You trolling fools did get the part that the FPGA's are just the controller board not the actual hashing chips correct? Of course not, your just a bunch of backyard tinkerers who think they have engineering degrees.
As for my "attacks" on your forum's so called escrows, look at the caliber of people who lurk on this forum, i can count the number of respectable, honest, trustworthy people on this forum on one hand and not a one of them has anything to lose as they hide behind a computer and run a half assed business. The Bitcoin Society was able to put up cash in escrow with the companies legal counsel as a guarantee of service as well as provide legal documents showing that they have registered to legally conduct an escrow business.
If you want one of your oh so trustworthy escrows to escrow the deals. then get them to fork up the collateral or purchase insurance to back the deal, get them to incorporate as a legal corporate entity, get them to file with the US Treasury and IRS, get them to pretty much put their entire future on the line with the threat of full legal recourse including but not limited to forfeiture of all of their assets, your pathetic "forum" escrows handle a few hundred to a few thousand dollar deals in which the monthly income far exceeds what they would make to duck and run. hundreds of thousands of dollars is 20 years salary what they make being escrows to the people of this forum and well worth running off with. So until one of them pony's up, incorporates, registers, purchases a bond and insurance or surrenders collateral. This is the end of the discussion on your forums "oh so trustworthy" <---- (that was sarcasm) escrow people.
In the end, what all makes it worth it is when our customers from this forum include comments with their orders through the website reassuring us that the usual suspects trolling on this thread do nothing but that all day long and that the other half of this forum take everything they say with a grain of salt as the trolls have been ranting for so long about the same things with every thread that they have no credibility any more, and that we need not worry because most of them are already on automatic ignore by half the forum so nobody sees what they write anyways.
And now the best part, someone with REAL credibility, not just on this forum but in real life has come forth and pretty much offered to do my job for me in exchange for one of the prototypes when the company is done with them. So i am just going to kick my feet up now, scan through for legit questions and watch the orders continue to roll in despite all the idiots littering the thread. 47 units sold last night despite the website not being finished, despite the trolls, and despite the personal attacks on my daughter by a flaming homo. The management is happy, our customers are happy that someone finally stops trying to get rich selling overpriced hardware that will never ROI, soon someone else is going to be doing my job for me, and i am going to make my bonus.
Still worth it, especially in the end when all you trolls are sitting there with egg on your face while everyone else is hashing with an ROI.