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Subject: Successful people don't waste time
From: AnonyMint
Date: Sun, June 29, 2014 12:18 am
To: "Armstrong Economics" <
[email protected]>
http://armstrongeconomics.com/2014/06/28/22227/My point is not to protect the billionaires – it is to protect society from those that plunder everything we have. The only viable solution is to restrict the size of government. I disagree with the social state for it would be cheaper for just about everything to be private and far less corruption. They started the income tax swearing they were only targeting the rich – lie. Then they started the payroll tax so they could give you social security – now people pay more in SS than taxes and they keep raising the age and reducing the payouts. If you want to believe these people are honest and care about you, great. Have a nice dream. When it comes time to collect – well you will discover your entire life trusting them was wrong. Then what? You die in some ditch dead broke and nothing to support you when you can no longer work?
Martin surely you are smart enough to realize that the socialist citizens who believe in socialism will never listen to what you are writing above.
And those who will listen to you do not have the power to overthrow the corrupt governments and rescue the socialist citizens from themselves. The corrupt governments have the power because the socialist citizens give it to them and will not wake up.
So why are you wasting time?
I hope I can read something from you soon which realistic.
What you should be doing with your valuable time and resources instead is working on replacing the internet with an anonymous decentralized model that will provide an outlet for free speech and virtual commerce. Tor is and other low-latency chaum mix-nets are not immune to NSA snooping. We need something better.
And you should be advising people on how to opt-out of the morass, so they can continue to do commerce (investing, etc) as the entire global morass crashes into the abyss.
I don't see any way to opt-out and separate myself from those socialist citizens other than with anonymity technology on the internet.
I could buy stocks and real estate, but eventually the socialism will so bankrupt itself (i.e. the 10% confiscation in Europe will worsen the economy and demand greater confiscation rates) that it will clawback any such investments as these are traceable.
You are hoping the people will blink and such a Dark Age will be averted.
The people are rising up as predicted by your model, but it appears to me this will be symbolic only and all will remain within the socialist system, because the western world is dominated by old boomers who depend on the free entitlements. Even most of the youth have been indoctrinated into socialism, feminism, gay rights, environmentalism, student debt, etc.. See Greece, Ireland, and Ukraine as recent examples of uprisings that failed. The powers-that-be are successfully destroying the self-reliant cultures in these nations and moving many of the citizens further onto their system of dependence and debt.
Thus I don't believe the USA will successfully disintegrate. Third parties will rise, but Hillary Clinton will win the next dictatorship in 2016 and she will lockdown the USA with militarized police and UN "gun control specialists". They will open the floodgates on immigration as necessary to achieve the Hillary popular vote.
You are conflating the rising tide of discontent in your model with a successful disintegration away from socialism, but in fact the socialism is becoming more engrained everywhere except in Iceland. Which is exactly what I predicted in my 2010 essay which was widely syndicated on the internet:
http://www.coolpage.com/commentary/economic/shelby/Understand%20Everything%20Fundamentally.html#europehttp://www.gold-eagle.com/article/understand-everything-fundamentallyCoase’s theorem says that an inefficient internal order will continue for as long as there remains an unavoidable frictional barrier insulating it from the more efficient external possibilities. The fundamental reason the EU crisis will not result in a disintegration of the union, at least not until its people significantly abandon collectivism, is that organisms which are unable to comprehend the mechanism by which they are consuming resources faster than their ecosystem can replenish, thus are unable to stop the mechanism before they perish. So the implosion of the friction and thus the order only occurs when they perish, because they will continue to repeat the mechanism which they do not understand to be a cause of their suffering. This can be verified in a petri dish, as an organism will reproduce until it consumes all of its food or oxygen. Due to the lack of a pre-frontal cortex, it is unable to comprehend the connection of reproduction to unsustainability. Unfortunately, even though humans have a pre-frontal cortex, they do not comprehend that debt, insurance, bonds, fractional reserve money, and centralized governance, cause the demand (and thus production) of resources to be overconcentrated in sectors of the ecosystem that create a less productive future. In the next section, I will explain that these financialization mechanisms cause collective failure and thus demand ever increasing centralization (i.e. “too big to fail”), because from their inception they all pool capital. Thus they are always collectivism.
“It amazes that otherwise bright people can’t understand the simple concept that economic collapse doesn’t convert collectivists into anarchists.”
Thus the people are blind to the mechanism which is enslaving them and reducing their prosperity. Thus, since they will not change the mechanism, centralization of governance will grow stronger from the current financial crisis, and will diminish only when the involved organisms perish. Entropy is continuously culling the center of the bell curve so that knowledge can advance. I make no political judgment when I state factually that these mega-death cullings take many forms, e.g. abortions kill 42 million annually, it is reasonable to assume birth control probably more than that, some statistics claim that governments and wars have killed a couple 100 million in the past century, totalitarianism (the political end of pooling resources) kills millions, drugs and medications probably kill millions, cancer rates are double in the ‘developed’ world (the countries with financialization), and arguably GMO food may add to that. I am not making a political judgment on reproduction, rather to state the fact that actuarial economics are constrained and politically intractable without a sufficient population of youth. And as will be explained with the entropic force, it is the antithesis of knowledge formation, to a have uniform (replicated) social action.
“Currency wars are like [...] slap wars, trade wars is where the knives come out.”
“Currency wars > trade wars > hot wars.”
Europe is predominantly retirees (low or negative birth rates exacerbate this), that own various european country bonds via their retirement plans. If interest rates go up, the bond values decline, and their retirement is toast. The politics is to appease subconscious denial, which is why you see Merkel talking tough and simultaneously making gradual steps towards centralized printing and fiscal controls. The savers want to penalize the non-savers, under some illusion that they can convert the non-savers, but they don’t accept culpability for causing the problem with a collectivist form of saving. If the collectivist non-savers were converted to collectivist savers, then who would borrow? Illogical.
Thus, the savers are blind to the fact they too are collectivists. Productive europeans (e.g. Germans) want to have a fixed interest rate return by loaning money to less productive sectors who can buy their exports. Now they want to deny they are subconsciously in support of money printing, because they also don’t want their fixed income to disintegrate (even though it will be debased either way). Due to the psychological phenomenon of ‘false attribution error’ (i.e. blaming the stone that one tripped on, a form of cognitive dissonance), they want to be the victim who will spank and control the bad PIIGS, via increased centralized control. Neither the savers nor the borrowers are the victim, they all are collectivists and being culled by the entropic force. Note, Germany’s debt ratio is as bad as the USA and Canada.
Fiscal centralization to come next (link explains how), with copious money printing and centralized rationing (i.e. austerity and/or price controls). The recent health care legislation in the USA, is price controls and rationing. The only prosperous fix for health care, was to eliminate insurance a priori so that individuals could maximize and individualize their preparations for aging. I will explain that pooled savings, i.e. insurance, is collectivism and thus automatically wasted.
My outlook is optimistic, in that those who understand how to avoid collectivism, facilitate maximum knowledge formation and efficiency of market fitness, will prosper and (they and their offspring will) survive entropic culling.