even the strongest government lives in a situation of checks and balances against not only the people that are complicit in its bullshit system, but the other governments worldwide that exist and hold power.
As I explained in my prior post, all the people of the world are deluded (or at least divided and multifaceted priorities) in ways that hand the power to the powers-that-be. You don't seem to grasp or be aware of the undeniable fact of
Iron Law of Collective Political Economics.
Have fun with your ideological idealism, but it has no basis in history or actual outcomes. You
pontificate without fact checking.
Thus your opinions are useless ideological ranting. Erect a soap box and blabber to yourself while pedestrians ferry by you unfazed, oh the drool. Meanwhile serious business folks and software developers will remain focused on reality as it actually is.
Should classical government come to the conclusion that mining pools act as "Money Transmitting Businesses,"
They can also rule they (mining pools and Bitcoin itself) act as "Money Laundering" vehicles, because one can use cash to buy mining equipment and then convert that into Bitcoins, or buy Bitcoins directly with cash. Thus AML (Anti-Money Laundering) law can be applied. One of the requirements for AML is KYC (Know Your Customer). So this means every user has to be identified.
Can you please stop the bullshit? Do you enjoy deluding yourself?
They would not want to move very fast on regulation, because they want all of you to remain deluded for as long as possible, and so will act only when it is time to take all your wealth (when the shit hits the fan global collapse ensues[1]).
there is effectively zero initiative and zero precedent for any governmental or intergovernmental agency to act upon it.
Fuck were you born yesterday. Seriously man, have you not observed how KYC is applied every where in the world today, when it wasn't applied before 9/11.
Mr. testicles (so hilariously named that if his testicles WERE made of this unusually heavy element they would almost instantaneously disintegrate, leaving him with zero malehood)
The name has worked perfectly to induce you to sign up a newbie account to hide your original forum identity, so as to reveal the EGO insecurity you have. So who has testicles?
Many other arguments ("why are you posting on a forum instead of developing solutions"
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9715392https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9692846https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.9715758"why are you responding and allowing insufficiently technical discussions to further increase your own intelligence and credibility when there are apparently critical issues to take care of")
EGO insecurity.
You are apparently technically incapable of perceiving the level of technical acumen on display (not only by me, e.g. I can't take credit for Armstrong's work, smooth's help on understanding ring signatures, and gmaxell's help on understanding Winternitz optimization).
also elude to his one-sided, egoistic view of the world.
Ignore Armstrong's ECM model's predictions at your peril. See the Mad Max thread in Politics and Society forum for details.