Blindly following the trust is a HUGE issue. There is no way to even know if the same person is truly in control of the account any more at the end of the day, and purporting otherwise is disingenuous and only harms the people it was designed to protect most, the newer users. It is at its best little more than a notification system for people to warn others of suspect behavior, and at worst a system of protecting organized crime and mobbing cliques.
"The only people you see complain are mostly the ones that have actually been caught with doing something bad.."
That sounds like something dirty cops say when some one tries to get the cop to follow the law too... the rules are for thee and not for me.
Could you give me a few examples?
There are rules set for this forum, as well as guidelines. If they are not followed and a new member gets negative trust for something that was against that, is it not deserved? I'm not really sure that it affects as many people as you paint it out to be.
I'd also like to request an example of organized crime that is being protected by the current trust system as that sounds like a conspiracy theory at best.
Do you want an example? Read this if you have some spare time and patience:
Curiously it was just ignored.