most unfair thing you found in crypto kinda weak honestly. So your argument is people missed out on holding it. So don't buy into it?
- I meant it's like changing how easy it is to get coins.. "Early adopters" would have had a huge obvious advantage.
AND he said YES i see what you mean and i will leave it in.. he didn't! ..he put a new wallet out removing the bug!
Pretty lame move if he said that
- He did on this forum.. and yes it was lame to say it then not do it (leave the bug in for new user fairness)
AFTER the Back room boys had their chance at exploiting it.. They all played dumb about it on Launch !
I think they did know about the bug but again shakezula wasn't in the "backroom" The backroom was pretty much a big skype channel that excluded trolls....Probably only reason you were not in that chat. Again there are so many crypto skype channels full of crypto nonsense its nauseating. Your on the wrong trails though.
- The link to Shakezulu + Multiple staff is well known and public.. Skype or not.
Pretending they didn't know that after 9 days they would all get 1,000x stake and not 100.
They simply said Whoopsy it's a bug.. doh ..on our for fun experiment coin ON CRYPTSY !
Sure they probably figured something out not sure it was the folks who did's ethical opportunity to report it. Did you message Bter when you were dumping CENT on their users? No you just did it. So dont try to cross the moral ethical stream on that one.
- It never occurred to me someone would think i was doing wrong ARB'ing until i seen this comment from you.
- My whole deal with this at it's core about the ARB'ing was Cryptsy re-added a dead coin & BTER closed deposits but left market(s) open.
- I also tried a few times using the so called BTER exploit but quickly abandoned it thinking it was not actually doing anything special.
- Simply posting the order at a lower than anyone else price jumped the order book anyway.. no exploit needed LOL
Think more guys would have been in on it on Launch if THEY all knew ? Of course which is why it was a Cryptsy secret !
See you tend to associate people who use Cryptsy with the actual company. Did Cryptsy customers figure something out sure maybe? Again same argument as you knowing about CENT and perpetuating that great fraud against the people of China.... On a more serious note I don't think you did anything wrong but its the same shit.- Well maybe i was putting it on Cryptsy there a bit unfairly for dramatic effect
Does it stop there ?
Fuuuuuuuck NO !
Shakezulu had an official site for CENT.. when the guy who tipped me off about the BTER + Cryptsy train of money ARB'ing.
The tipster warned me that i should avoid the official wallet because
A) it had a virus / keylogger and crashed a lot.
B) the stake bug was removed (even though the dev said he was leaving it in)
I thought well well.. isn't that interesting.
I think once he figured out there as a Bug he forgot not to take advantage.
- I don't understand your reply on that point.
I went to Shake's site and grabbed the binaries myself..
And the Tipster also warned me that the new version with the virus on it was updated
but the corresponding Source code was still the previous source code package ..fishy as fucking hell duh LOL
So i checked it out with many tools and i can see clearly it was bundled by a Trojan .exe binder
and bad one too LOL ...the .exe tended to crash a lot because the virus was slopped together so poorly.
I still have the original zip file and the links to the virus total reports for the keylogger infected Wallet.
Not really related to Cryptsy though. So Shakezula needs his own thread yeah probably. That would be interesting actually a thread of the prolific coin devs in the same fashion as this one haha
- A staff cloner friend who has his coins added is a Cryptsy matter.. and the virus was out when it was RE-Added to Cryptsy !
- Point out the obvious ? Coin is re-added then users flock over to the official site for their keylogger infected wallet LOL
What is the common theme ?Shakezulu or what ever name he uses made half the coins on Cryptsy.. Including CENT
Hardly half probably 10 He made half of the first what I call ramp up of coin devs. He is in the same group as Muddafudda they dabbled back then. Its a freaking roller coaster now not comparable.- Shakeulu said something "similar" himself.. Google the SHA256 Cloning guide and hear HIM say it
BottleCaps for Mullick and Hobonikels for Horus and many others.
Bottlecaps if you look at it was about the fairest release coin ever that was its intention it was made in chat but the point was all the scammy shit out there make one that had best of all pieces and release it the right way. Yes one of the only coins I actually wanted to contribute to.
- Point is it didn't "look good" which is why both "clone coins" were handed off to another person when "the crowd" came rushing in..
Common theme ? All of it is tied to Cryptsy balls deep.
well as it was the only exchange adding coins at the time its related to them in much the same way as it was all conducted on personal computers....
- Cryptsy is intertwined on the coins Launched on it's chat-box that were later added such as ADT or CENT (both with No ANN)
Conspiracy ? Of course.. you know "OUR KIND" BitJohn ROFL
I know I know debated you for years now haha. I guess what frustrates me about you is when you go on some of these tangents and you miss the real meat of whats going on haha. You typically like to delve into the man look this guy scammed this other guy for a quarter type things. Or that project failed peoples lost dollars of dollars.... Sometimes you hit it on the head however its just sorting through it that I think you lose lots of folks and they mark you as crazy haha. I will say you base most of your opinions on facts I guess its when you start with a false premise and add it to the facts you get into the wildland.- We don't need to smell the smoke.. we feel the loss when investing LOL
- Or in the case of CENT AKA: Pennies ..w e get a bonus Keylogger
That Cent "bug" was paranoia and conspiracy by a Trolling Fudster huh ?
yeah I will say I believe it started as a fuck up (all his stake coins were fucked up) though people took advantage after I think.
- Believe it was deliberate and calculated.. and the 1,000% stake End-Game was obvious.
1 incident..
I -DO- believe there are others if i am not mistaken
This is by far one of the least interesting of the conspiracies honestly. It really cant be that interesting since well you participated in it. You honestly seem was more knowledgeable on it. Did you post anything here when you found out about CENT and how he was taking advantage? Or did you just keep dumping on the unsuspecting souls. Then complained about the scam when the coffers ran dry?- A coin with no ANN by the same cloner group(s) being added to Cryptsy (by friends) is not exactly inspiring.. cough cough ADT.