
Topic: Dark Enlightenment - page 21. (Read 69339 times)

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 15, 2014, 12:54:00 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Conspiracy theorists caused the West to abandon Ukraine
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 15, 2014 1:52 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Perfectly logical. Excuse me, I was blinded to the connection.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 14, 2014, 10:26:32 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Sheeople rising into revolutions; expect herd outcomes
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, May 14, 2014 11:22 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Totalitarians always think there are not enough reality checks for "the
rejects" and "low-life".

In their view, all problems are always caused by the scum and not by the
collective growing to be 75% of the GDP.

Remember the propaganda from Hitler about the how the weak and impure were
the drag on the great Aryan society. No one paid attention to the fact
that he was printing money and the government was the economy.

Totalitarians always end up with the megadeath they foment and deserve.

I will say one more time, make sure you find the opt-out frontiers. See my
latest posts in the Dark Enlightenment and Mad Max threads.

Adios numbnuts.

Numbnuts (nuhm-nuhts)

1. The stupidest of the stupid. A complete dumbass, one whose intelligence
quotient does not surpass that of the average rock.

2. An utter disgrace of humanity.

3. One whose purpose in life is meaningless; a complete and total waste of

4. An ignorant, arrogant asshole.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 14, 2014, 08:22:22 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong helping to enslave the world in ignorance
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Wed, May 14, 2014 9:15 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

That is why I work on opt-out technology.

The good news is 1000s of people are awake and aware. That could expand to
millions soon. We need to be ready to serve them with opt-out (frontier)

Ukraine had/has the largest Bitcoin pool. Apparently Martin isn't even
aware that some Ukrainians are already awake and not listening to his
myopic political BS.

Martin publishes these pathetic emails from Ukrainians who beg for the
West to come save them, as if the EU Commission, IMF, U.S.A. has ever
saved any one:

Here is again ignoring the question I asked him about who is creating the
economic destruction in EU, who stopped every country from leaving the EU,
forcing austerity, etc.. to cause economic decline and thus sow

Quote from: Armstrong
They do not comprehend cycles and that human nature
swings back and forth in ideas over the centuries unassisted by
all-powerful demigods.

Here Martin violates thermodynamics. Without top-down coordination forcing
a Coase's Theorem result there would an discord and chaos between nations,
not unified outcomes. The timing cycle of nature is predicting this
top-down control, so why does Martin ignore thermodynamics and ignore that
the top-down control must exist because his model's timing cycle demands

Indeed he does not have a high IQ when it comes to assimilation of logic
cause and effect. He is very astute at memorization and modeling fine
grained details, but he is a dunce when it comes to distilling a
multivariate set to its generative essence (at least in this case and
maybe it is due to some confirmation bias).

Quote from: Armstrong
Yes we are in a major phase of a rise in civil unrest
against corruption that is inherent in all governments. This is part of
the separatist moves rising everywhere. Those that push CIA plots are
distracting the people from seeing we are in a global new trend. Ukraine
rose up because there was no future that way. We are seeing the youth rise
up in Southern Europe. More than 50% of the French want to leave France.
This is a giant upheaval against government. With the turn in the Cycle of
War in 2014, we should see an initial peak in 6 years,

Unfortunately Armstrong will pull his hair out (what little is remaining)
because every revolution will accomplish nothing, because this outcome was
designed and planned by the globalists. So Martin will help guide the
youth towards frustration and ultimately a desire for "human rights" and
an "international cooperation" solution before the end of this crisis in
2032. The globalists will win and the world will be enslaved in a top-down
world (and or regional) government.

And Martin for his good intentions will have helped to enslave mankind.

I hope he will be proud of his myopia and accomplishment. Should we send
him a NWO trophy then?

In the following blog post, Armstrong doesn't seem to know that in the
1980s all mass media ownership was consolidated into control of 50
families and I think now it is mostly in 5 families. He can't seem to
grasp that the globalists are in control of the media too.

> I read all of your emails and you make excellent points.  I can't imagine
> Martin will ever be able to grasp it.
> I can see why your arguments about Russia/Putin being suckered into
> conflict are useful in your exchange with Martin who cannot fathom
> multiple layers of deception and compartmentalization.  In this context,
> the outcome is essentially the same whether foreign leaders are being
> tricked into economic and strategic moves that heighten international
> tensions sowing chaos, or whether the leaders are playing along but many
> or most of their subordinates are clueless.   The end result on the
> geopolitical stage is virtually the same.  The caveat being if a good
> percentage of the world's people knew that all conflicts were contrived,
> they would focus their ire and attention on the apex globalists rather
> than debating what the next "move" will be and whether or not actions
> taken are fair or legal, etc.
> There is also the strong hard-wired aspect of people allowing themselves
> to be divided into two warring camps, it's the lure of war, politics, and
> professional sports.  Gatekeepers have been setting up Putin to look like
> the a clever 007 underdog fighting the western powers (NWO) creating a
> scenario where many mostly awake people are actually rooting for
> Putin/Russia even though Russia has gone farther down the road of
> totalitarianism than the US.  The zombies following the MSM are either
> indifferent or think Putin is creating problems.  Both the MSM and the
> gatekeepers focus on the man, the personality, not so much the Russian
> government or people.  Classic psychological technique.  Obama vs Putin,
> you see pics on the net from the MSM of portraits of these two heads of
> state facing off nose to nose with Infowars running endless loops of
> fighter jet footage and talk of WWIII to increase the hysteria.   The most
> astute among the awake know that Obama doesn't make major military or
> economic decisions, that's done on another level and surely Putin takes
> orders as well.  Remarkably, nearly everyone forgets international bankers
> and their minions pull all of the strings setting up their big moves
> decades in advance.
> You give me a shred of hope your work and similar efforts will become the
> catalysts we need.
> I am disheartened over the level of ignorance in the general public.  It's
> painful to observe.
> Maybe you should contact our mother ship to beam us up and away from this
> insanity.
> Wink
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 14, 2014, 05:17:08 AM
This is some wild stuff.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 14, 2014, 05:09:01 AM
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 13, 2014, 10:41:59 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Who is coordinating that REAL CONSPIRACY?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, May 13, 2014 11:39 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
Everyone at the helm of governments today is on board
with this agenda. This is the REAL CONSPIRACY and the public is being
misled into every other direction purposefully to prevent anyone from
stopping this agenda. The G20 is now coordinating as a single cooperative
entity to hunt down money everywhere. Welcome to the new face of Marxism.
Not even the bankers, Bilderbergs, or the Illuminati are invited.

Martin Armstrong, it is right there in what you wrote and you can't see
it? How blind can you possibly be.

How could all those governments be so coordinated towards a globalist
agenda and yet no one is pulling strings to coordinate that?


You seem to misunderstand that the global elite own the politicians and

You continue to ignore the research, for example out of all the evidence I
sent you previously, don't forget this one:

The global elite own all the multi-national corporations, they own the
central banks, they own most of the world's gold, etc..

They control the world. The politicians are just their pawns.

You will never wakeup. You are a sheep.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 13, 2014, 10:28:59 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong's confirmation bias rules his intellect; extreme naivete
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, May 13, 2014 11:22 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
The people behind the curtain are bureaucrats, not
bankers. The bankers may try to manipulate these people, but they have now
lost the game to raw political power. The US is going after Credit Swiss
and expects to fine them $2 billion for assisting Americans to hide money
from taxes. They have destroyed the Swiss banking system and the Swiss
bureaucrats drew the line in the sand at 2008 for any Swiss bank liability
to the USA. That has led to the collapse of banking values.

Martin you consistently invent illogical strawmen arguments, which are
irrelevant. This is because you refuse to see the big picture.

The elite are quite happy to destroy banks since all the proceeds fall
into their lap. You don't seem to grasp that the controllers of the DEEP
STATE don't just own banks, they own everything. They even own the central

Their aims are not profits nor saving any single business they own, rather
like any smart asset manager, they selling some assets while obtaining new
ones that give them greater power. They used the banks to destroy the
nation-states, now they are consolidating their political power which is
much more valuable than those disposable banks. They can create new banks
and new financial systems from their consolidated political control.

You are such a disingenuous debater, because it is like a mature adult
with a high IQ who can visualize complex relationships, debating with a 5
year old who can only see simple concepts.

It is perplexing to me that you are smart enough to understand A.I.,
programming, disgest and categorize so much historic data, etc.., yet how
can you be so obtuse and naive on big picture analysis of political

Is it because you think you were on the inside thus you think you know
that politicians are just dumb? But why aren't you smart enough to see
that you and they are compartmentalized and not seeing the big picture.

It would be entirely unnatural outcome of the power vacuum of democracy if
the global elite did not exist. It would violate thermodynamics.

Quote from: Armstrong
Lagarde promised to save Italy with 80 billion Euros to
prevent the economic crash. However, Berlusconi  had to go. The EU
dictatorship known as the Troika, wanted to seize Italy and control that
country before it too might break from the Euro under Berlusconi. Lagarde
is a very dangerous woman. She is the one dictating to Ukraine they must
go to war with Russia to hold the East and the proxy for the West. While
the conspiracy buffs only see the CIA, they cannot explain why then has
the West declined to send in troops or admit Ukraine to NATO. The reason –
there is no money on the table to grab as was the case in Iraq and Syria
was a ploy for the pipeline to displace Russia. If there was a CIA plot
that was serious, there would have been an invasion. Lacking money to
attract Obama, Ukraine is just about saving people and that is just an
excuse – never worthy of invasion.

Hey Martin, you just can't seem to grasp my email yesterday wherein I
explained to you Obama has drawn Putin into a trap to force him to expend
$1 trillion on Ukraine occupation, which will make Putin more desperate
and lead to great conflict in Europe, which will help to obfuscate the
true cause of the coming economic collapse of Europe.

We astute observers all predicted this. The elite always operate this way,
to create misdirection of public blame and focus.

This renewed cold war between great powers (USA vs. Russia) will help
drive the youth clamor for "international cooperation" solution by 2032.
Thus the elite get their greater economies-of-scale NWO (world or regional
governments) control over the financial and political systems of the

Martin are you really this obtuse to how the power vacuum of democracy
works? You act like a naive 5 year old who can only see very small picture
of what is going on. It is like if I show a 5 year old my left hand with
spider on it, and tell him all spiders originate from my hand, while with
my right hand I am covertly dropping a spider in the naive 5 year old's
back pocket.

Quote from: Armstrong
According to the FT, Angela Merkel is said to have been
outraged at Obama’s arguments. This may be why he had the NSA tapping her
phones. Merkel is reported to have told Obama that she could not pledge
the German silverware, because ECB chief Jens Weidmann had been vetoed.

According to FT, it was the Obama Administration and French who realized
at this point that they had gone too far. A decision was postponed until
the next morning when nothing else happened. This illustrates what we are
facing. Career politicians are far more dangerous than the CIA, Illuminati
or the Bilderberg Group.

Again you construct a strawman argument. Yes of course the politicians
can't commit suicide and the global elite have to adjust their plans to
manipulate the people into the desired outcome. And yes politicians are
not the global elite, are partially compartmentalized, and have to be
manipulated into doing the desired actions (e.g. see how Putin has been
sucked into the desired action).

Nothing you have written has even one shred of disproof of the existence
and actions of the global elite. In fact, the more you write, the more it
supports the modus operandi of the global elite.

Your confirmation bias is very likely due to your desire for a solution.
You believe that if the problem is just the dumb politicians, then maybe
humanity could get rid of them and have a solution.

That is just dumb. Dumber than dumb. It defies logic and nature.

Only frontiers have ever been the escape route for those who seek freedom
from the collective.

And that will NEVER change.

Hope you wise up.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 13, 2014, 09:21:16 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Private assets will also crash;  Armstrong doesn't know what TIME IT IS
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, May 13, 2014 10:16 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Armstrong is misreading his own computer model, because (per my prior
message) he fails to understand that:

1. Technology has shrunk the world thus all physical assets can be tracked
down by OECD+NSA cooperation. It will be extremely difficult to hide
tangible assets from the imploding industrial world taxman cometh.

2. Relevance (thus value) of stored capital is dying because individual
knowledge self-creation, self-publishing, and self-production is rising
which doesn't need much capital nor corporation coordination (Theory of
the Firm's relevance is dying).

3. Physical commerce is diminishing relative to electronic and virtual
services are rising. Heck people even expend a lot of time and effort on
virtual games, and thus this is an economic good now.

So while tangible assets will rise in fiat price, the fiat economy is
imploding exponentially while the hidden knowledge economy (will soon be
even more hidden in anonymous crypto-currency) is rising exponentially.

Thus all this stored capital running around like chairs on tossing around
on the deck of the Titanic searching for a safe home. There is no safe
home. Stored capital will decline in relative value.

This is the end of those fuckers. All those money managers can lick my
arse, they are going to lose relevance.

So now Armstrong's international capital flows model will become
increasingly irrelevant and blinded, if he doesn't find some way to
incorporate data from the new hidden paradigm shift.

Let those money managers buy ancient coins. It won't help them. WE DON'T

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 13, 2014, 08:47:15 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Real democracy can't exist because it is a power vacuum
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Tue, May 13, 2014 9:43 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

It is a positive step (but unsatisfying) to see that Martin Armstrong has
dropped the illogical CIA plot red-herring, strawman argument (for now, we
he bring it back again?).

Now he reverts to his original reasoning displayed on his blog before the
Ukraine situation came into being.

Note I have read virtually EVERYTHING Armstrong has written which is
available on the internet.

Essentially Armstrong believes that the only possible solution for mankind
to avoid the repeating corruption of political structure throughout human
history, is term limits for politicians.

Armstrong's thesis is that politicians' vested interests become ingrained
if they are allowed to stay in office too long (Btw, an anti-dynasty law
is proposed now in the Philippines where I am).

I don't understand why Martin Armstrong can't grasp the point of Mancur
Olson's book The Logic Of Collective Action, which explains that voting
people into office creates a power vacuum wherein those who win are those
who promise the most to everyone. In other words, it hands away the
top-down control and power to privatize the gains from profits of banking
(and other corruptions) and socialize the costs of defaults from these
corrupt activities.

I've sent the following link to Armstrong numerous times, I guess he
hasn't taken the time to read it carefully. The following was written by
Eric Raymond, the progenitor of the open source movement and who is known
to have an IQ in the 150 to 170 range.
(Some Iron Laws of Political Economics)

Creating some constitution or law to create term terms will not eliminate
the power vacuum, because the people who the term limits apply to are the
ones who are voting on the laws of the land. Even if they don't create a
law to absolve the term limits (one possibility), they can use their
influence while in office to gain employment after they leave office with
those corporations and entities which are benefiting from "the top-down
control and power to privatize the gains from profits of banking (and
other corruptions) and socialize the costs of defaults from these corrupt

Thus creating a round-robin revolving door for political office
accomplishes nothing against the power vacuum of political top down control.

Even if we had the people vote directly on each and every action of the
government, the people could still be manipulated by mass media as they
are today. And because people are easily divided on petty issues, they are
easy to divide-and-conquer politically.

I long ago concluded there is no solution to politics. Martin sees that it
has been this way throughout human history, yet he thinks he is going to
lead some sudden change to the way it has always been? DELUSION! That is a
first stage of insanity! The power vacuum of political economics is a
natural effect. It can't be changed, because it is nature.

Come on Martin, come back to your senses. Get a grip on reality. You are
not God. Even the Bible explains this can't be changed in 1 Samuel 8. The
solution presented in the Bible is that those who believe are "not one of
this world" and should only answer to one King and not be concerned with
what happens in this flesh life.

Armstrong is correct that a Benevolent Dictator such as Caesar can provide
a brief respite from the power vacuum, but as Rome proved this is never
sustainable and the ill effects of the power vacuum re-emerge.

Armstrong is correct that the problem "is government" (specifically the
power vacuum) but he is incorrect to believe this can be changed.

There is only one change that has ever worked longer-term in the history
of the world. And that is for oppressed people to escape to a new frontier
wherein the government is small. This works until those people become
numerous and society becomes well-established, then the government grows
large again and the ill effects emerge.

Unfortunately now on earth, there is no more place for physical frontier,
because technology has shrunk the world. Even if you try to go hide in the
mountains between Argentina and Chile, there are roaming rangers who will
hunt you down. The U.S.A. even has satellites which can read the VIN
number plate on the dashboard of your car and identify your face from
outer space!

In the past at least we had physical cash (or gold/silver) to transact
with anonymously (out of view of the government) during oppressive times,
but now commerce is mostly electronic so tangible cash would mean a
cataclysmic implosion of the velocity-of-money (because it can't be
exchanged electronically), which is precisely what has been happening
since the blowup of Long-Term Capital Management in 1998.

M × V = P × Q ≈ nominal GDP

So now we come full circle to the only frontier remaining on earth which
has any chance of providing a solution to the current global cataclysm

I described in great detail how the world is moving away from labor to a
knowledge age. One must read the following linked threads and understand
that labor could be financed and top-down controlled (c.f. the Theory of
the Firm), but knowledge is different especially now we have the means to
self-publish (internet) and self-produce (3D printers) our knowledge. At
the thread below I successfully debated Eric Raymond:

The only frontier remaining is for us to move to a knowledge economy where
most commerce is hidden from the government (the power vacuum of
democracy) with anonymous crypto-currency.

The old labor-intensive industrial world is dying. Those bankster elite
are consolidating their economies-of-scale now with their geopolitical war
games and austerity programs driving revolutions, because IT IS JUST TIME.
What time is it? It is the end of their paradigm.

Finance will die. Because knowledge production no longer needs stored

This is a epochal shift and Armstrong is blinded. He can only see the old
world and old world non-solutions and plays right into the hand of the
elite's consolidation of power.

Whereas, the other side of the new technology is the birth of the
Knowledge Age and the death of the Industrial Age.

Is Martin too old to have an epiphany?

Well I don't have more time to convince him. I have real work to do on
doing my role to make this Knowledge Age come to fruition as fast as

What is the solution for Ukraine? It is the same as the solution for
people all over the world. Learn to do knowledge work in your home. Hide
away from the chaos outside. Let the elite consolidate their power.
Meanwhile adopt anonymous crypto-currency and profit from your knowledge
work. Soon the old world will be bankrupted as we race forward into

Epochal shift. Can Martin open his eyes to what TIME IT IS?
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 11, 2014, 08:42:47 PM

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Spread the word that Armstrong is ignoring data
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Sun, May 11, 2014 9:01 pm
To:      [email protected]

Quote from: Armstrong
Anyone who thinks that Ukraine was just a CIA plot is honestly in serious denial and are blind to the real trend afoot. All governments are declining into corruption on a massive scale and this is reflected in their rising demands for taxation. The American Revolution was – No Taxation without Representation. That is the global trend that is re-emerging after 300 years and that is the length of our revolutionary cycle. The last time this cycle hit was the late 1700s. The only Leader from Maidan in Ukraine to stand up is anti-West and East. He stands for Ukrainian independence – not CIA or Russia manipulation.

And anyone who thinks the corruption in the world today is not aided and abetted by globalist coordination is ignoring for example the prior data I provided showing for example how Goldman Sachs organized the financial instruments that enabled Greece to hide their bad financial state from the EU before 2008, and how after 2008 former Goldman Sachs employees were installed as political leaders throughout Europe and in charge of managing the austerity programs that exacerbated the financial condition of the States which is what is driving the revolutions now.

And this myopic Armstrong is even ignoring the prior communication I sent him, wherein it is documented that the IMF is doing more of the same austerity crap designed to worsen the financial condition of Ukraine (and other States) which will foment more revolution.

And Armstrong ignores the prior communication I sent him referring him to the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman by Perkins who explains his firsthand experience as an agent of the global elite in destroying countries on purpose in order to fulfill the globalist plans for geopolitical hegemony.

And Armstrong continues to ignore the fact that both the West and Russia are playing with Ukraine as a pawn, but neither side has any thing to gain from this activity, except to bolster a globalist plan to frustrate the people of the world when revolutions fail and they must turn to an "international cooperation" NWO solution which the globalists have waiting in the wings to offer the population after this revolution cycle has run amok and ended in death, destruction, and chaos.

And Armstrong continues to ignore the murals at (and the underground bunkers built under) the Denver airport depicting the plans for the above outcome.

And Armstrong continues to ignore the well coordinated plans and actions for environmental manias (e.g. the man-made global warming hoax) in order to instill the urgency in the minds of the people for "international cooperation" which begin as early as the 1972 United Nations Convention on Human Environment in Brazil.

And he ignores the data from Anthony Sutton. And he ignores dozens (and more!) of other evidence which is too circumstantial to be random coincidence.

How can anyone continue to take MARTIN ARMSTRONG seriously, when he refuses to digest the above and the following DATA.

I URGE EVERYONE TO SPREAD THIS POST FAR AND WIDE AND SHAME ARMSTRONG. For it appears he is not a scientist (one who considers all data and falsifies all propositions), but rather an stubborn donkey or Ox.

Here are some videos of David Rockefeller to give a taste of this planned outcome: (see facts after 7:30 min point) (ignore the myopia of the interviewer, focus on Rockefeller's statements) (Nick Rockefeller predicted everything happening now!) (Rothschild's Zionism controls Obama)

(Don't forget Nick Rockefeller was governor of New York and David funded the construction of WTC)

Rockefeller funded feminism (in prior communications I documented they funded the environmental) movement:

"It's interesting to note that Ford and Rockefeller and the other foundations with strong CIA connections started giving grants in the early 70s to study race and gender."

Bilderberg: (must watch!!!)

Video of Ron Paul admitting Bilderberg gets together to talk about how to control banking system and world's natural resources:

Zbigniew Brzezinski: (must watch!!!) (He confirms the globalist political movement he predicted in his 1997 book)

Kissinger (and CFR head Haas) on population control and terrorism agenda:

More population control globalist organization: (Bill Gates lying about C02) (Bill Gates' population control plan via indirect introduction of birth control, etc)

Let's throw in the confrontation of Larry Silverstein on WTC7:

Quote from: Armstrong
The separatist movements are part of this same trend. This is global. Here are the rising separatist movement shown above. We are looking at the break-up of civilization driven by centralized corrupt governments everywhere.

And Armstrong still can't fathom in his stubborn, myopia, that destroying the nation-state is part of the globalist plan (thoroughly documented above and in prior communications). The globalist foment the brain-dead actions and outcome of the politicians and the sheep.

The global elite are a natural outcome of the power vacuum of democracy and widespread communication technology and the shift to the Knowledge Age are driving the consolidation of global political power.

IT IS JUST TIME, but the guy who discovered the cycle can't seem to wrap his mind around what this time is.

Quote from: Armstrong
If the CIA could really do everything people attribute to it, we should have no problem for they will prevent the collapse of Western society.

Armstrong must have flunked Logic 101 in high school. Why would a globalist elite intent on destroying the nation-state sovereignty want to rescue the current structure of Western society? Instead by design, they want to crash and burn the current structure, so that the world will turn only to an international solution to political organization.

And they are succeeding. It is going exactly according to plan.

Quote from: Armstrong
This is the REAL trend. After 2015.75, we will see capital still confused. The flight to quality will initially be to short-term paper of the USA, but that will give way as well. However, we have more than $25 trillion globally in bonds (short/long) and that is a huge reservoir of capital to shift. This idea that government debt is “quality” will give way to reality.  That means we will see tangible assets rise precisely as we see during a hyperinflation within a peripheral economy.


We are entering this phase. The bulk of analysts keep saying the stock market will crash and burn. The goldbugs say buy gold. The conspiracy people see some new currency emerging like bitcoin that is even less familiar to people than gold. Yet none seem to grasp that if we are headed into the worse part of this economic storm, how is some new currency going to emerge? Sorry, it is back to old-school. Getting off the grid with a diversification between movable and tangible assets.

That crypto-currency will emerge because:

* no physical assets will be safe from confiscation and taxation.

"Switzerland and Singapore are the latest signatories to an OECD deal on sharing data
and tax information between countries that now includes 47 nations"

* gold is a hoarding phenomenon where the velocity of money collapses, and even Armstrong has admitted they confiscate it at checkpoints globally.

* the globalists won't be prepared to offer the new financial system until after the destroy and discredit the nation-states, so this open a period of a decade or two where there will be no other option except crypto-currency.

* everyone will be able to generate some of this crypto-currency by turning on their computer. Thus it will have massive distribution and adoption.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 09, 2014, 05:50:57 PM
Discriminate. It is wise.

verb: discriminate; 3rd person present: discriminates; past tense: discriminated; past participle: discriminated; gerund or present participle: discriminating

    recognize a distinction; differentiate.
    make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, sex, or age.

The 2nd definition is a mass-mania of collectivism that will enslave and remove your ability to function properly in reality. See my comments in the first pages of the Dark Enlightenment thread. For example, females are not as analytical as men. Blacks on average have lower IQs and less work ethic. Filipinos can't do any mental activity alone, they require group activity. Etc..

Discrimination is a useful tool.

You have no rights. The only rights are those you can personally defend.

I am so fucking tired of the collectivism that is sweeping our globe.

Time for me to bug out.

Y'all carry on to the end game of it.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 09, 2014, 05:41:59 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Bottom line is political revolution can't work any more
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 9, 2014 6:37 pm
To:      [email protected]

I sure hope Martin Armstrong wises up and realizes the politics is already
lost to the majority, which is a global majority of chattel managed by a
well-hidden global elite. They are even manipulating the outcome in
Ukraine. Proof is if the USA or EU was intent on Ukraine's independence,
they would ship guns to put under every blade of grass so individuals
could defend themselves (see Hitler quote below). Instead, the IMF sends
them loans in order to further the world governance plan of consolidation.

The Ukraine situation is all about global currency and global governance.
In the
New American link you'll see a description of IMF loans to the Ukraine as
being a
vehicle to expand the SDR system.    Brandon Smith of Alt-Market is the
second link.
Gatekeeper coverage of side topics such as military factories is akin to red
Memes of US vs. Russia "escalating tension" and hysterical pieces on the
new cold
war and WWIII are bait for world government, as well as the previously
goals of creating a dollar devaluation scapegoat; distractions from economic
contraction, corruption, spying, and police state activities; and more
for heavily funding the military industrial complex against assorted faux
 Smoke and mirrors.

> Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 06:18:29 -0400
> Subject: Putin needed East Ukraine because of 50 military factories?

Excerpts from the following posts (click to read in context).

"I consider my firearms to be useless against the government in anything
like our current social structure and any realistic balance of power on
the basis of armaments alone."

You have no fucking clue why our forefathers wanted the right to bear arms:

And so how did Hitler overrun Europe as easily as a hot knife slicing
through butter:

"Tyrannical governments kill far more people than private criminals. The
Nazis conducted a massive search-and-seizure operation in 1933 to disarm
their political opponents, in 1938 to disarm the Jews, and when they
occupied Europe in 1939-41 they proclaimed the death penalty for anyone
who failed to surrender all guns within 24 hours."

Blah, blah, blah.

Bottom line is what I wrote upthread. The Federal goverment is now 75% of
the GDP in the USA (including regulation compliance, see my sources

If we can't personally defend ourselves, we will end up like the UK (where
0.2% own 69% of the land) or worse perhaps like one of the countries
Hitler rolled though and put in concentration camps.

Any way, as I have admitted upthread, I think the time for physical
revolution has long since passed. The majority of the population are
chattel and deserve their fate.

That is why I work on anonymous crypto-currency for those who want to move
into a Knowledge Age economy which is unfettered by government. I discuss
this in great detail in the following thread:

So I want to bow out of this discussion, because politics (e.g. tvbcof's
ad hominem attacks on Bundy to misdirect attention away from the Fed
govt's abusive growth) is such an enormous waste of breath and time. The
only things that ever make a difference are technology that enables
individual action. I point that out in the above linked thread.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 06, 2014, 12:43:57 AM

Armstrong doesn't understand what is frontier now; thus his myopia on globalism

Armstrong is still exploring (attempting to refute) the contention about whether there is globalist agenda and what is/are the potential solution(s) to the enslavement of the people as fodder in geopolitical top-down control.

It amazes me that he apparently can't visualize what is obvious to me as the only potential explanation and outcome. Let me try to see if I can more convincingly elucidate the map I 'see' in my brain.

Yes, the CIA wanted me to build a computer for them after our model predicted the collapse of Russia That the FT broadcast in advance on its front page of the second section. True I declined. It is also true that within 6 months PEI was attacked. I have a copy of the slide presentation prepared by the lawyers for Republic National Bank that outright lied misrepresenting their illegal trading as me to hide those losses from the Japanese when I owned the accounts – not the Japanese.

Those in the Justice Department were ignorant of international currency transactions and in the criminal complaint they stated that they “have been informed by the attnorneys for Republic Bank”. The US Government did not even do the analysis. The notes were in yen which was what we owed – Japanese yen. What the dollar did was irrelevant – they were not dollar based notes. This was Safra trying to save his sale of the bank for $10 billion to HSBC. Then HSBC did its own due diligence and found the allegations were false and backed out. The allegations were all based on dollars not the currency of the note denomination – yen.

Safra then had to reduce his personal shares by $1 billion and agree to indemnify HSBC. Why? If the public got anything less, then they would have sued Republic/HSBC and the truth would come out. So Edmond took the haircut personally to prevent any lawsuit by shareholders.

I have the documents. So I know HOW this began and who did what. There was no coordinated group behind everything. It was one step at a time. Just as in Ukraine the West seizes the situation of a grassroots uprising to use it for its own benefit. This is how it always comes down – one step at a time – not some giant scheme carried out over decades. It is always the same pattern.

Martin speculates that the "Justice Department were ignorant of international currency transactions". He has no way to prove that they did not fully understand but decided to pretend they did not. This is just an example where a human is not as objective as a computer, because emotions and confirmation biases are difficult for humans to eliminate from their subjective analysis.

Any way, Armstrong has demonstrated nothing above about whether a global agenda exists or not. One can envision that to keep all the parties vested in a global agenda involves a lot of corruption and that corruption can't always be contained in predictable ways, and the system AUTONOMOUSLY adjusts to sustain the corruption (because corruption binds them together otherwise they could all be jailed). The evidence of that effect is the corrupt system put Armstrong in the slammer for 7 years on a bogus contempt of court charge.

Quote from: Armstrong
The case was steered to Judge Owen by the SEC to ensure they could control the case and moved to make sure there were no lawyers allowed even though corporations cannot be represented by a director. Nobody bothers with the law because they know it will take you years to get to the Supreme Court and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals is in the pocket of the Justice Department. So there is no possible way to obtain a fair trial in New York City. It will NEVER happen.

Goldman Sachs then hired Alan Cohen and put him directly on the board. This has never been done before. I believe because Cohen then seized all the evidence documenting the manipulation of markets to protect the other banks including files and many taped phone calls including with people at Goldman. The Princeton office was raided and Socrates was unplugged and taken to a special lab in NYC located in the World Trade Center – the old Saloman Brother’s building. They turned it on and discovered it had self-destructed. They then in writing demanded I turnover the source code or PEI would be shut down. I said go ahead, you will never get the code.

And with all the coorperation amongst a large group, amazingly Armstrong thinks the "NY Club" is isolated and not part of any larger globalist agenda. And he presents absolutely no proof to support such an incredulous position, given the volumes of evidence I have presented to show not only is there a globalist agenda, but there is actual laws and actions occurring that implement that agenda globally in every country on earth. Is Martin blinded to the Agenda 21 activities against farmers in Latin America?

Is Armstrong blind to the manipulation of Greece's economy done by Goldman Sachs, and then appointments of Goldman Sachs persons as leaders all over Europe recently.

Quote from: Armstrong
First Republic pleads guilty to $700 million. The the head prosecutor Richard D. Owens explains to the court on January 9th, 2002 that in reality the notes were in yen not dollars and now Republic only needs to pay $650 million but the yen remained the same. Then 30 days later, it is now $606 million. Owens handed HSBC $400 million in profits belonging to Princeton.

Amazingly, when it comes to the banks, suddenly the government lawyers understand the transactions were in yen not dollars

Duh Martin, then why did you write that assumption above.

Quote from: Armstrong
Now, this is the sequence of events. Yes, you can create a conspiracy and say Goldman, CIA, and Safra all coordinated together to accomplish this. But the more likely than not truth, it is a sequence of independent events one step at a time that cascades into a mess they never foresaw.

Then please explain why Goldman has its tentacles throughout the EU fuckfest. You even noted that the creation of the EU was designed to be flawed. Is that random? No! It was by design.

Quote from: Armstrong
This is where the conspiracy buffs go wrong. They create false images of all-powerful groups that mysteriously manipulate the world for purposes that vary between world dominance to just greed. They cannot see that these are separate groups colliding and at times fighting among each other.

Martin you understand statistics. What is the probability of that level of integration by Goldman due to random orthogonal events and greed. ROUGHLY ZERO.

I am tired of this nonsense. Armstrong is smarter than this. I don't know why he can't do some actual research and overcome his confirmation bias. Obstinance?

Quote from: Armstrong
I do not see how it is possible to have some unified secret group that everyone agrees and extended for hundreds of years. This is inconsistent with human nature.

Because there is a power vacuum of democracy and it must be filled. You should understand thermodynamics.

This vested interest binds them together, because they can't win control of that power vacuum otherwise.

This is entirely consistent with nature.

Quote from: Armstrong
Now look at Ukraine. These conspiracy theorists just have to denigrate the people and presume it is some CIA plot so nobody cares about them. The people are incidental to them and incapable of rising up on their own. They deny human nature exists yet yell there is some all-powerful group to which I am blind. To them, the American Revolution and French Revolution are propaganda and the people were never capable of rising up on their own. They not only fail to understand politics yet claim to know everything about it without ever stepping behind the curtain to witness anything.

Armstrong is conflating orthogonal issues again. I am empathizing with the plight of the Ukrainians, but there is nothing we can do to help them, because we would be merely fighting for the elite and helping the manipulation. The only way for Ukrainians to win is either to have armed themselves with a gun under every blade of grass like in the USA, or for some technological solution to come which enables them to side-step (opt-out) of the power vacuum of democracy, i.e. defund the taxation and political-industrial complex.

And those prior revolutions were also manipulated for outcomes which favored the elite. We would need to get into a deep study of history to debate that, and I don't have time right now. I do believe there was more chaos at that time, because communication and travel was slower thus the chance we see now with anonymous crypto-currency was instead at the time taking the form of distance from the powers-that-be in Europe in the case of the American Revolution.

Quote from: Armstrong
These people project nothing but speculation connecting dysfunctional groups and linking them to statements of David Rockefeller to justify as proof. This idea of a one world government would eliminate war is stupidity. But it was behind the drive to create a Federalized Europe. Nevertheless, that is not proof that some group controls the world.

Armstrong also has nothing but speculation, at least I have provided volumes of evidence.

The difference now is that global technocracy is a reality and they can track everything. You bring the idealistic youth onboard and they will create an EU style fuckfest "international cooperation" for the entire world. And Rockefeller et al will have achieved their Agenda 21 consolidation of control and power over taxation and issuance of debt.

Quote from: Armstrong
There is no political system that has ever lasted intact because there is a correction process that comes from the grass-roots that we call – REVOLUTION.

The only effectual physical revolution you will be seeing are the zombie idealistic youth for "international cooperation", after the global war and chaos from 2016 to 2024 or 2032.

This globe has been shrunk by technology. The only remaining frontier for freedom is cryptography. Armstrong has a dinosaur perspective and he needs to correct this pronto!

"Protester Paul Connor sits on the lawns of Parliament House on day 34 of his hunger strike calling for climate change action, on Dec. 10, 2009, in Canberra, Australia."

Quote from: Armstrong
Rockefeller. His net worth of $2.8 billion is not very much in the scheme of things.

Rockefeller's true networth is in the $trillions and is hidden behind NGOs, corporations, etc..

Quote from: Armstrong
I have even sat at a Washington Dinner at the table with environmentalists who thought I and a friend Dick Fox being associated with Temple University were kin to their thinking. Their agenda is to reduce population growth using the environmental issues as the weapon to hide their true motives. This is the agenda behind global warming and the argued UN Article 21. We let them talk and then my friend Dick Fox who was Chairman of Temple University and the Fox Business School is names after him finally sprung the question on them. Whose grandchild are we trying to prevent from being born? Your’s or mine?

The Democrats have been sold on this environmentalist agenda, but I guarantee they have never heard what I heard that night. Obama is not into depopulation; he is just stupid and believes in global warming blaming cars and factories for the past 120 years being capable of changing the planet long-term. Obama is using the environmental movement not to depopulate, but to raise money and tax using the same theory of cigarettes just calling it the carbon taxes. The conspiracy theorists would then link Obama to depopulation as the secret agenda rather than agreeing further tax collection

Whether Obama is stupid or not is irrelevant because he isn't the mastermind. He could be (and is likely) compartmentalized. You again speculate. The reality is the agenda is being put into action, and the youth will be indoctrinated and ready to embrace it as "international cooperation".

Quote from: Armstrong
These people remain blind to the motives behind such taxes and cannot grasp that politicians are only about money.

No politicians are about sustaining the cooperation that keeps their brethren in control of the power vacuum of democracy.

That is a fundamental myopia of Armstrong. He must correct this.

Quote from: Armstrong
These conspiracy theorists connect everything as if some single mind controls everything. They cannot point to a single thing this group has done without speculation or bold statements they were behind it.

It doesn't even matter if there is a mastermind or not, the reality is Armstrong doesn't even identify the main trend in place, which is not just taxation but rather subjugating sovereignty to the collective on a wider scale as I have explained.

Quote from: Armstrong
They refuse to consider what if there is nobody actually in charge? What happens when all of these conflicting self-interests collide? Historically, you get revolution. That is the only way this will be resolved.

And now finally I understand why Armstrong doesn't get it. He thinks the revolution will be physical. He hasn't realized the world has shrunk due to technology, and physical revolution can't overcome the great powers and the global technocracy. These revolutions will all be manipulated by the great powers.

The revolution and frontier is cryptography. I've been trying to tell him this for several months.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 05, 2014, 08:04:26 PM

I suggest ignore. tvbcof's positions are so bizarre they don't make a lick of sense to a rational mind. When you point out the inconsistencies of his positions in clear terms a 10yr old could understand, he just ignores you and moves on to the next nonsensical rant. ... If there are any paid disrupters in this thread, he's it. If he's not being paid to post in this thread then he needs to seek counseling.   

He is not paid. This is the illogic of a lefty communist. You can't reason with them because their brain stem is not functioning. Their brains are operative and they can make semi-coherent arguments and even appear to be reasonably intelligent and articulate, yet always the logical consistency is absent.

I think it is because their philosophy is lacking an understanding of thermodynamics and the fact that only a free market of competing actors can optimize (anneal) a dynamic system. He doesn't understand that nature's optimization algorithm is simulated annealing. This is why if ice is cooled slowly, then there are less cracks because the local molecules have more time to find optimum structure.

What a lefty doesn't understand is that no entity can top-down manage resources better than the local competing actors (some perform worse and some perform better and thus the system learns). There is no way that the Feds can monitor every dynamic opportunity and problem experienced by 300 million people every day and decide on the appropriate actions in real-time. Thus every edict and requirement from the Feds is stomping on and preventing the free market of local actors from optimizing with the most degrees-of-freedom.

In the Economics Devastation thread, I explained with respected citations that degrees-of-freedom is known to be equivalent to potential energy.

In your car had no reverse gear (one less degree-of-freedom), then you need to drive in a circle (e.g. around the block) in order to go reverse, i.e. much more inefficient. Government makes the free market adaptation and optimization less efficient.

When government grows from 12% in 1930 to over 75% of GDP (once compliance with all regulations is factored in) as it is now, then we reach negative marginal utility of debt, which means adding new debt actually shrinks the real GDP. Debt reduces degrees-of-freedom too, because everyone and his half brother copies each other, because resources are declared to be free.

As I've mentioned, I'm a lefty and don't really mind if society gives people a hand in limited times of need.  Of course many people will take advantage of things (e.g., 'bleeding the beast') so in order to make the best use of limited resources, we do need to check up on people who are on the Government dole.  Else we end up with single women claiming more dependents than they have and folks like Cliven Bundy claiming special rights and needs.

You attack the symptoms and not the fundamental problem. The fundamental problem is the power vacuum of democracy, i.e. the government grows without bound. The only way to fix that is to deny the ability of the government to tax, so that the citizens have a (individual opt-out) veto against unjust taxation. We must defund the beast. And thus why I am working on such a technological solution.

You have no idea whom you've been debating with. If you knew, you'd feel pretty stupid for stereotyping me the way you did upthread.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 05, 2014, 06:50:20 PM

I did some research on Tue May 01, 2012 6:36 am (quoted below) on the Long Wave Cycle (a generational cycle)

It's a lot less complicated than that.

For 5,000 years a war has raged between people who attempt to predate others, and people who resist predation.

The use of Russell Brand as an anthropological weapon is merely the latest iteration.

It is a mistake to think of the universe as a one-way progression except in terms of expanding entropy.

There must be friction else nothing could exist, because if speed-of-light was infinite the past and present would collapse into a single point (and thus nothing would exist). With friction there must exist cycles (waves), because nothing will cascade without reverberation, reflection, diffraction, etc., e.g. consider the Butterfly effect. I covered this in great detail in my blog essay on the The Universe:

Thus it is import to study the Generational Cycle I shared and understand that the youth will be coming up as Hero and Artist generational cycle attitudes. Thus when they rebuild the global economy (circa 2032 per Armstrong's model) after this imminent Sovereign Debt Big Bang (Armstrong's model's ETA is Oct 2015), they will be applying extreme idealism. And that is extremely dangerous.

Note that Martin Armstrong's ECM model is based on multiples of Pi, i.e. 8.6 years, and one of the key periods is 3 x 8.6 = 25.6 years which is roughly the maturity cycle of a human wherein one forms a family to generate a new cycle. Armstrong's real estate boom & bust cycle (which also appears to correlate with bouts of technological unemployment) is 3 x 25.6 = 76.8 years.

You provided numerous analysis and examples of how that is occurring and I suggest readers study your post which I had replied to.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
April 26, 2014, 03:41:26 AM
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1055
April 22, 2014, 08:46:52 PM
Took the test again. Been about 8 years since I took it last time.
Introvert(44%)  iNtuitive(75%)  Thinking(25%)  Judging(1%)

You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (44%)
You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (75%)
You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (25%)
You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)

Still INTJ but that is far lower then I have ever scored on Judging in the past.
I must be getting lest judgmental as I age.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
April 17, 2014, 08:23:25 AM

As for the slight preference for F but it is local in scope (e.g. I didn't hesitate to predict massive technological unemployment ahead), and let's say I can switch it off and go into thinking mode...

Let's explore why the test doesn't accurately measure the difference between localized empathy and not applying my empathy rather my thinking to analysis of outcomes.

When I read the following news stories, my heart aches. I can imagine them dying so young. I imagine being there with them, I feel overcome with sadness and tears. But I wouldn't advocate new State regulations as a (non-)solution. Rather this is just a reflection of North East Asian obey authority culture. (The brown S.E. Asians don't obey authority and would have jumped ship)
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
April 17, 2014, 06:06:17 AM
Hey now I am an INTJ too.
I always come down 55/45 on the J/P split every time I take that test.

The political megalomaniacs don't inhabit the introverted, judging, thinkers group. The worst of them are the outcomes of their philosophy such as Karl Marx.

The bottom line is that judging is very, very dangerous when it is applied as a general theory that can be adopted by politicians.

Judging is not a global threat, when limited in applied scope to solving local problem sets. Everyone uses some amount of judging, otherwise no decisions would ever be made.

The problem is those who are so sure of their judgments that they propose it as a model or ideology for society to FOLLOW. And the worst are the megalomaniacs who implement such ideology with the force of the State.

Ha ha lots of INTJ's out there. INTJ discrimination I tell you =)
Then again maybe it has to do with the degree of judging.

It is not the degree, rather it is the proposed scope. You apparently have the ability to see the harm in applying judgments in a top-down structure, because you understood the Petri dish experiment from my essay.

Unfortunately our other community member who brow-beated me recently has isn't capable of understanding that science.

We have some weaknesses
INTJ are driven to come to conclusions about an idea so you may see us jump into a position early.
We are quick to express judgment and are often initially convinced we are right about a position initially (even when we are not).
INTJ strongly favor systems and organization and this may give us a tendency to favor socialist solutions early in life.

Yup that is weakness I've seen in you several times, e.g. from our private discussions you jumping too fast on naming decisions, and siding with the theory that D. Nakamoto could be Satoshi.

Note you tend to exhibit fear or worry when you can't see the organization and structure. It doesn't phase me. I trust the ability to adapt on my feet.

However, our weakness are offset by some very powerful strengths.
INTJ apply (often ruthlessly) the criterion "Does it work?" to everything including their own ideas.
If an INTJ discovers that a system does not work he will focus his efforts on dismantling and repairing the broken system.
We tend to be very strong strategic planners (arguably the strongest of all of the types)
INTJ's are very good at seeing the objective reality of a situation.

Agreed, you've provided a correct counter-balance to me on several occasions, e.g. pointing out in private that too generic of a name would be fatalistic.

You provide excellent, well organized posts that more clearly eludicate some highly jumbled writings I've made (because I often move so fast and jump around randomly that I don't have time to come back and organize it).

Also you fact check and test. I fact check too, but you do so in cases where I wouldn't have the time to dot every i.
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