You and I know that Virtacoin is a great coin with great potential. But very few others know this.Who are our potential wallet holders?
How do we spread the word effectively?
What incentive can we use to get them to open a wallet?
Where do we advertise to be most effective?
If any of us were willing to use solo ads, who and what group of people would we aim the adds at to get the most for our buck? Any Ideas?
Ex. I do not think aiming them at a Pet group would do any good. Waste of money.
Everyone else lives in an "attention economy", where they are constantly being bombarded by messages (whether it is 50 or more or less per day doesn’t really matter). So, if you're not able to explain The advantages of Virtacoin in eight seconds, you’re fighting an uphill battle.
What can we do effectively to get them to click that link that takes them to there Virtacoin Wallet?.
But it all starts with your objective. Once you understand your target customer, you need to settle on what you want to do. Who are our target customers? If we could turn Bitcoin enthusiasts into Virtacoin customers, that would be a good start. We would still need to give them some kind of incentive for them to get there Virtacoin Wallet. Any Ideas?
Merry Christmas too all.