
Topic: Dark Enlightenment - page 19. (Read 69270 times)

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May 30, 2014, 10:24:21 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong is psychology shaken (can't even define fascism  correctly)
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 30, 2014 10:23 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

In the 2nd audio recording, you can hear that he can't fully focus on the topic Glen Downs is raising and he keeps coming back in his to the debate with me about the globalists. He is trying to justify his denial, but the reason this is dominating his mind is because I have raised some points that he can't reconcile and his subconscious mind knows it. Thus he is in a state of pyschological upheaval (insecurity) and he trying to form denials to affirm his conscious state-of-mind.

He made two assertions in that recording relative to the globalists:

1. The system is going after the Bilderbergs. Yet he provides no evidence of this whatsoever. Sure Rockefeller et all will allow some token appearances that they are being targeted in order to satiate the myopia of dimwits, but for ever penny taken from one of his hidden web of corporations, this plan of global taxation and control will return many multiples more back to them.

2. Everyone is selfish and trying to game the system and thus he asserts there doesn't need to be any cabal to give us the outcome we have now. Excuse me Mr. Dimwit! If everyone was selfish, there wouldn't be any cooperation and the entire thing would collapse in chaos without any Bretton Woods #2. There wouldn't be coordination on global taxation, global environmentalism as a facade for global taxation, etc.. These are highly organized plans, as Martin himself has admitted for example about Piketty. It is instructive to note that Martin routinely contradicts himself when ever I corner him in superior logic. For example, he wrote yesterday this is not fascism, but he had a recent blog post all about how this is fascism. And he writes ad nauseum about how the people in government can't tie their shoes, yet he then admits a sophiscated level of planning in for example 9/11, negative interest rates, and Piketty:

Armstrong's definition of fascism below is incorrect:

The key distinction of fascism from other forms of totalitarianism is the marriage of the corporate cartels with the government:

"Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission."

How can anyone take this guy seriously when his rationality is so sporadic?
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 30, 2014, 09:26:57 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: How Do I Tell My Daughter That People Across Europe Fear  Minorities Like Us?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 30, 2014 9:25 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

It is very simple. When the economy turns to shit, people turn selfish and want to blame anyone but themselves for their debt gorge.

The comments in this thread are pathetic. You politically correct ass wipes make me want to puke.

Look in the fucking mirror. The whole fucking mess of collective society is always an abject failure. The only thing that ever works is the individual and the frontier.

I could care fucking less about your endless (useless and reinforcing failure) political pontification and hot air balloons masturbation.

Tell your daughter to focus on gaining a skill and being productive in the Knowledge Age (or nurture her to be a good wife to a man who can, feminism BS be damned), where guvmint won't be able to provide for her any more. Wasting her time on this crap shows you don't have a clue how to be a parent (and the guvmint has been doing that job very poorly for you, indoctrinating her mind with this nonsense).
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 30, 2014, 02:43:15 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong wants a democracy of slave owners
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 30, 2014 2:41 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
We are seeing the most dangerous trend ever. There is an agenda behind the curtain and that is to sustain government at all costs and that includes everything you own. I have warned that either government will move toward a totalitarian state or to real democracy – real Athens style without the career politicians.

So Armstrong is proposing Athen's "direct democracy" as a model. But Athens' governance was by an elite group of slave owners according to their share of the wealth, i.e. Fascism (from the perspective of the enslaved subjects).

"For much of the 5th century at least democracy fed off an empire of subject states. Thucydides the son of Milesias (not the historian), an aristocrat, stood in opposition to these policies, for which he was ostracised in 443 BC.

At times the imperialist democracy acted with extreme brutality, as in the decision to execute the entire male population of Melos and sell off its women and children simply for refusing to became subjects of Athens. The common people were numerically dominant in the navy, which they used to pursue their own interests in the form of work as rowers and in the hundreds of overseas administrative positions. Further they used the income from empire to fund payment for officeholding."

And note that after that arrangement ended in the 4th, Athenian democracy ended by 322 B.C..

Martin will not be able to find any example in the entire history of mankind where the power vacuum of democracy was not filled by an elite.


Quote from: Armstrong
This takes no secret agenda of sinister corporations, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, or Bildebergs.

Armstrong will never find an example in history where the power vacuum of democracy wasn't filled by an elite Fascism.

I have provided the evidence, yet he prefers his delusion.

So he will get his international reserve currency governed by slave owners- the IMF (which is entirely controlled by the globalists).

Dementia has apparently set in. It is time to tune out this old man. Let him babble to himself and the stupid investors who will follow him into Ancient coins, real estate, stocks, and other assets that are all going to be confiscated. It will all go illiquid if not tax compliant. And tax compliant will mean 80% confiscated.

Quote from: Armstrong
This is plain old Adam Smith where those in government will never admit they are wrong...

Just like in Athens:

"The ten treasurers of the Delian league (Hellenotamiai) had been accused of embezzlement. They were tried and executed one after the other until, when only one was still alive, the accounting error was discovered and that last surviving treasurer was acquitted. This was perfectly legal in this case, but an example of the extreme severity with which the people could punish those who served them. (Antiphon 5.69–70)

    In 406 BC, after years of defeats in the wake of the annihilation of their vast invasion force in Sicily, the Athenians at last won a naval victory at Arginusae over the Spartans. After the battle a storm arose and the generals in command failed to collect survivors: the Athenians tried and sentenced six of the eight generals to death. Technically, it was illegal, as the generals were tried and sentenced together, rather than one by one as Athenian law required. Socrates happened to be the citizen presiding over the assembly that day and refused to cooperate (though to little effect) and stood against the idea that it was outrageous for the people to be unable to do whatever they wanted. Later they repented the executions, but made up for it by executing those who had accused the generals before them. (A long account in Xenophon Hellenica 1.7.1–35)

    In 399 BC Socrates was put on trial and executed for 'corrupting the young and believing in strange gods'. His death gave Europe one of the first intellectual martyrs still recorded"

The thermodynamics of a power vacuum and the nature of man never changes.

Only technology and frontiers have EVER provided change.

Quote from: Armstrong
Piketty did not appear out of nowhere. This is a coordinated assault to set the stage for massive taxation increases without a one-world government, just a one-world agreement to hunt down capital hiding everywhere.

Include Rockefeller's funding of environmentalism bullshit as early as the 1972 U.N. Convention of Human Environment.

No coordination over decades eh?

Fruit Loops must be your regular breakfast meal.

Quote from: Armstrong
Exceptions may be China and Russia.

No exceptions. They are fully on board the global TECHNOCRACY plan. Take a walk around China or Hong Kong and seen a surveillance camera on every lamppost.

Quote from: Armstrong
Even the pretend conspirators inside the Bildebergs are getting nervous because there will be no exceptions.

Hahaha. Rockefeller is quaking in his boots. Totally unfucking believably pathetic. This old man is off his rocker.

Quote from: Armstrong
This is not fascism – it is old fashion totalitarianism.

You will regret that sentence. Proof will come out on multi-nationals. We already have a boat load of it about Monsanto et al, and recently with the cooperation with the NSA. Much more to come...

That sentence will get rammed so far up your asshole, you will be puking it out. Guaranteed. You are going to end up one ashamed man by 2032 as you see how amazingly fucking wrong you were.

Your mea culpa will come... but much too late to help the world as you will mislead many in the interm....

Quote from: Armstrong
I fear those trying so hard to point people at the Bildebergs is a deliberate diversion from the Bureaucrats desperate for money.

There is nobody funding me! I am deliberating debating you because you are wrong. You can't win by going after the symptoms of the cancer (the Bureaucrats). You must go after the cancer itself. The cancer has always been and forever will be collectivism and the power vacuum of democracy.

I point to the only possible escape valve, and you tell all your readers to avoid it. You will lead them to their destruction.

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 30, 2014, 09:31:22 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: 10 secs later, Armstrong realizes I was correct all along
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 30, 2014 9:30 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Armstrong said it was impossible for us to be anonymous and untraceable, and then 10 seconds later I see he posted a mea culpa:

That is why he should STFU and listen to scientists such as myself who have more experience and knowledge than him in this cryptographic arena. Stop his obnoxious boasting about how he has more (irrelevant) experience than me.

And now he gets the answer to the question I asked him-- the IMF will control the international reserve currency (and who the fuck does he think controls the IMF!):

Now I am confident he will continue his pathetic denial. At some point, I have to bow out of refuting him. Real work beckons. Unlike him and his hot air balloons, I am not retired yet and can make a real difference.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 30, 2014, 09:14:47 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: What experience and knowledge is relevant here?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 30, 2014 9:16 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Armstrong apparently doesn't know who I am. He erroneously asserts I haven't been outside of my bedroom.

Like you, I also believe that we are heading towards digital currency (Israel is taking the reigns from what I have read) and negative nominal interest rates. Once the digital currency hits the shores of the USAA in full force, how does one liquidate their gold holdings in a private manner?

Negative nominal interest rates mean a slide into Totalitarianism (and Fascism as the globalists' multi-national corporations will be exempted as they are with FACTA). This is what I am warning about, that the majority will slide into a Dark Age. The only thing that can prevent a Dark Age are those intellectuals (e.g. hackers) who will opt-out of that dying system into their own ANONYMOUS crypto-currency wherein we will be UNTRACEABLE by the NSA. There is no way to reform collectivism from the inside. Martin knows this, as his study of history has told him this.

Four years ago (long before I heard of Armstrong), I publicly warned about gold investors being trapped by confiscation of taxes at the end game in an article that had 41,000+ readers:

Quote from: Armstrong
...nor any reference regarding growing tired of pontificating by people who have zero experience. I would never engage in name-calling or other personal attacks. Lowering yourself to that level demonstrates you have nothing left to argue with and are in fact just hot air. Any reference was made in general to numerous people who pontificate with zero experience (new-comers) who have the audacity to pretend they know what really goes on by osmosis.

You do naming calling by referring to us as those with no experience who haven't left our bedrooms. You've written that our explanations are nonsense. And you don't even know who you are talking to. You think I don't know something about what goes on in the inside. Perhaps you should do some research on my attorney father.

Besides your experience is irrelevant when you can't address logic, such as your inability to explain how an international reserve currency will be truly independent and uncontrolled by any vested interest? Who will set and MAINTAIN OVER TIME the money supply or the weightings of the basket? Of course the globalists will. And you have no possible refutation at your disposal, which is why you resort to name calling instead of answering the question.

I was a person who had great respect and admiration for your model and your blog posts explaining the model's predictions. I thought you were an open-minded, rational person who would weigh all the logic of something and come to conclusion based on answering every question. Instead I've learned you are closed-minded to retain your biases, and just ignore pertinent questions that poke gaping holes in your logic. I respect rational men, not irrational men.

Quote from: Armstrong
Those who close their mind because of bias or “married to some idea” be it one-world government, dark conspiracies, only block themselves from advancing in knowledge. They know everything, ridicule anything that disagrees with their beliefs, and are thus incapable of ever advancing in life destined to die as ignorant as they came in. I enjoy this field because I continue to learn nuances every day for as much as you think you have seen everything, they is always something new around the next corner.

And you are doing the same thing you criticize. You are married to the idea that a globalist power structure can't possibly exist. If you were truly interested in learning something new, you would for example read the following. How can you deny those insiders who have documented the globalists as follows (and don't forget you ignored Andy Sutton's research too documenting the money trail):

Here is an excerpt but you need to read the entire page linked above:

The most decorated Marine in history, Smedley Butler, described fighting for U.S. banks in many of the wars he fought in. He said: “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

In Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins describes how World Bank and IMF loans are used to generate profits for U.S. business and saddle countries with huge debts that allow the United States to control them. It is not surprising that former civilian military leaders like Robert McNamara and Paul Wolfowitz went on to head the World Bank. These nations’ debt to international banks ensures they are controlled by the United States, which pressures them into joining the “coalition of the willing” that helped invade Iraq or allowing U.S. military bases on their land. If countries refuse to “honor” their debts, the CIA or Department of Defense enforces U.S. political will through coups or military action.

Quote from: Armstrong
For the individuals it is one way to get off the grid, although they do track who is buying and how much. You cannot hop on a plane anymore and carrying a brief case full of gold bullion will only justify its confiscation. We have to be concerned about our financial privacy, which the government has converted to a crime of “money laundering” that amounts to just hiding money from their reach. True, high net worth investors should purchase gold, not for financial gain, but as the hedge against government, which it appears we may need in the years ahead. We are headed into negative interest rates and a new world of digital currency for then nothing will be private.


“How does one liquidate their gold holdings in a private manner?” Good luck. The French went after coins shows requiring that they report all attendees. The shows no longer go to Paris. The coin and bullion dealers were by law in France barred from dealing in cash. The French started to travel to Belgium to buy and sell gold. The French complained to Belgium and hence we now have coordinated G20 level monitoring. So gold may no longer provide the easy way to facilitate life as it once did. It will depend upon someone taking it in barter and to understand that possibility, you have to use coins – not bars.

“Will the have to smuggle metal out if the country to be paid in cash?” There comes the metal detectors and Xrays. Then just traveling with more than even $3,000 is a presumption of guilt and they get to just seize it. Perhaps now you are starting to get a feel for why the NSA really monitors everything.

“Will there be a black market for hard cash in the states? Ultimately, how does gold help protect folks from an out of control government?” Gold may still be viable outside of the major cities the further you get off the grid. However, keep in mind that absent moving too far into a Dark Age where even gold loses all value, such a period historically tends to last 3.5 to 6 years max.

You are late. I wrote about that in 2010 per the first two links I provided above.

But as you note, gold will never be a liquid asset which you can use as money over distance and in mainstream commerce. Only anonymous, untraceable crypto-currency will prevent the velocity-of-money from collapsing and the world falling into a Dark Age. That is our only hope.

You can go on with your delusional reform of collectivism and play right into the plans of the globalists for they will control the levers of that new digital international reserve currency. I will tell you, good luck.

Would you like to put a wager on which one of us is correct? What betting odds do you give? I am serious. I have a lot of people that will probably join me to bet against you. Don't get shy now. Wink

Quote from: Armstrong
Those who think they can create their own currency – good luck. Ain’t gonna happen.

Isn't that what they said to the Wright Brothers. And a zillion other crazy inventions that people doubted would ever occur.

Quote from: Armstrong
It is government that has the tanks – not the Rothchilds.

Actually that's not what Henry Kissinger says as quoted from the above linked article:

Dr. Henry Kissinger has called military personnel “nothing but dogs to serve our needs”.

Hey dimwit, what can a tank do when it has nothing to shoot at? How exactly are you going to shoot the user of ANONYMOUS crypto-currency where the user is UNTRACEABLE?

Quote from: Armstrong
You need to read more, because you are apparently entirely ignorant of developments in this arena.

The digital currency will come AFTER 2015.75. Those who thought they were clever and think they can make tax-free income in Bitcoin, all I have to say is – been there done that. There were tax straddles that allowed people to push income from one year to the next using futures. They were sold by the major brokerage houses in the late 1970s. The IRS allows such schemes to progress, then hits them with huge interest, penalties, and sometimes criminal prosecutions. If anyone thinks they can use Bitcoin tax-free – good luck. You are probably destined for real tax-free living at the closes Federal prison. Don’t worry, like Motel 6 – they will keep the light on for ya.

Bitcoin is not anonymous and it traceable. So you are correct for Bitcoin, but you are incorrect for anonymous, untraceable crypto-currencies, if and when they are used with great care. This is not something every person will learn to do overnight, but it can catch on over time.

Legal Disclaimer: Note I am not providing tax nor legal advice and I am not publicly advocating illegal activity. Each user must consult with his or her own adviser on such matters.

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 30, 2014, 08:17:07 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: No controlled gatekeepers, just a natural myopia of sheeple
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Fri, May 30, 2014 8:14 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Didn't I bcc you when I had that email debate with Chomsky?

Yeah his logic skills are very high, but I was able to drill down to his  inconsistency. And yes similar to Armstrong, he started to exhibit the same sudden (opportunistic) reduction of comprehension skills once I cornered him in logic. Would need to dig that up to refresh my memory. I don't have time right now. It is in my email archives.

Chomsky and Armstrong both seem to fall victim to the usual Socialist (collectivist) notion that solutions are only viable if they protect all the people. There will never be a way to outlaw nature to protect those who are sheep. Thus for those two if they can't outlaw nature, then there is no hope.

Yeah Armstrong is a collectivist and frames all possible solutions in terms of reforming collectivism. Hahaha. He learned nothing from history.

Armstrong thinks his stance, that a global top-down power structure doesn't exist, is congruent with chaotic nature, i.e. that such a top-down power structure would defy the chaos of nature. What he fails to see is that the top-down power structure is a culling of the sheep and the top-down globalist are a cancer that is dying with the host, i.e. chaotic nature (thermodynamics) is winning (continues 2nd Law trend to maximum). The most competitive of us move on to the new fledging growth frontier of high tech, e.g. crypto-currency.

Remember we covered before how the inherited primitive, post-paleozoic, hunter-gatherer fear shuts down the pre-frontal rational part of the brain:

Anonymous (not Armstrong) wrote:
> When I use the term gatekeeper I intend it as a catch all phrase for
> various levels of engagement, some of it conscious and ideologically
> driven or out of self interest and greed, and other elements unconscious
> through delusional thinking, group think, cognitive dissonance, or fear.
> So, yes, I too see that because there are many permutations it becomes
> difficult for most people to see patterns through the chaos.
> Armstrong may be a de facto gatekeeper in the sense that he deludes
> himself and this delusion is reinforced by the groupthink of those he
> interacts with.  Is it possible Armstrong represents an archetype of
> denial that once effectively cornered and challenged, responds in the
> highly irrational way Chomsky has in the past employing doublethink?  For
> instance, Chomsky is on record saying if 9/11 was a false flag then it
> would be the most monumental historical event in modern times and then
> when cornered with evidence says even if 9/11 was a false flag it is of no
> important consequence.  Which is it?  Armstrong is an intellectual
> lightweight compared to Chomsky, but the process is the same.  I recently
> learned that in a discussion with another prominent academic, Chomsky said
> if the elites assassinated JFK then all is lost because that means TPTB
> are too powerful and we can never defeat them.  Is Chomsky also gripped by
> fear, either conscious or unconscious?
> These psychological dissections can be delicate.  The patterns are
> universal.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 10:57:36 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: No controlled gatekeepers, just a natural myopia of sheeple
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 29, 2014 10:53 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

I don't believe all these people are intentional gatekeepers. I can't prove it, but it just doesn't fit with the nature of chaos for the globalists to have such explicit control over so many people.

Rather it is appears to be the natural effects of the various ways humans process information.

The globalists succeed precisely because people don't see any solution, thus they debate on a 1000 variants of non-solutions, i.e. the globalists occupy the natural (now global due to technology) power vacuum of voting.

Nature intended for people to be diverse, that is the only way solutions can be found via trial and error, e.g. the efforts of yours truly with crypto-currency.

The high technology frontier solution will thus be grass roots and not everyone will be on board.

Which is exactly what I explained to Armstrong in my latest emails about crypto-currency as opposed to a one world reserve currency.

Armstrong can only see the "solution" (non-solution sustaining defacto world goverment of the DEEP STATE, i.e. 4th branch of govt) of fixing government. He can't see outside that box.

He is unconvinced of the power of the globalists and global coordination, because he sees disarray behind the political curtain. Catherine Austin Fitts who was actually inside the government as former Assistant Secretary of HUD and former Wall Street insider at Drilon & Read, has an interview where she explains that in her experience behind the curtain, the government does appear to be dysfunctional and in disarray, but when the government decides to get something done that is diabolical it is extremely efficient, e.g. her and Gary Webb's (and Michael Ruppert's) research uncovering the connection of the master planned fraud in HUD combined with the inner city drug trade. She was able to correlate it with a statistical computer model. Armstrong doesn't respect others enough to even investigate her computer model and knowledge. He thinks he knows everything, which is the hubris of an idiot. Ditto 9/11 as an example of efficiency of the DEEP STATE.

I had sent Armstrong that Fitt's interview before, wherein she also explains where the Black Budget goes and what it is used for.

As for her being behind the curtain, she had personal conversations with for example Janet Napolitano, the former head of Homelust ScrewUrity, who told Catherine to expect unrest and potential martial law in the future. Can you find the quote or video where was talking about that? I can't find it any more.

Here is the quote of what I posted on April 5, 2014:

P.S. $4 trillion of it has been unaccounted for in the USA Federal budget and is called the "black budget". Imagine what the "Fourth Branch" of government can do with $4 trillion.

Catherine Austin Fitts' point that government intentionally designs in
failure when it is in its best interest but can act very swiftly when that
is in its best interest (i.e. the best interests of the elite "Fourth
Branch of Government" who capture the government). She talks about the $4
trillion black budget. I highly recommend listening to the audio interview. She
is very articulate and gets directly to the point. She was former Assistant
Security of HUD in the USA government. She was also a major player on
Wallstreet. So she has insider connections. Janet Napolitano once told her
to prepare for mass violence and upheaval in the USA after 2016.

Anonymous (not Armstrong) wrote:
> I'm not so sure, over the last couple of years, gatekeepers like Paul
> Craig Roberts have had to shift from their blow back stance to grudgingly
> admitting 9/11 was a false flag attack.  If he didn't make this admission,
> he would finally lose all credibility as a gatekeeper working the "awake"
> alternative news feeds - and he was getting constantly flamed before he
> changed his stance.  We also have the situation of Russia Today, a
> globalist media tool, running 9/11 false flag stories.  RT is the more
> moderate less bombastic alternative to cointellpro Alex Jones.  TPTB know
> more people are waking up to 9/11 and they are using a multipronged
> approach using various gatekeeping protocols and more recently direct
> attacks in the mainstream media that are frankly ludicrous.
> You see a careful nuance in Armstrong's argument.  He admits there is more
> to the attack than the official story, then he still blames the
> "terrorists"*, because TPTB must have their "global war on terror" and
> their excuse for a domestic police state.
> * Three early limited hangouts were (1) govt incompetence, (2) blow back ,
> (3) neocons or military industrial complex types knowing an attack was
> about to take place and allowing it to happen, and (4) number three with
> the addition of helping to facilitate it.   Armstrong is running with
> number four.  More elaborate versions came out later with various red
> herrings to create a super fog of disinfo confusing the shit out of a lot
> of people and conflating bizarre speculation with truthers to make them
> look nuts.
> As an aside and FWIW, I am certain parts of the middle east, in particular
> Syria, are highly organized staging grounds for the professional training
> of terrorists using the CIA and several intelligence agencies from other
> nations.   The intention is to send them or allow them to go to various
> parts of the world for attacks that will continue to justify the global
> war on terror.
> So far, despite the moving limited hangout goalpost on many issues (e.g.
> in the last couple of months the MSM and establishment heavy hitters such
> as NASA have been admitting to the reality of geoengineering/chemtrails),
> TPTB are fighting to conceal the (1) full story of 9/11; (2) the pyramidal
> nature of globalist power with international bankers on top (new limited
> hangout is the 1% is a simple relatively unorganized "oligarchy"); (3) the
> rise of Technocracy; (4) and world government.
> Shelby, something I find humorous is the many statements fully admitting
> to a plan for world government by some of the most powerful and connected
> men in the 20th century seem to go completely unnoticed by the likes of
> Armstrong.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 02:59:31 PM
Collapse of the dollar isn't the end of the world.

Standard of living outside the US will actually get better as export countries will need to serve domestic need rather than export their labor and product to US.

That common thinking is incorrect. The demarcation between domestic and export won't exist in the Knowledge Age:
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 02:27:19 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Proof (in his own words) that Armstrong isn't behind the DEEP  curtain
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 29, 2014 2:26 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
I really am sick of these people who claim to know everything and have never left their bedroom.

Quote from: Armstrong
I have stated I was there and felt the building shake when it was first hit before the collapse. I was several blocks away at that time. That was more like an explosion than just a collision. I have stated that I know for an absolute fact that the first World Trade Center bombers drew the twin towers on the wall of their cell with planes flying into them one year before. Does that mean it was purely a terrorist attack? No. Because that does not explain WTC7. There are no coincidences in the middle of such events.

I know the evidence they took from our offices. If there was a REAL prosecution in NYC, that would have led to the closure of the top five banks just as Solomon Brothers’ was rescued by part of the crew – Warren Buffet.


The bottom line is simple. There was a real terrorist attack that the US KNEW ABOUT. They used it to cover up the Pentagon missing money and what else was there in WTC7 beyond what we had that would have ended the market manipulations back in 1999.

Quote from: Armstrong
Concerning World Trade Center Building 7 and the missing Trillion dollars, my questions are:
2) What happened to the Trillion dollars

As far as the missing $2.3 Trillion dollars, who knows. Anyone that does will never be free to talk.

So Armstrong can't name the names of who perpetrated 9/11 and he doesn't know where the Black Budget goes, thus he isn't behind the DEEP curtain where the globalists are operating.

Quote from: Armstrong
Those in the Fourth Branch of government have spied even on Congress. They went completely nuts. I have written before that they have been blackmailing various people in Congress to put in legislation one step at a time to accomplish their authoritarian state. This has nothing to do with the Bildeberg group and insist only they are the source protect the NSA. Come on. Open your eyes.

The Fourth Branch is being exposed and the backlash has been both between governments as the NSA got caught spying on more than 100 heads of states around the world demonstrating their is no one-world agreement and now from the corporate side as they watch their business suffer because of the NSA. If you think the NSA takes orders from the Bildebergs, then all I can say is you are hopelessly lost in the canyons of the mind.

Armstrong's illogic is hopeless. How does the above logically conclude anything about the globalist control over the NSA? Of course the NSA is digging up dirt on all politicians, because blackmail is how the globalists keep the politicians inside their agenda. Even Martin himself had written about the blackmail strategy.

And yes that is one way they control Hillary Clinton. The other is her power is dependent on them.

Armstrong apparently just has difficulty assimilating a lot of puzzle pieces and thus can't connect the dots of his own posts.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 01:48:33 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Spoils to the victor of the free market is not enforcement?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 29, 2014 1:47 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
Marty, I want to thank you for saving me from the nonsense of the goldbugs. They go on and on about one-world governments and manipulations and that is their excuse for being wrong. They cannot understand even what is a reserve currency or that it is merely the economic language as you say. They are really dangerous people who keep saying you are some idiot because money has to be backed and enforced beyond all rational thought. They only see their point of view and their crypto-currency that will dominate the world, yet the point is the free markets are the enforcer. I am correct?

ANSWER: Yes. They are totally delusional and specialize in sophistry yet have never had a single day of experience in anything they rant about, yet nobody is right but them. A reserve currency is just that. There is ZERO enforcement upon individual nations that is why the euro is failing. They federalized Europe rather than letting nations retain their sovereignty. The free market does the heavy work and that includes busting their communist attempts at fixing the value of money yet lettering your assets and wages rise. How can anything rise if money is a fixed constant? If assets and wages rise, then money cannot be fixed in a constant value. Dah! They are really delusional.

Armstrong conflates my prior email with a goldbug hard money position. His comprehension is extremely low, not even in the 80th percentile. I would guess his verbal SAT was 500 or below.

I made no reference to hard money controls. My question is who is going to control the parameters (i.e. basket weightings or money supply) of the so called independent reserve currency?

Martin are you delusional enough to believe that regardless of whether the free movement of capital to the USA escaping Europe after WW1 was a free market choice of reserve currency venue, that the USA's reserve currency status meant an entity was handed the control over the money supply of that reserve currency. And this afforded great power and spoils to that entity.

Who will fill that power vacuum in your independent reserve currency to maintain a fair set of parameters?

You see you argue an illogical position from the standpoint of entropy and thermodynamics. You yourself argue that it is impossible to maintain harmony among disparate cultures and nations, yet then when it comes the independent reserve currency you argue by implication that they will be in harmony. Because something or someone has to set the parameters of this so called reserve currency. The weightings or money supply can't just magically control themselves.

Again you debate disingenuously. I never wrote that crypto-currency would take over the world. I wrote that the majority would ride with the one world outcome and depend on goverment (which why the majority of the world is headed into a Mad max outcome), while the fewer members of the high tech community would break away from this cancer and ride UNTAXABLE in crypto-currency.

Our popcorn is ready. We will watch your delusional reform scenario fall into the abyss, while we go forth making the new economy and being prosperous and UNTOUCHABLE by government.

Get off my lawn.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 08:39:56 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: The one world reserve currency will be enforced by whom?
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 29, 2014 8:44 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
I see the emergence of a one-world currency at the reserve level only. This will be electronic replacing the dollar. The reason for this is that the currency of no single nation can be the reserve currency for whatever that nation does becomes a contagion to the rest of the world. I do not see a one-world currency that people would use in commerce domestically.

Quote from: Armstrong
I am in agreement with what you say about there being no overriding, controlling group in charge of things. However, with the politicians trying to federalise Europe through the back door and now seen to be failing, is it possible (or even likely) that they would now conspire to bring about an economic collapse and/ or World War catastrophic enough to create the single debt structure by “will of the People”?

Honestly, there is no bulb in the office that bright nor is there anyone so daring or that much of a risk taker. They do not even understand the aftermath possibilities. They fear a default because they may not politically survive such an event. If the world economy crashed and burned, there would be a new guard coming in.

I have been behind the curtain. I do not speculate on these things or offer unsupported opinions. These are my observations not my hopes, desires, or opinions. We will crash and burn because this is how society functions. After the fact people try to claim it was all planned. It really does not work that way.

Quote from: Armstrong
Finally you have raised the issue of the “global currency reset.” I have always been of the same opinion expressed by you that in a floating currency regime an administrative devaluation is not possible.
What would be the basis of the new reserve currency? A link to a metal or to a (somewhat) floating basket of currencies? And wouldn’t the latter still be prone to going super nova as fiscal authorities get overextended in unison?
This is the focus of a lot of conspiracy theorizing so I await your response eagerly.

These are two separate things entirely – a one world government and a one-world currency. If the conspiracy theory assumes one-world government is NECESSARY to have a one-world currency, that is DEAD wrong. It is impossible to ever get a one-world government because there are huge cultural differences between countries even when the language is the same.


The assumption that there needs to be this one-world government to create a one-world currency is nonsense. The ONLY political solution will be to create a independent reserve currency. This will be the result of the debt crisis for countries will have to default. However, a reserve currency needs no backing for the value of a currency has always been its image or CONFIDENCE.


The next step in the evolutionary process of the financial system will be to replace the dollar with an international reserve currency. It requires no backing - just CONFIDENCE. Such a reserve currency is exempt from fiscal mismanagement since it would not be the currency of a given government. Each nation would retain its currency that would float against the reserve. You would need to convert your local currency to the reserve for international transactions.

We do not need a one-world government to issue a one world currency. It would only be a reserve currency against which everything would then be measured. No big deal. That ends the political tensions and retains the sovereignty of a nation unlike the euro that has been a complete failure.

Armstrong routinely builds strawmen to form faux argumentation, i.e. no where did I assert that an OFFICIAL (as opposed to the defacto one we have now hiding behind a deeper curtain than Armstrong has visited) one world government was required to bring about a one world reserve currency. We already have a global (one world) reserve currency today, the dollar.

But every time I ask Armstrong a question which challenges his logic, he is unable to answer. So here we go again and he WON'T be able to answer for if he did, he would have to admit his error.

So who will enforce this reserve currency which is not tied to any government central bank, political fiscal process, and national debt?

These diverse cultures and nation-states are going to remain in perfect harmony in terms of agreeing to honor the discipline of this reserve currency without trying to gain any leverage (control) over it? So the stronger nations won't be able to obtain leverage over the smaller nations in terms of the enforcement and evolution of this reserve currency?

Illogical Nonsense.

The only way such a one world reserve currency will have the desired discipline on the nations (i.e. a government that is running fiscal deficits for the wrong reasons will see its currency and bond markets pummeled), is if there is force backing it so it will have the necessary confidence.

Armstrong can't see the real power players of the DEEP STATE that is the defacto world government today. He only sees the public and political curtain dog & pony circus that is allowed to run amok while the real power sits back and awaits the outcome of "the borrower is slave to the lender" or "he who controls the gold, makes the rules".

Those globalists are guiding the nation-states towards their debt collapse where they will fall into the lap of the true power structure which owns the fixed capital, Industrial world. They control the multi-nationals too.

Armstrong hilariously claims that the software giants such as Google are distancing themselves from the NSA corruption and cites this as evidence that the globalist plans and power is waning.

Hahaha, what a myopic dimwit he can be at times.

Yeah Google will put on a good dog & pony show for naive idiots to believe, while the astute sovereign hackers (Knowledge Age workers) understand very well that Google continues its march towards enabling the globalist TECHNOCRACY.

I don't have time to argue with a blinded man. I have hacker work to do.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 07:49:15 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: crypto-currency is not intended to entirely replace fiat
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 29, 2014 7:48 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
It is the problem with Bitcoin. People do not understand
money is only an economic language – nothing more. The value of any
currency is purely CONFIDENCE. Those who think they can create their own
crypto-currency are living in a dream world.

First they assume that they can take power away from government who has
the capacity to turn off the electricity and send in the tanks. These
people fail to even understand that it is not the currency that is the
problem. It is fiscal mismanagement by government promising huge pensions
and never funding them. Changing the currency will not prevent that
crisis. Those who also think they can conduct business in their
crypto-currency tax free will see how they get wiped out. The IRS files
charges retroactively. They did that to the tax straddles in the 1980s
wiping out people with huge fines and penalties.

Secondly, the value of a currency is purely CONFIDENCE and that is backed
by the TOTAL productive capacity of the people.


Those looking for the crypto-currencies fail to grasp the daunting task
and why they are just fools fighting windmills. They would have to
CONVINCE everyone in the world that their new currency is valid. Good
luck. You cannot even get Congress to agree 100% on anything. Even if they
were successful, who would determine the value of the currency? Them or
the free market? You would end up with same system we have today – the
floating exchange rate system because people are not robots and we have
mood swings that will be reflected in the value of the currency.

These comments make it painfully obvious that Armstrong does not
understand the global trend underway with the transition from the
Industrial (fixed capital) Age to individual ownership of one's productive
capital in the Knowledge Age. For details on that trend, refer to my prior
writings upthread. Specifically knowledge workers today can produce and
distribute their own work individually without relying on the Theory of
the Firm and finance. The 3D printer is yet another example of this trend

He is framing the issue with the wrong perspective, thus he entirely
misses the point and thus the correct conclusion.

Crypto-currency doesn't need the entire world's confidence and acceptance.
The sovereign Knowledge Age workers are adopting it. And will use to do
UNTAXABLE(due to perfect anonymity in altcoins that are superior to
Bitcoin) Knowledge Age commerce. Yes the IRS can track ownership in
Bitcoin but they won't be able to for anonymous altcoins.

The rest of humanity will descend into enslavement in a one world reserve
currency and a de facto DEEP STATE that runs the dying fixed capital age
and the concept of the nation-state which raison d'etre was the politics
of finance.

See the one world outcome is the death star of collectivism. Again I refer
him to my seminal article on the Rise of Knowledge:

Focus on the "Rise of Knowledge" essay and understand why savings must
decay otherwise knowledge doesn't advance.

I expounded on a later blog:

Armstrong exhibits complete ignorance of the fact that Satoshi solved the
open Byzantine General's problem, and thus no one controls the value of
the currency. The currency's value is set by the free market and can not
be controlled.

The proof that the currency is valid is created by the value the free
market assigns to it. Bitcoin is valid today at $400+.

Armstrong is stuck in an anarchic idea of government and finance. He is
blinded to the decentralized rise of the sovereign individual in the
Knowledge Age. Thus to his hammer everything looks like a nail. He can
only see everything in terms of government. He can't see the true
revolution going on which government can't do a damn thing to stop.

Let them try to turn off the electricity. Watch how fast the Knowledge Age
workers engineer a solution that bypasses their grid.

Checkmate for the Industrial Age, nation-states, and voting. Those are the

When will Armstrong have the epiphany and realize what time it really is?

His model is screaming that I am correct. Yet he is blinded by his old age
and ingrained thought patterns and experience as a hedge fund manager.

He was never a hacker so he doesn't really understand our culture. We are
extremely sovereign.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 29, 2014, 06:34:15 AM
Subject: what is really happening in India (and China and globally)
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 29, 2014 6:35 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Before we get into the debate about a global elite that governs the world from behind the DEEPER curtain from which Armstrong has never been, let's first entertain hypothesis on India's future (and how Australia ties in).

Quote from: Armstrong
I pointed out that India was an exception and the political reform could prove to be interesting. The AllOrds has to close above at lease 507000 at year-end to signal it is building a base. A yearly closing above 647000 is required to get the breakout. You can see that the high remains 2007. Despite the rise in gold into 2011, the AllOrds still fell into its low for 2009. This is good, for it shows that Australia is not just a gold play. The potential for a 2017 high still exists as long as the 2009 low holds.
We are starting to see a reversal in the political trend Downunder. The new budget is ending the Age of Entitlement as the socialists call it. The socialists keep expecting more and more and just rob it from someone else. But this trend is collapsing economically. Australia is starting at the beginning of the curve as we are seeing in India. This is well ahead of the USA and Europe. The AllOrds is something to watch for if it indeed starts to sustain recent gains, we can be looking at the high in 2017.

Quote from: Armstrong
My question is on the Indian elections which happened recently. Mr Narendra Modi has won by a landslide and this is kind of victory margin was only possible due to the unfettered corruption of the previous government.I can clearly observe your theory of people raising against corruption everywhere, in this election verdict.
India is expecting Mr Narendra Modi to work economic miracles. But as you had mentioned Emerging markets are going to slide further into economic depression so has India already turned the corner, or are is it going to slide further.

India is following the forecast we made 2 years ago in Bangkok. I pointed out that there was a double top and that India would breakout to the upside. The government has been way too corrupt and the central bank has been following the traditional nonsense misreading the capital flows and trying to stem the tide. As a nation begins to prosper, it ALWAYS begins to import goods and it also invests its income outside the home country. This causes the current account to decline into negative territory yet it is reflective of a boom, not a bust. The same mistakes were made by Australia in the 1980s. They expected the currency to decline because of a current account deficit yet it rallied. They were totally confused by this development. The Australian Associated Press did an article on me at that time bluntly stating that I was teaching Australia about its current account and how it really functioned.

We distinguished India from the rest of Asia including China. This market should have risen and it has done so. We may yet see the major high form in 2017.

Quote from: Armstrong
In one of your blog you have quoted that – ‘There can be no political union, only an economic one.’ Is India an exception to this rule where about 780 languages are spoken currently and there are more than 2000 dialects? There were 565 princely states in India at the time of Indian Independence. But for a long time in history the land of Bharat was ruled by single rulers. Of course Bharat then was covering lot of south east asia but not just present India.

I am very familiar with India. You might want to know that India became the largest economy following the fall of the Byzantine Empire. It yielded to China, but it is currently moving to rise again.


While the languages are varied, the culture is not. The primary division has been religion so that narrows the diversity to a large extent. In Europe, the language identifies completely different cultures. You do not see Germans marrying Greeks of Italians marrying Irish. Of course there are always some exceptions, but those nationalities that came to America produced a melting pot when they all were forced to speak English. Italian-Irish combinations are very common on the East Cost in New England.
Air Traffic internationally is conducted in English. You cannot fly a plane internationally for an airline unless you can speak English fluently. That allows for communication and cooperation. India would emerge as the strongest economy if it adopted a single language. Often over-looked with respect to India is language. India has become a back-office for a lot of companies because the people have a tendency to move toward English. That allows India to function internationally. So that helps make it an exception. If there was no unifying language like that, India would not advance.

However, the cultural differences emerge when the economy turns down. That is the risk to India in an economic decline.

Quote from: Armstrong
India, it is tied down by language. is tied down by culture. The “Mahabharata and Ramayana” Sanskrit epics were carried by the ancient sages through out the country and passed through the generations by word of mouth ” Shruti”. Thus even before written text, the country was unified.

Our holy places “Char Dham” – 4 holy places Badrinath, Dwarka, Puri and Rameswaram ( ) were spread throughout the country. How will you break it apart ?

Yes, there is a unified culture.


India has been far more united than most people suspect.

Remember I wrote in a previous post that China didn't rise because of some erroneous notion of superior economic performance due to top-down Communist 5 year and 10 year planning, but rather because "it was just time" because the people were so undervalued. Ditto India where 1/4 to 1/3 of the population can't get enough to eat without government subsidies. India is dearth of infrastructure. But as Micheal Pettis explained, China over developed its infrastructure to a level that is higher than the income earning potential of the people. However, China has a large segment of its population that is highly educated, so it should be able to transition to higher valued production and services and absorb some its high-end infrastructure over time. Nevertheless there is a huge debt bubble (i.e. economic waste) that has to be collapsed and written off in China over the next several years.

India has some highly educated, but due to the caste system and higher levels of poverty, a large segment of India's population is undereducated. It doesn't appear that India would be able to duplicate the huge top-down managed debt bubble as China did by perpetually devaluing the Yuan and penalizing savers by locking them in non-market interest rates thus blowing huge bubbles in the stock market and condos, in order to create high enough participation rates for fixed capital investment driven employment for the undereducated. I just can't see India duplicating China's top-down model. India is a model of unified chaos and diversity.

Thus it appears to me that India must rise more organically with lower interference from the State, and private investment and initiative taking the lead. This means a massive push to by the population to become educated and compete, which in itself is an economic driver.

It is only through debt that you can keep the tribes unified economically. I see this in every country. Even China had to use heavy handed tactics and then a debt bubble to keep their sheep in line. Ditto Europe. You can keep the country unified for safe passage via culture, but you won't get extreme patriotism and nationalism unless you have massive debt to cause people to prefer a national priority over selfish priorities.

Thus as we see it is time for India to rise on Martin's chart, I think this is also about the rest of the world declining, and India rising but not no where near as high as where the West was at its peak a decade ago.

China will also peak out at a much lower level than where the West was.


Because I have been explaining we are moving from the Industrial (fixed capital) Age to the Knowledge Age where individuals will own their productive capacity and can't be bought with financial capital.

Thus the nation-state concept has peaked. The globalists are consolidating power now to try to fend off the Knowledge Age, but they will fail (although they will succeed to enslave those who don't transition and remain dependent on the one world reserve currency and governments).

Martin is entirely missing the big picture.

The individual is rising. Government is dying, and as it last hurrah it will descend into one world government which in fact already exist de facto.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 26, 2014, 11:05:52 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: " government whether or not you like it,   by conquest or consent."
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Mon, May 26, 2014 10:59 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or
consent." - Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James

Quote from: Armstrong
The elections have indeed been a huge rejection of the EU
policies. What is happening in France prefigures what will happen in all
European countries. France is the second largest country in the Eurozone.
This will put tremendous pressure on the European Commission. That is the
dangerous group to watch.


The EU Commission took out the heads of Greece and Italy who wanted to
leave the Eurozone. What will they do now? If there was ever a Doctor
Evil, it has been the European Commission.

Martin Armstrong is getting giddy about the people rising up, but as
happened in Ukraine, there persists the East vs. West faux conflict is a
globalist strategy to co-opt any sovereignty movements. Martin forgets the
globalists have several weapons in their arsenal:

1. They can incite Russia to roll tanks into France within 31 days, i.e.
they can bring war again to Europe to force Europeans back into supporting
a EU to obtain peace. They did this before and they can do it again if the
Europeans haven't yet been pummeled into submission. The globalists
control NATO.

2. The globalists control banks, central banks, corporations and finance
in Europe. They can cause massive bankruptcy at will. They can do this in
targeted fashion along with war to prevent a reset and pummel Europeans
into the beggar ass-up-in-the-air position. European boomers will change
their stance when their manicured bike paths, universal health care, and
other niceties are threatened.

3. The globalists control the mass media. And one way to diffuse popular
movements is to popularize movements and design them to fail (installing
leaders who are bought off and promoting them to the public as the real
deal) thus making the people (just like in Ukraine) hamsters inside of
spinning wheels going nowhere.

Martin doesn't seem to understand that VOTING IS THE PROBLEM. He will
learn this lesson the hard way. BY 2032 or earlier, he will admit to me he
was wrong and I was correct.

I remember telling my grandfather when I was 15 or 16 that VOTING IS THE
PROBLEM. How come I can figure that out at such a young age, yet grown men
still have this delusion and don't understand the thermodynamics of the
power vacuum. For as long as men are deluded by the lie of the power of
voting, they will forever be hamsters. The desire to collectivize creates
a Coasian barrier to maximum entropy. The globalists then are entrusted to
design in the creative destruction, which is precisely the destruction of
the nation-states ongoing. You see while the nation states die and head
towards world government, the entropy routes around the Coasian barrier
into the technology arena, e.g. the crypto-currency era is born. In other
words, the only thing that has ever worked are frontiers that route around
the desire of stupid men to collectivize their votes. From the Biblical
perspective, the astute insight (whether God exists is irrelevant to
whether the lesson is astute) God tried to teach men this in 1 Samuel 8,
but men did not listen. So God said let them have their government and
reap what it will sow. 1 Samuel 15 was a fulfillment of the outcome of
such a Coasian barrier.

Quote from: Armstrong
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you
refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that
they insist even Hillary Clinton admitted they do nothing without
consulting them. It just seems absurd that these people point to such all
powerful groups who control the world in unison yet they cannot agree in
Congress. Are they blind to human nature? My field is psychology. What
they suggest is impossible for no such group would ever have a perpetual
consensus. Congress, U.N., and the EU parliament illustrate this fact of
life. Do you think human nature could possibly be different for such
groups? Seems impossible for me.

QUESTION: The very law firm O’Melveny & Myers that destroyed your company
and lied that you were managing money when you were buying portfolios
attended the Bildeberg meeting in 2006. Was there no connection?

QUESTION: Does the European elections show the agenda of the Bildebergs is
collapsing? Do you really think a one-world government could ever exist?

ANSWER: This idea of a one-world government has zero chance of ever
unfolding. Human nature will never allow a single one-party government
worldwide. To accomplish even such an attempt, it would ONLY happen after
World War III emerging then from the ashes like Bretton Woods and the
original purpose of the Bildeberg meetings. Honestly, it certainly seems
that someone has sold an idea ahead of its time and that distracts people
and the press from investigating the real threat – the government agenda
to eliminate democracy and the prevailing political corruption.

It is government on the ropes. The Sovereign Debt Crisis is closing in.
Nobody can stop this outcome. They are hunting money because they are dead
broke and the stress is showing everywhere. Just wait for the pension
crisis and we will see the unions acting like the Roman army sacking
cities to pay their pensions.

Nevertheless, the agenda of the conspiracy-buffs to blame the Bildebergs
to protect the politicians and the real evil in society is starting to
lose ground. The conspiracy-buffs seem to be paid to put out this stuff
tying strings of statements together with no hard evidence to pretend
someone other than government is in charge. Well, the European elections
have shown that agenda is not working. As long as they can blame the
Bildebergs, that allows politicians to run and claim their will protect
society. It is a great scam.

The world government already exists, but not yet in the open. THE DEEP
STATE is already the defacto government. You have written about its

You contradict yourself. You state elite groups can't cooperate, yet you
admit the very powerful DEEP STATE exists. What you fail to incorporate
into your logic is the thermodynamic fact that organisms (even in a Petri
dish) can be incentivized to cooperate within a Coasian barrier by some
common survival or profit strategy. Did Thatcher win on the EU? No! The
Bilderbergs and the DEEP STATE won.

You only see the creative destruction of the nation-states as the
invisible hand. The elite power structure is a natural Coasian result and
it isn't invisible. It exists. You even admitted it exists. You think the
DEEP STATE is temporary, yet it has been there since the time of the Kings
and it is growing more and more intrusive and powerful.

You should go listen to Hillary speak on Youtube where was speaking at the
CFR so you can correct your erroneous assumption.

As the nation-states collapse in the sovereign debt crisis, the borrower
is slave to the lender, and the defacto government will transitioned to
the official government. The EU Commission is an early example of this
open form of dictatorship that already exists in THE DEEP STATE.

Nobody is paying me even one penny to write these emails to you. Don't
blame your ignorance on alleged malice of those who are smarter than you,
because you look like a fool barking at shadows of yourself.

You were not inside the curtain of THE DEEP STATE. You were only inside
the political curtain slightly, and not enough to know all the inner
workings of THE DEEP STATE which is indeed controlled by the globalists.
You've never even attended Council of Foreign Relations insider meetings.
You are not even a lowly ranked member?

It is much too late to reform. Voting failed. THE DEEP STATE was the
result of voting.

Voting now is all about a manipulated game of the globalists that will
legitimize their control in an official way. This has all been planned out
and the uprisings are proceeding according to the globalist agenda

The people will be fooled into thinking they had risen up against
corruption. And in that process the sheeople will actually legitimize the
defacto dictatorship that is running the world now.

The real evil are naive men who don't understand thermodynamics and thus
don't understand that collectivized voting is the problem. And you sir,
are one of the sheep.

I include below some anonymous communications from a female. Aren't you
ashamed of yourself sir, that a female is more analytically astute than
you. That should be the forte of a man.

I explained it the following way in 2010 when I correctly predicted the EU
would not disintegrate:

Quote from: AnonyMint
Europe will not disintegrate

Coase’s theorem says that an inefficient internal order will continue for
as long as there remains an unavoidable frictional barrier insulating it
from the more efficient external possibilities. The fundamental reason the
EU crisis will not result in a disintegration of the union, at least not
until its people significantly abandon collectivism, is that organisms
which are unable to comprehend the mechanism by which they are consuming
resources faster than their ecosystem can replenish, thus are unable to
stop the mechanism before they perish. So the implosion of the friction
and thus the order only occurs when they perish, because they will
continue to repeat the mechanism which they do not understand to be a
cause of their suffering. This can be verified in a petri dish, as an
organism will reproduce until it consumes all of its food or oxygen. Due
to the lack of a pre-frontal cortex, it is unable to comprehend the
connection of reproduction to unsustainability. Unfortunately, even though
humans have a pre-frontal cortex, they do not comprehend that debt,
insurance, bonds, fractional reserve money, and centralized governance,
cause the demand (and thus production) of resources to be overconcentrated
in sectors of the ecosystem that create a less productive future. In the
next section, I will explain that these financialization mechanisms cause
collective failure and thus demand ever increasing centralization (i.e.
“too big to fail”), because from their inception they all pool capital.
Thus they are always collectivism.

    “It amazes that otherwise bright people can’t understand the simple
concept that economic collapse doesn’t convert collectivists into

Thus the people are blind to the mechanism which is enslaving them and
reducing their prosperity. Thus, since they will not change the mechanism,
centralization of governance will grow stronger from the current financial
crisis, and will diminish only when the involved organisms perish. Entropy
is continuously culling the center of the bell curve so that knowledge can

nothing new for you and I but the picture made me laugh.

Yeah, but he's still a blowhard idiot.  He knows just enough layered
propaganda to
rationalize a fantasy world view.
I recently attempted to combat this Russia as the clever underdog rival BS by
pointing out that the Russian government (to include Putin) was implicated
in a
number of false flag attacks blamed on the Chechens to justify a brutal
As you probably recall, whistleblower Alexander Litvinenko was murdered via
radioactive polonium.
As I said before the Saudi Russian threat was staged theater, a Hegelian
KSA was being framed as a dangerous rogue nation to take the fall for the
of Al Qaeda and the eventual end of the petrodollar.  Ludicrous assertions by
Zionist gatekeeper writers such as Michael Snyder included a narrative
that KSA had
been blackmailing the US in the Syria affair to support terrorism was
going to
punish the US for not bombing Syria by abandoning the sale of oil for
dollars.  Can
you imagine?  It was so ridiculous that the psy op had to be abandoned for
Russia and China as faux antagonists theme.
When the USSR broke apart, the first phase of Operation Gladio, the
massive US/NATO
false flag operation, switched gears and as part of that process a
political purge
in Turkey resulted in the several high ranking Turkish generals fled to
These defecting Turkish generals told the Russia everything about Gladio.
If the
Russians had revealed this information to the world, the US and European
foundations would have been shaken down to their cores.  Not a word from the
Russians.  This situation is well known in US intelligence circles, as
revealed in
detail by US FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.
During the height of the Syrian conflict, the NY Times featured a Putin
indicative of the international coverage his statements on US involvement
in the
conflict was getting in prominent media sources.  He could have easily
brought up
the history of Al Qaeda as a direct CIA creation and how the US government
and its
allies were still actively funding, arming, and training the supposed
behind the 9/11 attacks.  Again, not a word.
Finally, I believe I recently told you about the Russian intelligence
in the assassination of the what was nearly the entire Polish government and
national banking leadership after they refused to work with the IMF.
Russia is in a state of deep capture as much as the US is.  The only
difference is
the US is the still the power center of the NWO, esp. in its role as military
hegemon and ultimate global mafia enforcer.
I've mentioned also that Brandon Smith, a very good young Libertarian-minded
business writer and NWO researcher, has also been proving the case that
Russia is in
the tight grip of the NWO and the West vs. East meme is an elite op.  He
touched upon this theme again in a recent article that featured insightful
speculation on the Euroclear purchase of US debt. You should skim this one.
It's the alt-market link directly below.

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: EU plan was not a failure, the nation-states are destroyed
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Mon, May 26, 2014 11:20 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
The people of Europe never agreed to the Federalization
of Europe. The politicians thought they were clever and would sneak this
agenda in little by little. I have stated that they came to me at the
start of design. I told them flat outright the euro would fail unless
there was the nationalization of all member debts. They did not think they
could get the support for that at the time and pushed forward creating a
federal bureaucracy and a single currency. The design was a disaster and
warned them at that time the euro would fail. Without a consolidation of
the member debts, the euro could NEVER compete against the dollar nor
become the reserve currency lacing a deep market to park money.

The bureaucrats were given the ideology and agenda you saw on the public
face of it, but the globalist damn well knew they were creating it to fail
on purpose, because they knew the nation-states of Europe would be
destroyed by it and no longer able to return to sovereignty.

It is no longer reversible for economic reasons. To reverse it would be
mean too much pain for European boomers who are too old to fight and

The globalists' plan is working out as planned.

Yet you only see the public face it. You are fooled by the magician's
illusion, i.e. you are a sheep and can only see the ass of the sheep in
front of you.
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1057
May 26, 2014, 10:21:30 AM
I'm not far away from thoughts that Dark Enlightenment is a doomsday cult.

Funny, I have similar feelings about all political parties too! Smiley
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
May 26, 2014, 08:39:33 AM
I'm not far away from thoughts that Dark Enlightenment is a doomsday cult.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 26, 2014, 04:11:15 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Armstrong stumbles onto the truth and still can't admit it
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Mon, May 26, 2014 4:09 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
Russia is starting to fight back with leaking the
evidence that the USA has worked with terrorists and knew about 911 if not
help the terrorists organize the attack:

The Saudi’s have controlled the terrorists and threatened Russia that
their Olympic Games would be safe only if they agreed to the Saudi terms.
It was the very terrorists being armed by the USA to take down the Syrian
government. The Saudi connection and the USA was exposed with the Syria
attempted invasion.

I reported that on the Benghazi Connection. The reliable story I got from
behind the curtain was that John Christopher Stevens was supplying arms to
the Syrian Rebels – terrorists we hated so much. That is why he was killed
and the US had to step back and cover that up because the truth would
expose the terrorist connection and how they used them for political
purposes. I have stated all along there was an admixture here for it did
not make sense.


There is already evidence that this is how government functions all the
time. They point to the rich, but then hunt wires of $3,000. The
multinational companies can keep their money offshore, but individuals
cannot. This is the real world. It is all about money and retaining power.
We do not need private groups. The real culprits are right before your
eyes with the guns and tanks. Why invent undefined secret private groups
behind the scenes who pull their strings. He who has the tanks makes the

History always argues against these conspiracy theories. It has ALWAYS
been government without a single exception throughout all of history.
Never has some private group overpowered government. It is always
government – look no further. Even if there was some private group, if
they are that powerful, there is NOTHING someone could do so do not vote
and let the real culprits retain power. That seems to be the purpose of
creating sinister shadow groups to protect government and those who run it
inside. Sorry – I just do not trust anyone who advocates such extremes for
they could be doing so for money.

The Bilderbergs and members of the Council on Foreign Relations are the
government dimwit. All political leaders are members, and even Hillary
Clinton admitted the White House always consults with them.

Correct voting has never and will never change the fact that elected
others to make decisions is a power vacuum. Why is it so hard for you to
understand this simple concept which has been proven over and over in
history to be the only case.

Never has it changed. Never has humanity escaped from this power vacuum.
The only solution has always been escape to a frontier.

And yes the multi-nationals are part of that web of power structure that
is above the law, because they are the same people as I showed you
(several times) with the newscientist link.

Quote from: Armstrong
This is the political unrest brewing. What will be
interesting is that with so many Eurosceptics, will they FORCE political
change and take the dictatorship AWAY from the European Commission.

Even those in the Bilderberg meetings who once thought a single currency
would end world war are starting to see that the euro is promoting civil
war rather than international war. It is time the rest of us start to wake
up and see the world for what is really going on.

The political unrest will appear to reform the system but in reality the
same people will still be in control.

Farange and Thatcher were not able to stop the power vacuum. The people
will rise up and fall right into the lap of the power structure as you saw
in Ukraine.

The people can't escape from cancer by perpetuating the power vacuum of
collective action. The only escape from a disease is to escape from the
cause of the disease.

VOTING IS THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE. It is a collective of power, thus a
power vacuum. Why does an animal hunt? Because it must eat. Why does a
bank robber rob banks? Because that is where the money is. When ever there
exists a harvestable resource, it will be harvested.

VOTING transfers power from the individual to the top-down collective.

Only decentralized actions on frontiers are empowering to the individual.

Learn some thermodynamics please!
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 25, 2014, 04:43:31 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Example of a pompous idiot
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Sun, May 25, 2014 4:42 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
People attribute systemic manipulation with some sort of
dark sinister goal that runs for decades. Global-Elitists who want to
dominate the world as if this is some James Bond movie or Doctor Evil from
the Austin Powers series. The people behind these conspiracy plots get so
angry at me saying they are wrong. Not that there is no manipulation, just
that it is NOT systemic with long-term goals.


These conspiracy-buffs can say I am wrong and there really are these dark
sinister groups who want to dominate the world. They have NOTHING but
speculation to support their claims. I was there. I have had a front row
seat and fought against this trend all along. There is ABSOLUTELY NO such
dark sinister force with long-term goals. This has ALWAYS been show me the
money – NOW! NOT 25 years from now.

Why these conspiracy-buffs insist I am wrong with ZERO experience is
beyond me. The bankers moved from one manipulation to the next. They could
care less what the instrument even was at that time. It was all about
being profitable every year. That’s it – not 50 years down the road. I
remain skeptical of those who say I am wrong and point to undefined groups
with grand designs. This has allowed the bankers to operate in plain view
for I believe they were the very source of those conspiracy theories.


The bankers seized control of the Treasury and then used that position to
lobby creating the ability to sell their toxic debt derivatives to
European banks. The memo is floating around the Web dated November 24,
1997. I can confirm this was the strategy since at the time I even owned a
brokerage house I was asked to bailout originally owned by the French
bank. I am fully aware of that change back in 1995 that was maneuvered
through the WTO at the time. This memo was merely allowing derivatives to
be sold around the world exported from NYC. That was phase II after
getting rid of Glass Steagall. This is how things were really done. There
are no grand schemes. It is all about the money here and now – to hell
with the future.

How many times in the past I have challenged Armstrong to answer whether
he is privy to the exact discussions at for example Bilderberg and
Trilateralist group meetings.

Yet he claims he is "there" and knows everything.

I have challenged him to answer why these meetings are not conducted in
public, given that cartels are illegal.

I have asked Armstrong to explain why for example the Rockefeller
foundation has been funding environmentalism bullshit. Why Rockefeller was
involved in the creation of the League of Nations and then the U.N. (he
even provided the location in New York) subsequently the 1972 Convention
of Human Environment.

I have asked him to explain why these globalists were funding the
Communist revolutions as documented by Anthony Sutton's impeccable
research which followed the money trail.

Let's not forget how Rockefeller gained a monopoly with Standard Oil by
gaining influence of regulatory planning and placement of rail lines.
Government capture is always essential for the multi-nationals. Buffet for
example needs regulatory licenses for his Geico insurance business.
Multi-nationals always weave a web of control because it is the best
insurance policy for their continued profits.

Of course these bastards are allowed run amok and not be concerned about
the future. The nation-state financial systems are always a resource to be
exhausted, crashed, and restarted anew. And always it is by their hand of
control that the renewal is formed.

What is the use of debating a pompous idiot? Why should I bother to
construct an elaborate and detailed rebuttal? He would ignore it any way,
as he continues to do.

Follow this idiot at your own peril.

I am done with him.

hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 24, 2014, 06:01:47 AM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Articulation of the globalist objective
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Sat, May 24, 2014 6:01 am
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

Quote from: Armstrong
Then there are those who claim it is the Global-Elitists
who control everything from wars to whatever for some dark sinister
objective THEY REALLY CANNOT ARTICULATE. Between these two extremes lies
the simple truth – it has always been immediate profits trading against
clients. That is standard. Being a major hedge fund manager I speak with
experience, not visions, speculations, and claims.

Liar. I have articulated the globalist motive and objective to you several
times. As I said, every time you write disingenuously, I lose more of the
immense respect I had gained for you. Why can't you rise to respectful
standard of discourse? That is why I resort to frustration words such as

The relatively few number of globalists through their documented web of
ownership as follows:

Have a motive to capture government and also to prevent competition. You
yourself have written about how only multi-nationals can do business
abroad now and American small businessmen are locked out by the capital
controls put in place by 9/11 and FACHA.

They are consolidating top-down control with a strategy of aiding and
abetting corruption of the nation-state institutions (e.g. Goldman Sachs
hid Greece's financials with derivatives to help worsen their sovereign
debt crisis), which will cause the global population to accede to reform
which will involve globalized institutions for transparency of
nation-states. For example, there will end up one international trade
currency, which the other nation-state currencies will float against. And
you Martin have even advocated this outcome!

One the multi-nationals get their tentacles on these globalized
institutions, they will truly have achieved taxation and government
without representation. We will be effectively ruled from far away and our
nation-state governments will just be figureheads, e.g. like the European
Parliament wherein the European Commission really has all the power.

Just because you can't take the time to weave all the pieces of the puzzle
together and you only want to base your assertions on your limited scope
of what you directly see and hear as a hedge fund manager, doesn't mean
you are correct.

You should know that not sampling some data doesn't make your statistical
conclusions complete.

I am not going to repeat all my prior information which I emailed you
documenting all the support data and puzzle pieces.

If you choose to be ignorant, that is your prerogative. But you are
committing an egregious sin by propagating your bias as fact to a very
important audience.
hero member
Activity: 518
Merit: 521
May 24, 2014, 05:42:57 AM
Cross posting...

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Weary of irrational biases
From:    AnonyMint
Date:    Thu, May 22, 2014 11:53 pm
To:      "Armstrong Economics" <[email protected]>

I don't understand your posts.

What, specifically, is your disagreement with Armstrong?

Go to the end of the Dark Enlightenment and Max Max threads in the Politics & Society forum for more history on my debate with him. Also the thread on designing a perfect society.

Armstrong thinks we can reform politics. I am saying politics always ends up in Totalitarianism. The only thing that has saved mankind every time is a frontier. Before it was geographical escape (e.g. birth of the U.S.A.) and cash (e.g. gold), but now those frontiers are being closed. So we only have crypto-currency (and internet businesses perhaps even anonymously, e.g. programming work,  to escape Totalitarianism) remaining as a frontier.
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