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Subject: Significant quibbles in the midst of overall agreement
From: AnonyMint
Date: Sat, May 31, 2014 11:49 pm
To: "Armstrong Economics" <
[email protected]>
http://armstrongeconomics.com/2014/05/31/constitution-is-just-a-scrap-of-paper/Every drug dealer I ever met who was arrested with a bunch of cash goes to court and finds that the reported cash he had is on average 50%. He then realized they are pocketing the money and gets mad. His court appointed lawyer tells him to shut-up for if there is more money there is more drugs and more time. The drug laws make those in enforcement very rich.
Collectivism (in every flavor of government that has ever existed) always collapses due to the citizens partaking in the corruption, e.g. Medicare is a corruption where the citizens get to gang up and steal from the collective or your recent blog about teachers demanding to tax wall street to pay their salaries. Proof is as Glenn Downs told you in recent audio interview on your site, that the U.S. actuarial obligations ("constituent liabilities") are $200 trillion, but even if every asset and all wealth of the U.S.A. was confiscated, it wouldn't amount to $200 trillion.
http://armstrongeconomics.com/2014/05/31/you-are-not-alone/Therefore, the very idea of hyperinflation will result is civil unrest and revolution before you ever got there in a highly social state as we have today.
Correct and astute. Hyperinflation would cause the established government to give up its power, thus they will never do this. Instead they will appease the desire of the citizens to steal from the collective as I explained above. Isn't democracy wonderful. Yet Armstrong thinks he can create a collective nirvana that has never existed. Yet he claims he bases himself in historical fact. He has a logical contradiction.
http://armstrongeconomics.com/2014/05/31/various-flavors-of-government/I assume you are suggesting the NSA has gone so far they have lost the cooperation they once had as CISCO sent a letter to Obama and
Microsoft is losing ground outside the USA because of the NSA
Zuckerberg sent a letter too, yet Facebook and Google continue to increase their technologies for tracking everything. Facebook even monitors your pattern of typing so they can identify you even when you are not login. Google works on driveless cars and tracking you on every site via cookies and their ads on nearly every blog and website.
The fascism is not decreasing. There are only some nice letters sent to appease the public post-Snowden, whilest the reality is the fascism is increasing and will more so with FATCA and Obamacare so that only those multi-nationals can do business internationally and domestically.
Checkmate on the economy and the slide into the abyss of a Dark Age.
The people will protest and demand reform. And the globalists will give them an IMF controlled international reserve currency reset and global oversight for transparency of the nation-state corruption, to further enslave the people in Rothschild's control over the money supply (then the globalists will have their fingers on a global central banking lever).
Fascists have typically aligned themselves with industry who see protectionism to be to their advantage and support an
interventionist economic policy.
You've just described FATCA and Obamacare.
The difference between a simple fascist state and the next in line would be a totalitarian state is primarily the lack of cooperation of the private sector.
Incorrect. Fascism is a flavor of Totalitarianism, wherein the power is shared with the globalist owned corporations. For example, Prescott Bush (grandpa of POTUS Bush) was director of Union Bank which financed the work camps under Hitler. Communism is another flavor of Totalitarianism.
In all cases, the globalists are funding and involved in these. Andy Sutton documented the money trail of their involvement with the Bolsheviks, etc.. The power vacuum of voting (collectivism) always creates
Totalitarianism. There are 0 exceptions in history, if you distill it down to the generative essence and thus fundamental truth. For example, see my point about Athen's democracy in the prior email yesterday. Therein the globalists were the slave owner "citizens" (who were a fraction of the global population that was enslaved).
If a private person sued the banks in NYC, they lost and many class actions suits were dismissed, which is the classic fascist state model. However, when the government goes after a bank, the bank cannot win and that is more in the category of a totalitarian state where our conviction rate is 98%+ in federal courts.
Nonsense distinction. The larger fish are eating the smaller fish in the case of disposable banking institutions. The deepest power structure behind the scenes is growing richer, and is never targeted.
The only Republic that did not transform into an oligarchy was that of Genoa. There the richest families ruled, but each rotated as the Doge for one year. Thus, they never became Draconian for they feared retaliation the next year and they would be subject to their own laws. Career politicians are always exempt under our current system. Genoa did not fall into a rich v poor, it was business always that benefited the entire city for it perpetually competed against Florence and Venice. You simply cannot have career politicians – NO EXCEPTIONS!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_Genoa#13th_and_14th_centuryYou again identify the symptom and not the cause! The symptom was competitive chaos that disallowed a dominant power structure to take over (thus preventing entrenched vested interests, i.e. your buzzword "career politicians"). But what caused that and thus enabled it? Come on man, think.
DECENTRALIZATION was how society rose out of the Dark Age of Western Rome. And it will be exactly the same this time. The decentralization won't be driven by the top-down due to some reform of collectivism, rather from individuals and groups breaking free to new frontiers and competing from there, i.e. ANONYMOUS and UNTRACEABLE crypto-currency.
I hope you are learning from me. You will eventually realize I am correct. Will it require it all happens according to my statements before you will realize? Or can you work it out in your mind now?
This is why as say it is NOT Capitalism that is in its death-throes, it is Socialism.
To be more precise, it is passive capital that is dying also, as we are moving into a decentralized Knowledge Age wherein the individual can create and distribute from his own knowledge capital (due to computers, internet, 3D printing, robotics, etc) and thus stored capital is dying.
Eventually, they will create a new currency, default on the obligations, and we get a reset. This is where tangible assets come in. ALL ASSETS survive such a rest PROVIDED there is no war that results in the destruction of the infrastructure as we saw after World War II.
All tangible assets will be confiscated or end up illiquid. No exceptions. Stored capital is dying. We are leaving the Industrial Age wherein fixed capital was necessary. You are missing the entire trend. You are only looking at the highly VISIBLE symptoms and Bureaucrats and not looking deeper.
That pushes it into the final confrontation against the people and hence we move to the third stage of totalitarianism where corporations and banks lose their influence under a republic and a fascist state. Corporations and bankers suddenly find themselves the targets indistinguishable from the people. Hence, we are seeing huge fines now against the banks.
Banks are sacrificed by the globalists as they gain the huge power of the IMF (bank!) control over the new international reserve currency. You need to study the globalist business model:
http://www.silverbearcafe.com/private/01.10/thinklikeabanker.htmlThe power structure behind the scenes is not being targeted and is not losing. However in our advantage is that power structure will decline along with the Dark Age it creates. And then the decentralized intellectuals will march to the new frontier in high tech UNTRACEABLE by government.
To put this simply, only a fool thinks there are just plain types of government that can easily be defined such as democracy, republic, fascist state, and Communism. There are a lot more flavors to the complex political experiment of humankind.
A fool like you sees only symptoms in 1000 flavors and can't distill to the deeper generative essence.