missed the livestream. Will there be some sort of writeup too? (I know it would be quite huge)
Of course ;-)
This is the summary of the live session which took place last saturday. I tried to stick to the official agenda and there might be one or two points missing but the guys packed that half an hour full with information which makes it not easy to sum this up.
Link to the video:
https://youtu.be/WmT3dBgm9NMIntroduction of all core-membersNastja Deines (best looking team member making artwork and design)
Enes Kayali (frontend developer whos rather working than talking)
Kaan Hamarat (the boss himself)
Kevin Collmer (lead developer)
Moritz Heimberg (the one doing masternode hosting and shared masternodes)
ZeroCoin ImplementationWhat is ZeroCoin? What are the Pros and Cons? Is it optional? Which problems we were facing implementing it? When will ZeroCoin be available?
Zerocoin is ready! Its smoothly running on the testnet right now. There is some serious testing ongoing as it’s a protocol level implementation which could potentially screw up the whole blockchain. It will be released with the Liberio wallet latest. The team plans to release the protocol 1 or 2 weeks earlier with a new version of the Qt wallet.
Its faster, better and stronger than the actual coin mixing implementation. It will be the most recent version of the protocol with all the fixes implemented the other coins had problems with and some additional fixes by Kevin which leads the team to name it “zerocoin+”.
Coinfolium Major UpdateWhat changes we made at the frontend? What changes were done at the backend? What about already existing portfolios at the current website version? What is coming in the future?
Coinfolium is almost done. Now running with a complete discrete database full of crypto data which will enable coinfolium to offer a lot more statistics and indights into the coin than before. Coinfolium will be a lean product which can be compared to the bigger players who provide portfolio managers and is inspired by and built for traders. With the already existing fanbase of coinfolium atm there is a lot to come in the future with this “planet” within the ALQO ecosystem.
Existing portfolios will be easily imported and also the classic (legacy) version will be available though they do not think it will be used very often anymore.
Community-ManagerWhy we need more Community-Manager? What is their daily job? Did they get paid?
We definitely need more community managers as there is a constant inflow of new members into the community. Also to keep the chats clean of trolls and people who are simply not beneficial to the whole community. The future plans are to hire these people for them to become members of the core team. At the moment these guys (incl. me) are doing it for free and at least for my side I can state that this completely OK ;-)
So if you are interested in doing something for ALQO this is definetely a place to jump into!
ALQO FundingWhat is the goal of the ALQO Funding project? What is going to be the first goal? Will the ALQO Funding project remain after the first goal?
Its decided to make the funding now instead of a developers fee. First target is 5BTC to get listed on coinexchange.io as they promised to give us a ALQO/BTC and ALQO/ETH pair for this amount of listing fee. Secondly there will be the funding of the listing fee for the next exchange. Funding will later also be used for advertising and marketing campaigns.
Governance (Voting System)How is it going to work? When is the voting system going to be available?
Will be implemented soon and will work pretty easy as its built into the liberio wallet. You will have “vote points” according to your balance and you can distribute these vote points to the vote options you have for a topic.
DevFeeAre we still planning on a "developer"-fee? What are the pros and cons about develooper-fees in general? Why did we decide to try the ALQO Funding project first?
It has been decided not to introduce a dev fee. The way to go is funding first and if it will not work out then there needs to be another round of discussion around it but earliest when the governance system is 100% rolled out!
ExchangesAre there any news? How many exchanges we are in contact right now? When is the next listing on a top50 exchange going to happen? Who paid for the listing-fee?
Team is on contact with 2 big exchanges (TOP50) whereas one will list ALQO in the end of February. Funding for this exchange will be asked for after the 5BTC have been raised for coinexchange.io.
LiberioWhats the current progress? When it will be released?
Will be released in the end of February (date: feb 17th) with a major update! Liberio UI/UX is finished by 90%. Backend is ready so there is not much time needed anymore. There are going to be some screenshots available in the next days.
TestNet ReleaseWhy are we releasing a testnet? When it will be released? How far the testnet will be ahead of the stable-branch?
Many community members and “outsiders” have asked about the missing commits in our github stable branch. Testnet was up to now kept privately but will released to the public in the next days. At the moment the testnet is probably 4 weeks ahead of the stable branch. Zerocoin is running and parts of liberio are in it already and you will be able to contribute to the testnet as soon as it is released.
BitfineonWhats the current progress? When Bitfineon will be published? Who will be invited to test the demo-version?
Will be the biggest planet in the ALQO ecosystem. We are making progress – there is going to be some bitfineon snippets (like screenshots) in the next weeks. There will be a demo version with “fake balances and coins” for us to check out the system how the trade engine works and how fast the system actually is. There will be people invited to test the demo version out. Release is expected in the first weeks of march after the focus to liberio shifts towards bitfineon.
Fiat trading will not be released with the first version of bitfineon. Fiat will be implemented as soon as the EU has figured out their crypto regulations but is expected to be not that far behind the initial realease.
Release date is not fixed but nothing has been changed: Q3/Q4 is the plan.