Just wanna share some infos with you guys about the Zig Z1
But i also have some questions...
User Inetrface
First of all, i like it. Lots of information, options and easy to understand.
What i don't like, is the fact that the temerature does not refresh and it's impossibible that the temp does not change.
Du you guys have this issue too?
I had to change the IP range of my router from 192.168.0.xxx to 192.168.1.xxx to find the miner in my home network.
I you leave it on DHCP (dynamic ip), you have to search the miner almost each time after a reboot or disconnect.
For that you can access you router to check the new IP of the miner. Or you can use a tool. I use "Baikal Monitor"
It's pretty easy to use and you don't need to install it. Just double click the exe file and it starts. Works for Baikal, Bitmain and Dayun miner.
A known issue (at least for my miner) is that it changes the ip, even if you set a static ip after you unplug the powersupply.
I the use the "Baikal Monitor" to finde the new IP. The i can access ist again...
The funny part about this is, that when i check the network settings of the miner, it shows the static ip that i set.
No idea why it just takes another IP. So i only have to hit the "Save And Restart Miner" button for the network settings and then it boots with the right IP.
Do you guys have this issue too?
Settings - Options: Auto Restart Miner and Auto Stop Miner
Before you do some changes here, make sure to set te refresh rate (to find on the same page) at 120-180 sec or higher.
I you change the settings and this page does a refresh before you hit "save", then you lose all settings and have to to it again...
Option: Auto Restart Miner
Higher HW Counting In 30 Sec
For me, this is the most importat setting here. I set it somwhere between 50-60%
So if my miner starts to generate some HW (hardware) errors and they exceed the 50-60% that i set, then the miner restarts.
Still not sure what exactly a HW error is. But as far as i understand it, it's wehn the chips start to fail and send totally wrong results or no results at all.
Not to be confused with %-Rejected rates.
Lower Hashrate in 5 Min
If the avarage hashrate drops below 4Gh/s in a time of 5 mins, the miners just restarts.
It's also a good thing to activate.
Option: Auto Stop Miner
Higher Core Temperature
I also recommand to activate this option. I set it 60°C (140°F)
What it does? It stops the miner if it overheats...
Lower FanSpeed In/Out
I think i set it between 65-70%
So if a fan goes below this value (risk of overheating) the miner stops.
ASIC Status
To get near the 6.8GH/s, all the chips on the "ASIC Stauts" page have to be green.
Here is what i do if they are not:
Go on the Settings page and just hit the "Save and Restart Miner" button.
Check after 2-3 mins on the "ASIC Status" page if its better. If not...hit that "Save and Restart Miner" button again.
Again, go check after 2-3 mins on the "ASIC Status" page if its better. If not, try this tome the "Save and Restart Machine" button.
Now wait 5mins and then check the "ASIC Status" page. If its's better...good, if not, pull the plug from the PSU and wait 10-15min.
Pull the plug back in and wait...
Again, check the "ASIC Status" page...if it's not better, repeate the steps above.
Sometime i need "only" 15 mins to make the chips all green.
One time it took my almost 1h...but it works.
Sometimes some chips need more time to turn from black to green.
So if most chips on a card are green and just a few black, i just wait 2-3mins and then they turn green.
Do you guys have this issue too?
And what do you do to make it work?
ASIC Status and Hashrate
All chips are green but you get 0GH/s on one card on the mainpage? (Local Miner Details)
Wait or manually refresh the page after 30 sec. Hashrate for this card back to normal? Good...no problem.
A good way to see if something is wrong is to check the AC value of the cards: Mainpage Local Miner Details
The AC value shows you the acceptet shares for each card.
If the difference is to big, then you know that one or more crads ar not working at full speed or not working al all even if alle chips are green.
The AC value of the 4 card should be the "same": +/- 5%
Well, that's it for now...