Hi ColorlessK,
Thanks for the updates.
So when are we going to get paid???
Thank you for understanding.
Give him max 60 days for it. They dont want to put specific time for it.
Thank you, don't worry, all of the forms will be checked and spammers will be disqualified.
Bounty Campaign is now over. Please allow at least a week for me to verify all the spreadsheets and validate submissions, get rid of scammers and calculate stakes. Allow up to 60 days for the payment for Bounties to be paid. Thank you for everyone who participated in the project. We will try to finish this faster than that, but I don't want to give you a short estimation and then not respect it
Hey Shahrul09,
I read that comment about 4 days ago!
And who are you anyway to answer the question that is not belong to you???
60 Days is kinda long for us... So, keep your mouth shut and let the "ColorlessK" answer our question.
Thank you for understanding.