Also from me a sincere happy birthday for the eMark!
Maybe we can give the eMark new functionality and a support team as birthday present! 8)
@ Alicea :: My guess is that we haven't seen the best of eMark yet ;D
yepp, it seems you're spot on, guys!!
About that "birthday present": in order to increase worldwide appeal what would you guys think of putting together a REALLY GOOD presentation that includes E-mark information in multiple languages; anyone interested in supporting this/contributing additional languages?
(Also, some PROPER German is needed in the first place; that thing that's currently out there is R-U-B-B-I-S-H really, poor style, not-so-good presentation logic, written by high-school dropouts or something, it seems, totally embarrassing anyway. I know, "Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache" -- but maybe even a few more native German speakers should get it one day: it needs to be **die** Coin oder **die Münze** (not at all "der", look it up in your own darn Duden thing out there, in order to name just one example).
We could add a lot to make this more attractive. Even the legal (and tax) framework is in existence inside Germany with that rather favourable ruling Frank Schäffler squeezed out of the Bundesfinanzministerium by way of "Erlaß" in August 2013 that **all** Crypto coin profits are tax-free for individuals if a 12-month cooling-off period or "Spekulationsfrist" is observed. (Some "tax gift" if done properly!)
Maybe e-marks could be polished up even further to add worldwide appeal, old-German-mark-style, even though a PoS reward or "interest" of just 3% p. a. doesn't compare too favourably with, say, Mintcoin. Rate-of-exchange increases could make up for it though, particularly in light of last weeks' movements!